
作者&投稿:庄备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My car is cheaper than my neighbor's.
My question is more important than yours.
He has more English books than his sister.
The Diwang buiding is the tallest in Shenzhen.
The Hainan Island is the second largest islan in China.
She spends the most time on English in our class.
Li Ming is not as happy as his brother.

1.I can’t fINISH that work in such a hurry time.
2.Be pOLITE. Don’t shout at others. That’rude.
3.The DRAGON Boat Festival is for Qu yuan.
4.There is no space for you to get on the bus because it is very cROWDED
5.Take some mEDICINE and then you will be better.
1.Did your father drink a lot of wather just now?(作肯定回答)
Yes, he drank a lot of wather just now.
2.Its teeth were very sharp.(变为感叹句)
How sharp its teeth were!
3.Tom ate munch fruit.(反义疑问句)
Tom ate much fruit, didn't he?
4.They draw pictures (on the blackboard)(对括号部分提问)
Where do they draw the pictures?
WHAT do they DRAW on the blackboard?
5.You look tired.(变为否定句和一般疑问句)
You DON'T LOOK tieed.
DO you look tired?
6.Lin Tao is in (Grade 3).(对括号部分提问)
A:Give HIM abook,please.(he,him,his)
B:Which one is HIS?
C:The blue one is HIS.
A:Pass ME a cup of tea,please.(I,me,my,mine)
B:Which cup is yours?
C:The white one is MINE.
A:Give THEM their picture-books,please.(they,them.their,theirs)
B:Which one are THEIRS?
C:The one on the bed are THEIRS.

1.Bard can play basketball. He wants to (join) the basketball club.
2(.February ) is the second month of year.
3.Jack Chen is Mike's( favorite ) movie star. Mike likes his movies best.
4.The runners are very storng.Because they eat a lot of (health ) food.

1.He is (never)late for school.
He _often comes to school early.
2.It's not (far). It' very _nearly
3.The basket is full_
It's not far. It' not (empty)
4.The teacher didn't (stand) in front of the desk. He _sit behind me.
5.(Get on) the bus at this door and _get down at that door.

___Are you afraid of snakes or lions ? _
__ would you like to come my party this evening ?
___Which is your favourite animal ?
__Dose your teacher make hard you work ?
___Dose your mother get up early every day ?
1.He went to the shop last night.
He didn't go to the shop last night.
_Did he go to the shop last night?

2.My father gets up at six o'clock every day.
My father dosen't get up at six o'clock every day.
_Dose your father get up at six o'clock every day?

3.We have English at nine twenty-five.
We _haven't English at nine twenty-five.
_Do you have English at nine twenty-five?

4.I could speak English last year
I couldn't speak English last year.
could you speak English last year?

5.There is some milk in the glsaa.
There isn't any milk in the glsaa.
Is there any milk in the glass?

1.She doesn't like swimming. It's bad
2.This kind of machine can play music.
3.My grandma bought me a guitar for my birthday.
4.My parebts are both workers.

1.He lived (near Yuexiu park) two years ago.
Where did he live two years ago?

2.We came here (by underground).
Who take you to here?

3.(That child) cried for a pie.
Who cride for a pie?

4.It is (cold and windy) today.
What's the weather like today?




1.always.2.near.3.full.4.sat.5.get off


1.Are you afraid of snakes or lines?
2.Would you like to come to my party this evening?
3.Which is your favourate animal?
4.Does your teacher make you work hard?
5.Does your mother get up early every day?


1.didn't go;Did go
2.doesn't get;Does get
3.haven't ;Do have
4.couldn't speak;Could speak
5.isn't any;Is any


1.Where did... live
2.How did ..come
3.Who cried
4.What's the weather like


5.get down

1.are you afraid of snakes or lions?
2.would you like to come my party this evening?
3.which is your favourite animal?
4.does your teacher make you work hard?
5.does your mother get up early everyday?

1..He went to the shop last night.
He didn't go to the shop last night.
Did he go to the shop last night?
2.My father gets up at six o'clock every day.
My father doesn't get up at six o'clock every day.
Does your father get up at six o'clock every day?
3.We have English at nine twenty-five.
We haven't English at nine twenty-five.
Do you have English at nine twenty-five?
4.I could speak English last year.
I couldn't speak English last year.
Could you speak English last year?
5.There is some milk in the glsaa.
There isn't any milk in the glsaa.
Is there any milk in the glass?
1.She doesn't like swimming. It's boring
2.This kind of machine can play music.
3.My grandma bought me a gift for my birthday.
4.My parebts are building workers.
1.He lived (near Yuexiu park) two years ago.
Where did he live two years ago?
2.We came here (by underground).
How could you come here?
3.(That child) cried for a pie.
Who cried for a pie?
4.It is (cold and windy) today.
What's the weather like today?


一1.oin 2.ebruary 3.avourite 4.ealthy
二1.often 2.near 3.full 4.sat 5.get off
三1.Are you afraid of snakes or lions?
2.Would you come to my party this evening?
3.Which is yuor favourite animal?
4.Does your teacher make you work hard?
5.Does your mother get up early every day?
四1.didn't go;Did go
2.doesn't get;Does get
3.haven't;Have got
4.isn't any;Is any
五.1.adly 2.lay 3.ift 4.oth
六.1.Where did live
2.How did come
3.Who cried
4.what's the weather like

get down
are u afraid of snakes or lions? yes, i am
would u like to come to my party this evening? yes, i am
which is yr favourite animal? it's dog
does yr teacher make u work hard?
yes,she does
does yr mother get uo early every day? 回答同上

凤鸣鹤唳 风声鹤唳,草木皆兵 风声鹤唳 鹤唳风声 鹤唳华亭 鹤唳猿声 华亭鹤唳 猿啼鹤唳 矮人观场 矮子观场 傍观冷眼 悲观厌世 傍观者清 傍观者审,当局者迷 比量齐观 炳如观火 炳若观火 从壁上观 迟徊观望 迟回观望 侈人观听 粲然可观 察言观色 察颜观色 ...

韩语 高手请进啊~~【急人啊~~帮帮忙!!!】
1. 你好! 안녕하세요! [安宁哈塞哟]2. 你好吗? 어떻게 지내십니까? [额的尅集内心米嘎]3. (向走的人) 再见! 안녕히 가세요. [安宁黑...

2.英语补语的作用对象是主语和宾语,具有鲜明的定语性描写或限制性功能,在句法上是不可或缺的。补语是起补充说明作用的成份。最常见的是宾语补足语。名词、动名词、形容词、副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以在句子中作宾补。1、主语的补语 它用在系动词后,是句子的一个基本成分。常用主-系-...

int i,j,k,m,a[3];for(i=101;i<666;i++){ m=i;j=0;\/\/ 将十进制的自然数 i 各位上的数字分离出来 while(m>0){ a[j++]=m%10;m=m\/10;} if(a[0]==0){ continue;} \/ a[0]+a[1]*7+a[2]*49 不是十进制数 i 的七进制表示。比如十进制数字 281 (a[0] = 1 ...

怎么样才能学好语文..高手们请进!!! 怎么样才能学好语文...我的语文不怎么好,但说话什么的都挺好,就是考不好,谁能告诉我下怎么半那~...是不是学习计划错了啊...语文是不是靠理解的但我的理解能力不是很好我还能学得... 怎么样才能学好语文...我的语文不怎么好,但说话什么的都挺好,就是考不好,谁...

章振邦在其《新编英语语法》称之为形容词补足成分。(adjective complementation)又可以分成三种类型 第一种类型又有四种情况(有的分五种),特点:主句的主语是不定式的逻辑主语 1. Henry was happy to hear it.  喜怒哀乐形容词 2. George was lucky to find it.运气好坏形容词 3. He was ...

1. 没错,的确是把to改成at.固定短语aim...at...,意思是“用\/以\/拿...瞄准...”。fired and missed也是句子的谓语。该句有三个并列谓语,即aimed\/fired\/missed.2. Is this area where the flood broke out? 表语从句 = Is this area the one where the flood broke out? 定语从句 =...

1. 可用句型:“ What + a\/an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”。如:What a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊!What an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的书啊!2. 可用句型:“ What +形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!”。如:What beautiful flowers ...

译:假如后天我们动身之前他们能赶到的话,我们就会举办一个美好的晚宴。析:考查虚拟语气条件句,通过倒装省略if.从句的时间是将来,所以是对将来的情况的虚拟。后天他们在我们动身之前赶到的可能性不是很大,几乎可以说没有!虚拟将来的条件句,其谓语动词有三式:1.过去式。2. should +V. 3. ...

1. 答案:B.翻译:你干什么或你去哪里,这对我来说都不要紧\/不重要\/没有关系。(即我不在乎你做什么或去哪里)。解释:此题考查固定句型和形式主语的用法。it为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的用or并列的两个主语从句what you do or where you go.而this是不能充当句子的形式主语的。且:It ...

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进603班全体同学用英语怎么说啊 -
祖界力可:[答案] 603班全体同学 用“Class 603 ”表示就可以了.

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进啊!只写答案!句型转换.1.Johu walked with his friend (in the street).(就括号部分提问)2.Mother looks at the kitchen angrily.(用this evening... -
祖界力可:[答案] 1.Where did Johu walk with his friend? 2.Mother looks at the kitchen angrily this evening. 3.Did Pat like playing basketball or football? 4.so that 5.there anything 6.What tell 7.How long 8.Excuse,how,Sorry,Pardon,same,way,along,to,it,Thanks 注意:我的...

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进【翻译中文】 速度啊1.他想认识那个戴红帽子的女孩. He wants to know the girl - __is in a red hat. 2.这就是我们最喜欢的卧室. This is the ... -
祖界力可:[答案] 1.他想认识那个戴红帽子的女孩. He wants to know the girl who is in a red hat. 2.这就是我们最喜欢的卧室. This is the bedroom which/that we like best. 3.我们现在所做的就是努力工作. All _what/that_we have to do is to work hard now.

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进啊~!在英语里如何表示“第几世纪”?形如The **** century...(偶8知道****应该是什么....)比如:第二十一世纪怎么说啊?-------------帮忙啊~~~... -
祖界力可:[答案] 是序数简写 第二十一世纪是 The 21st Century

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进.谁可以帮我把下面这句话翻译英语啊?江苏省徐州市坝子街小区十九号楼一单元502室. -
祖界力可:[答案] Room 502,Unit 1 NO.19 Building Bazi Jie District Xuzhou ,Jiangsu Province

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进 -
祖界力可: 其实很简单啦!一般疑问局用yes或no回答就好了啦,特殊疑问局看着办喽 答案:1 NO,I don't . 2I usually read books. 3Yes,because I think the rainy days are beautiful. 4Yes,I do. 5,Sorry,I can't sure. 6Yse,there is.

杭州市17144465720: It's against the rules.用英语翻译英语,英语高手请进!是英译英啊,各位老大们!!!!!!! -
祖界力可:[答案] 这不符合规则. It obeys the rules.

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手,请进 -
祖界力可: We often for our foreign friends prepare some Chinese food

杭州市17144465720: 英语高手请进吧 -
祖界力可: 1 more--much2 with--to3 watch--watching4 much--heavy5 taller--tall6 him--his7 talks--tells8 a--the9 is as10 go--going

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