
作者&投稿:镡成 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think "naked marriages" is not a good idea, and too extravagant is not neither. The key point is the economic capacity. At least one honey moon travel should be taken even the money is not enough. As for where to travel is up to the money, anyway one person should have a good memory in the life.

It is always very quiet,which kind of quiet do you like.

1.Sitting in the beach,watching the sea and enjoying the sea breeze.

2.Waking in the rain without a umbrella.

3.Writing down my own feeling on the blog and and SNS websites.

To be in a daze in different ways.

To take a walk and listen to the music with a pair of earphone alone.

Readinng book and singing a song.

Do not know what shall I do,and do not want to do anything.

8.My lover and me are back to back,have nothing to say.

9.Put my head in my hand,and think about something.


The safekeeping in the zoo got three naughty boys who made troubles around Monkey Hill and took them to the director of the garden.

 The director of the garden was an old man who was a child-lover.

He asked the  boy  who seemed to be the biggest one ,"What's your name ?"

"My name is Zhang Xiaoming,"the boy said.

"What wrongdoing have you done?"

"I wanted to throw Peanut out to the Monkey Hill ."

"Oh ,it’s not a  big deal,"the director of the garden touched him graciously."You can go  home now,but bear in mind that don't do it again. "

At the moment  the safekeeping interrupted ,"No ,you should  notify his parents because ..."

The director broke in ,"There is no need to notify his parents .You just listen to me .Hadn't you  done a naughty thing  when you were a child? "

After hearing what the director of the garden said ,the safekeeping had to stop saying a word  in pique.

After Zhang Xiaoming went back home ,then the director asked the bigger  one ,"What about you ?"

"My name is Wang Xiaoqiang .Just like what Xiaoming has done ,I wanted to throw Peanut out to the Monkey Hill ,too."

"Do you know you shouldn't throw  things freely to feed animals?"the director said with smile ,

"Go  home now."

So Wang Xiaoqiang went home ,too.

 At the moment ,the director of the garden looked at the third child who was also the smallest one ,finding that he was still trembling like the showing of his coming.

The dtrector of the garden felt it was strange ,"What's your name ?Why are you afraid?"

"My ..my name is Peanut." the little boy  said  tremblingly .


The guards at the zoo near Monkey Mountain to seize three mischievous children, bring them to the director of the office.
The director is a very loving child old man.
He asked that looks the biggest kid:
May I have your name,please?
My name is Zhang Xiaoming. The child said.
" You do something bad?"
" I just want to put the peanut into on monkey mountain."
" Oh, this is not a big deal," the kindly feel Zhang Xiaoming's head. " Go home, remember not to do."
At this time the guards said:" no, should inform his parents, because of ... ..."
The interrupted him:" I say not, when you have done a naughty things?"
The guards had huffed do not speak.
Zhang Xiaoming, director and asked the second older child:" you?"
" My name is Wang Xiaoqiang, I told Xiao Ming, also want to put the peanut into on monkey mountain."
" You should not feed the animals to eat, you know?" Director smiled and said," go home."
So Wang Xiaoqiang went.
At that time, at third, the youngest children, found that he was just came in, trembling with fear.
The director is very strange:" what is your name? Why be afraid of that?"
" I ... ... My name is peanuts," the boy said and trembling.

The zoo‘s guards caught three trouble naughty child near the monkey hill , bring them to the principal's office.

The principal is a old man who very like young children
He asked that looks the oldest child:

"What's your name?"

"I called ZhangXiaoMing." The child said.

"What did you do in evil?"

"Just now I want to throw peanuts to the monkey mountain."

"Oh, this is not a big thing," the principal kindly touch ZhangXiaoMing's head. "Go home, rememberdon't do that later ."

By this time guard interrupted his words and say: "no, you should notice his parents, because......"

The principal interrupt his words: "I said not to need, you didn't do a naughty things in your child?"

Guards hadn't talk with angry.

ZhangXiaoMing has gone, the principal asked the second larger child: "what about you?"

"I called wangxiaoqiang, I with xiao Ming, also want to throw peanut to the monkey mountain ."

"You should not feed animals everything to eat, do you know?" The principal smiling and said, "you can go home."

So xiaoqiang wang also walked.

then he looking at the third, which is also one of the least of children, found that he was just came in like that, was shaking with fear.

The principal wonder: "what's your name ? How afraid to become that?"

"I...... I call peanuts," the child fear and trembling said.

Zoo security guard near the monkey Hill grasping three disruptive child, bring them to the Office of the Director.
  Director was a love child of the old man.
  He asked the maximum child:
  "What's your name? ”
  "My name is Zhang Xiaoming. "The boy says.
  "What did you do a bad thing? ”
  "I just wanted to throw peanuts on Monkey Hill. ”
  "Oh, this is not a big deal, isn't it," Director kindly feel Zhang Xiaoming's head. "Go home, remember don't do it at a later time. ”
  Security guards interrupted to say: "no, you should notify his parents because sth"
  Director to interrupt him: "I said no to no, when you were young did you not do something naughty? ”
  Guards had to bulging didn't say anything.
  Zhang Xiaoming, Director asked the second larger children: "what are you doing? ”
  "My name is Wang xiaoqiang, I spoke to Bob, would also like to throw peanuts on Monkey Hill. ”
  "You should not casually feeding stuff for animals to eat, you know? "The Director said with beaming," go home. ”
  So the King could go a little Johnny.
  Director looked at third and youngest child, found when he was just came in, was shaking with fright.
  Director wonder: "what's your name? How afraid like this? ”
  "For me My name is peanuts, "the child zhanjingdi said.

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1.Never pester someone reluctant to be disturbed by you,which might make both of you unhappy.2.Without prejudice to anyone and anything,never change your idea for the sake of others. Because who your parents,families,friends or your partner love is just you yourself.3.When you ...

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a lot of aces.Glad that you are fine there and wish your life to be more abundant and happier.Thanks for still remembering me,your old friend.I'm grateful for having known you and the time when we grow up together as well.参考资料:纯手工非翻译机,少错误,较通顺~!!!

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韶贝棠诺:[答案] Relevant departments to take measures to prevent the river being further polluted.

景宁畲族自治县19719056941: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我把:“你英语学的不错.”这句话翻译成英文. -
韶贝棠诺:[答案] You learn English very well. You have a good study of English. 都可以

景宁畲族自治县19719056941: 求英语高手帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢!
韶贝棠诺: you know what? i really can't forget about you, i don't know how you feel about me, perhaps no feelings. hehe, remember when i first sent you a message, said i like you but your reply was, "i also like having you as a friend". i don't know if you ...

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韶贝棠诺: 你好,很高兴认识你,不知你是否会中文?我英语不是很好,如果你不会中文我想我们沟通会遇到阻碍. 1.Hello, I am glad to meet you. Can you speak Chinese? My English is not very well. If you can't speak Chinese, I think we will meet with ...

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韶贝棠诺:[答案] Faster,higher,stronger

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韶贝棠诺: I'm sorry, I can't give up. I love you!!!!! I can't leave you, leave you, I will lose after to survive;

景宁畲族自治县19719056941: 英语翻译,跪请高手手译 -
韶贝棠诺: 1.don't try to talk me into buying the stuff.i know your are very persuasive. 2.this machine is better than that one in every aspect. 3.we are aware of the difficultu of dealing with him. 4.this small library is for the teachers only. 5.enclosed are my resume and three letters of reference.

景宁畲族自治县19719056941: 求英文高手帮忙翻译一下成英文. -
韶贝棠诺: I still loved you!No matter the meeting is a misunderstood!英文是要倒装句式,结果在前.请斟酌!

景宁畲族自治县19719056941: 请高手帮翻成英文 -
韶贝棠诺: I need them now, could you please send me as soon as possible?I recieved about 10 workdays can complete, complete after I sent to you again.

景宁畲族自治县19719056941: 跪求高手帮我翻译英语!
韶贝棠诺: I am very introverted, but sometimes I am also very outgoing. I like the Internet, I hope I can grow up as a computer programmer. My favorite sports are basketball, but I am not good at it, I hope I can play it well!

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