
作者&投稿:浦廖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.Sorry,I dont know about that.Pls consult at the information counter.
4.Pls go down the first floor.
5.Pls go up the third floor.
6.In the district A.
7.In the district C.
8.You can go to the Service Center for a consultation on the spot .
9.Pls dont smoke!
10.Pls take care.
11.Pls keep safe for you possessions.
12.Wish you a pleasent journey.
13.Sorry,it's not allowed by my work.
14.I am a cadet, hope to have the opportunity to learn from you
15.This is my name card, please kindly accept it
16.Do u have any dissatisfactions?
17.I'll lead you to the information counter.
18.Convenience.Express.top grade.stolen.secuerity office.The Greenery.
19.to call the police if or not.


A:那去新疆怎样?我们可以和我哥哥一起自驾游.又有趣,又便宜,又刺激.Then what about xinjiang?We can drive by ourselves with my brother.It will be interesting,reasonable and fantastic!B:那我们就决定去那里吧.So,let us make our mind to go there!C:我们应该准备哪些东西呢?But what sha...

I stayed at my mother's home last week!2.去年的时候我还没有手机.i haven't got a mobile phone before last year!3.五年前我家还没有彩电 we haven't had a colorcast five years before 4.看!孩子们正在公园唱歌.Look!the children are singing in the park!5.明年春天我将和布莱克一...

1.你已经打过电话给他了吗?是的,我今天上午10:45打给他的.Have you called him yet?yes, i called this morning at 10.45.2.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们在原来的家里住了20多年了.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们从1980年就住在这了.The Zhang's are moving to their new home next m...

We all have great respect for that brave paratrooper.(have great respect for = admire)鲁莽的年轻人常常比较容易受骗上当。Impudent young people would be easily deceived.他忙于挣钱没能照顾年迈的双亲。He has been too busy making money to care for his elderly parents....

video cassette recorders录象机 1, 许多人对此书作出贡献,一些是直接的-例如作者、编辑等—而另一些是通过他们的鼓励和支持的间接贡献。成为本书的编辑是令人振奋的。要在12个月内完成作品成为一个奇迹。和这样的同事一起工作成为一种特权。我们衷心谢谢你们的参与。2,现在旅游业是欧共体的唯一最大的...

一群白蚁工人可以破坏的木制基础梁一小时在很短的时间。大多数白蚁已发现生活在非洲成功但少数物种已经迁移到其他国家。The use of metal and concrele instead of wood in building foundations has done much to prevent destruction by termites.使用金属和混凝土代替木材建筑基础中做了大量工作,防止破坏...

5.-我希望两小时后到家. -我也是.I hope I can get home in two hours.so do I.6.这两个年轻人已经结婚15年了.the young couples have been married for 15 years.7.最后她决定和TOM一起去参加聚会.at last she decided to join the party with TOM.8.我不会游泳,我姐也不会.I can ...

]. This thickness is best for the seed to sprout. But boxes with this paper thickness are a bit soft. The factory told me that if the paper is thicker, the sprout successful rate may decrease. Because we do not have thicker paper at the moment, we use this existing ...

Mary reads every moring. By doing that, she improved her spoken English.4.这件衣服对我来说太大了.能不能再拿一件给我.This shirt is too big for me, can you get me another one?5.我家离学校有20英里的距离.My home is 20 miles away from the school.6.在我有空的时候,我常...

Mirs :ことが适切でないと、少年はない、と私は彼女は仕事を见つけるの卒业と思うと、彼女の海外で使用するため何もしない研究している。日本に行っていたことを后悔はないのかもしれない彼女もしている。価格はもっとあそこに高価なだけでなく、何を借りる。お母さん:ええ、春祭り...

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位帮我翻译成英文. -
墨贤尼群: I believe that the animal has been a human partner. They're loyalty, they have courage, they are smart. They may even be able to sacrifice their own for the sake of mankind. So, why are so many animals died at the hands of human beings?we have ...

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下 -
墨贤尼群: 祖父正在树下给孩子们讲故事. Grandpa is telling a story to the children under the tree.我正在给我弟弟写信. I'm writing to my brother.(write直接可表示写信不用加letter)明天不是多云,明天有雨.Tomorrow will be rainy,not windy.It won't be windy but ...

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下 -
墨贤尼群: 1.Mary read the letter from Tom to me yesterday. 2.The next train is coming to Shanghai in two hours.3.Mr Wang has taught English in this school since 1969. 4.I will go on a vacation in July. 5.Tom slipped down the stairs injured in his feet. 6.Since he can't stand up, I want to call a doctor for him.

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下
墨贤尼群: Yesterday I bought in Shanghai Book City, the two dictionaries one in England, one in English. 2 There are many children in the park every week some painting, some play games. 3.Mary morning reading every day, so she learn spoken language ...

涉县18080333509: 各位麻烦帮我翻译下 -
墨贤尼群: 1、广东省惠州市惠城区马安镇马安村. Ma'an Village, Ma'an Town, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong Province2、猛发运动科技(惠州)有限公司Mengfa Sport Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位帮我翻译一下这句话,翻译成英语. -
墨贤尼群: I don't know whether I am useless or love her too much.I ofen change things easily after which has been decided.I think I will go to crazy if it turn out to be what I have not expected...I decided to bet it for three more momths with worry and fear!

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位帮我翻译一下下面的文字
墨贤尼群: 1. The trouble you can say that again? 2. Hard 3, sports education1 .お手数をもう一度言うことができるだろうか. 2 .苦労 3、体育教育1. 불편 해 주 실 수 있 습니까? 다시 말 2. 고생 3, 체육 교육1. Pouvez-vous répète troubles? 2.peuvent candidater à un diplôme de fatigue 3, l'éducation physique

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位帮我翻译一下?
墨贤尼群: 爱就意味着你永远不说抱歉

涉县18080333509: 英语翻译麻烦各位帮我翻译一下词组生命之城混浊之城秩序之城毁灭之城主城副城中立联盟还有一个自然之城 -
墨贤尼群:[答案] City of life City of darkness/disorder City of order City of destruction Main city Secondary city Neutral Alliance City of nature

涉县18080333509: 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下1.尽管他很忙,但是他还是设法到达了我们事先约好的地方.2.他冒险从大火中救出了几个受害者.3.Mr.Brand在他70岁时,... -
墨贤尼群:[答案] 1.Though he was very busy,he managed to reach the place that we had agreed on.2.He risked his life to save several people out of the big fire.3.Mr.Brand was very sound and health at seventy.

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