
作者&投稿:宗圣空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

different adj.
不同的 各别的, 差异的 [常作表语]
as different again 又大不相同(指向好处转变的差异)
as different as chalk from cheese (尽管外表相似)本质上完全不同
be different from 与...不同
be different to 与...不同
be different than 与...不同 The two boys are different in their tastes.
I don't like that dress, I want a different one.
It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.
Susan is different from / than / to Alice.
苏姗和爱丽丝不同。 difference n.
all the difference (in the world) 天渊之别, 大不相同
as near as makes no difference 没有多少差别
iron out the difference(s) 消除分歧
make a great difference 有很大差别, 有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响]
make a difference between 区别对待
make some difference to 对...有些[没有]关系
make no difference to 对...有些[没有]关系
make all the difference 关系重大, 大不相同
make all the difference in the world 关系重大, 大不相同
make a world of difference 关系重大, 大不相同
pay the difference 付差额金
meet the difference 付差额金
settle differences 调停
split the difference 妥协, 折中, 互相让步
the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee 几乎没有什么差别
What's the difference? 这有什么关系呢?
Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.

2、difference的意思是:差别;不同(之处);变化(之处);差额; 意见分歧; 不和;辨别;区分

The two boys are different in their tastes.
I can't see much difference in them.
My generation behaves differently from my father's.
读音:英 ['dɪfrənt]     美 ['dɪfrənt]
派生词: differently adv.
1、a different kettle of fish 另一码事;截然不同的人
2、be another/a different matter 另外一回事;又是一回事;另当别论
3、pull in different/opposite directions 目标迥异;各行其是
4、sing a different tune 改变观点(或态度);改弦易辙
5、tell a different story/tale 说的情况迥然不同
同义词:diverse various 【词义:不同的】
1、different adj. 不同的,不一样的
〔辨析〕强调事物之间的区别,侧重对比,英国英语口语中常用 different to, 而美国英语中则用 different than。
2、diverse adj. 各种各样的,不同的
3、various adj. 各种各样的,各种不同的

different adj. “不同的;相异的;分别的;各不相同的”。
difference n. “相异;差别;差别之处;歧见”
1. different 作形容词,常有下列含义及用法:
(1)“不同的;相异的”。例如 :That's quite a different matter.
(2)意为“各种不同的”。例如:They come from different countries.
2. difference 意为“差别;不同之处;分歧”,即可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,后面常跟介词 between。例如:
1)The difference between 8 and 15 is 7. (8与15的差数是7.)
2)There are many differences between the two languages.
3)They managed to settle their difference.
(1)(be)different (+ n.)from :“与······不同”。例如:
My house is different from yours in several ways.
(2)make a / some / no / any / not much / a large deal of difference :“有(颇有、没有、有何、没有多大、有很大)重要性”,例如:
It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.(你今天去或明天去没有多大关系。)
(DAVID 整理提供)

different adj.
不同的 各别的, 差异的 [常作表语]
as different again 又大不相同(指向好处转变的差异) as different as chalk from cheese (尽管外表相似)本质上完全不同
be different from 与...不同
be different to 与...不同
be different than 与...不同

The two boys are different in their tastes.
I don't like that dress, I want a different one.
It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.
Susan is different from / than / to Alice.

difference n.
all the difference (in the world) 天渊之别, 大不相同
as near as makes no difference 没有多少差别
iron out the difference(s) 消除分歧
make a great difference 有很大差别, 有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响]
make a difference between 区别对待
make some difference to 对...有些[没有]关系
make no difference to 对...有些[没有]关系
make all the difference 关系重大, 大不相同
make all the difference in the world 关系重大, 大不相同
make a world of difference 关系重大, 大不相同
pay the difference 付差额金
meet the difference 付差额金
settle differences 调停
split the difference 妥协, 折中, 互相让步
the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee 几乎没有什么差别
What's the difference? 这有什么关系呢?

Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.
The differences between manual labour and mental labour are diminishing in some developed countries.
There are many differences between living in a big city and living in the country.
I can't see much difference in them.
The difference between 8 and 2 is 6.

be different from 与...不同
be different to 与...不同
be different than 与...不同

all the difference大不相同
make a great difference 有很大差别,


1、different着重在事物之间的差别,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别;2、different后可接单数名词,也可接复数名词;The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease.两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。He's a different man from what he was 10 years ago.他和十年前...

一,词性不同 different是形容词,而difference是名词。二,意思不同 different表示不同的,而difference表示区别。例句:We human are different from animal.我们人类不同于动物。We have a big difference. 我们有很大的差异。三,用法不同 different作定语,表语等,而difference作主语,宾语等。例句:T...

"Different"和"Difference"是两个常见的英语词汇,它们在词义和用法上存在一些区别。"Different"(形容词)表示两个或多个事物之间的差异或不同之处。它用来描述相互之间的变化、特征、性质或者品质的不同。例如,“These two paintings are different in style”(这两幅画的风格不同)。"Difference"(...

1. different 作形容词,常有下列含义及用法:(1)“不同的;相异的”。例如 :That's quite a different matter.(2)意为“各种不同的”。例如:They come from different countries.2. difference 意为“差别;不同之处;分歧”,即可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,后面常跟介词 between。例...

一、词性不同 different是adj形容词(用来修饰名词和副词);differently是adv副词。1、He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.他并不后悔说了自己所做的事,但觉得本可以换一种方式表达。2、This recipe is certainly interesting and different....

different: [ 'difrənt ]a. 不同的 例句与用法:1. He's a different man from what he was 10 years ago.他和十年前不一样。2. He's very different from\/to his brother.他跟他哥哥很不同.3. This visit is very different from\/to last time.这次的访问与上次大不一样.4. ...

区别 1、词性不同 different是形容词,而difference是名词。2、意思不同 different表示不同的,而difference表示区别。例句:We human are different from animal.我们人类不同于动物。We have a big difference. 我们有很大的差异。3、用法不同 different作定语,表语等,而difference作主语,宾语等。...

一、词性不同 difference的词性是名词和动词。different的词性是形容词。二、意思不同 difference 英[ˈdɪfrəns]美[ˈdɪfrəns]n.差别;差异;不同(之处);变化(之处);差;差额;意见分歧;不和 vt.辨别;区分 different 英[ˈdɪfr&#...

different的用法 different 是形容词,一般用法 一.系动词和感官动词之后 如:1.The clours are different.颜色是不同的 2.I feel different.我感觉不同.(seem,look,smell,taste等)3.词组 (1)be different in 同种物体在颜色,大小等方面的不同.如 The cups are different in shape and colour....

different用作形容词,difference用作名词、动词,differently用作副词,三者之间的区别是:意思不同、用法不同 一、意思不同 1、different的意思是:不同的;差异的;分别的;各不相同的 2、difference的意思是:差别;不同(之处);变化(之处);差额; 意见分歧; 不和;辨别;区分 3、differently的...

东丽区15598141154: different和difference的区别 -
藩璧重组: 一,词性不同 different是形容词,而difference是名词. 二,意思不同 different表示不同的,而difference表示区别. 例句: We human are different from animal.我们人类不同于动物. We have a big difference. 我们有很大的差异. 三,用法不同 ...

东丽区15598141154: different 和difference用法和区别 -
藩璧重组:[答案] different adj. 不同的 各别的,差异的 [常作表语] as different again 又大不相同(指向好处转变的差异) as different as chalk from cheese (尽管外表相似)本质上完全不同 be different from 与...不同 be different to 与...不同 be different than 与...不同 ...

东丽区15598141154: different和difference的区别和用法 -
藩璧重组: different是形容词,修饰名词. be different from 与...不同 be different to 与...不同 be different than 与...不同difference是名词,词组通常是all the difference大不相同 make a great difference 有很大差别,lz2个单词词性不同 很大区别喔 我下面附的链接解释也不错 呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈 亲~新年快乐哈 如果满意~亲 记得采纳~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

东丽区15598141154: different和difference有什么不同? -
藩璧重组: different是形容词,不同的 difference是可是名词,不同点、不同的地方. 例如:My bike is different from his bike我的自行车与他的不一样. 例如:There are many differences between the kind-heart man and and the villian好人与坏人之间有很大的差别

东丽区15598141154: difference与different有什么区别 -
藩璧重组: 前为名词:差异 后为形容词:不同的

东丽区15598141154: different difference有什么区别,各怎么用? -
藩璧重组: different 是形容词啊 be different from sth 与...不同 difference 是名词啊 the difference between.A.and.B AB的不同

东丽区15598141154: 英语中的different和difference有什么差别 -
藩璧重组: different 的意思是“不同的”difference的意思是“不同点”

东丽区15598141154: different 和difference有什么区别 用法是什么 我分不清 为什么be动词后也用difference -
藩璧重组: different 作形容词,在be 动词后作表语. difference 作名词,主要用于there be 句型中作表语.

东丽区15598141154: difference和different有什么不同 -
藩璧重组: difference 名词,差别;动词,区别 different形容词,不同的

东丽区15598141154: different和difference有什么区别?
藩璧重组: different [ˈdifrənt] a.不同的;各别的,另外的;各种的 difference [ˈdifrəns] n.差别,差异;差,差额;(意见的)分歧 一个名词一个形容词

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