
作者&投稿:载咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

C aloud , loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声”,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly 没有aloudly 2.A laugh at sb嘲笑某人 3.B have trouble/difficulty (in)doing sth做某事有困难


1:You are not allowed--your car here
A:park B: parking C:to park D:to be parked

解答:选C 考查结构:allow sb. to do sth. 意为“ 允许某人做某事”

2:--that is was raining,he went back to get the raincoat
A:see B:to see C:seen D:seeing

解答: 选D 考查:非谓语动词 一个简单句中谓语动词只能有一个,当出现两个谓语动词时,要将其中一个动词变成非谓语的形式,即:不定式、分词、动名词。本题考查分词形式,分词有现在分词(主动)和过去分词(被动),本题中主语he和see是主动的,所以用-ing,多以答案选择D

3:It's very warm today,why not--?
A:go out for a walk B:went out for a walk
C:will go out for a walk D:to go out for a walk

解答: 选A 考查结构:Why not + 动词原形(即不带to 的不定式),表示一种建议

4:Spring is coming,it's time--threes
A:to plant B:plant C:plantingD:be planting

解答:选A 考察结构:It's time + to do sth. (不定是真正主语,it是形式主语),译为:到了...的时间了

5:--more time,he could have done the work better
A:to be given B:giving C:to give D:given

解答:D 考查:非谓语动词 he和give之间构成被动关系,所以用过去分词
6:Mary is going to have the clock--
A:repairing B repair Crepaired D to repair

解答: 选C 考察结构:have sth. done 这里的sth.和done之间构成被动关系
7:She like--swimming with us
A:to B:going C:goes D:went

解答 B like + doing 表示喜欢做某事,表示一个人的习惯或爱好
8:--finished the job,they worked more hours
A:Having been not B:Not having C:having not D:not had

解答:选B 这里考查非谓语动词的否定,在非谓语动词前面直接加not即可
9:The--girl sat in the corner,crying.
A:frighten B:frightened C:frightening D:fright

解答:B 考查:frighten 是动词,后接-ed 构成frightened 与the girl 构成被动关系
10:--for nearly 7 years in African forest,he decided to return homes.
A:worked B:working C:having worked D:being worked

解答:C 首先 he和work 是主动关系,所以要用现在分词,我们这里用having worked 表示原因
11:nothing could make me--my ideas
A:change B:to change C:changing Dchanged

解答:A 考查结构: make sb. do sth.
12:When I entered the room, I found him--on the floor
A:lying B:laying C:laid D:lied

解答:A lie表示躺,现在分词变成lying; him 和lie构成主动关系
13:Did you see him steal the TV set? I didn't see him--it,but i saw him--it
A:be stealing-looking at B: take-carrying
C:watch-fetch D:finding-seeing

选择B see后面哟两种结构:see sb. do (表示看的全过程);see sb. doing (看的时候,动作正在进行)
14:Tom was seen--to the classroom
A:to go B:go C:going D:went

选择: A 因为:see sb. do sth. 变成被动时 一定是 sb. + seen to do sth.
15:He told Tom--silly questions
A:to not ask B:not to ask C:to ask not D:don't ask

选择:B 考察结构: tell sb. to do sth. 否定形式:tell sb. not to do sth.
16:--is easier than doing
A:talking B:talk C:talked D:to talk
选择:A 动名词作主语,和后面 doing对应
17:I'd like to go to the post office,but i don't know--
A:where to goB:which bus to take

选择:B 特殊疑问词+不定式作know的宾语
18:---his telephone number,she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill
A:not knowing B:knowing not C:not known D:know not

选择A 因为she 和know 是一个主动关系,所以用现在分词,变否定直接前面加not
19:He had no choice but--the classroom with her classmate
A:to clean B:clean C:cleaning D:cleans

选择:A have no choice but to do ...
20:The light in the office is still on, I forgot---
A:turning it off B:turn it off
C:to turn it off D:having turned it off.
选择:C 结构:forget to do sth. 表示忘记去做某事,(这件事没有做)

You are not allowed--your car here
A:park B: parking C:to park D:to be parked
be allowed to do sth

--that is was raining,he went back to get the raincoat
A:see B:to see C:seen D:seeing

1:You are not allowed--your car here
A:park B: parking C:to park D:to be parked
选C。be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事
2:--that is was raining,he went back to get the raincoat
A:see B:to see C:seen D:seeing
3:It's very warm today,why not--?
A:go out for a walk B:went out for a walk
C:will go out for a walk D:to go out for a walk
选A。why not do sth=Why don't you do sth? 为什么不做什么?
4:Spring is coming,it's time--threes
A:to plant B:plant C:plantingD:be planting
选A。It is time to do sth, 是做什么的时候了。
5:--more time,he could have done the work better
A:to be given B:giving C:to give D:given
6:Mary is going to have the clock--
A:repairing B repair Crepaired D to repair
选C。have sth done 使...被做
7:She like--swimming with us
A:to B:going C:goes D:went
选B。like doing sth 表示习惯爱好的时候用like doing。
8:--finished the job,they worked more hours
A:Having been not B:Not having C:having not D:not had
选C.没有完成工作,他们加班了。Having not done
9:The--girl sat in the corner,crying.
A:frighten B:frightened C:frightening D:fright
10:--for nearly 7 years in African forest,he decided to return homes.
A:worked B:working C:having worked D:being worked
11:nothing could make me--my ideas
A:change B:to change C:changing Dchanged
选A。make sb do sth 使某人做某事。
12:When I entered the room, I found him--on the floor
A:lying B:laying C:laid D:lied
选A,find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事,躺的原形是lie,动名词是不规则变化lying。
13:Did you see him steal the TV set? I didn't see him--it,but i saw him--it
A:be stealing-looking at B: take-carrying
C:watch-fetch D:finding-seeing
选A。see sb doing sth是看到某人做某事,根据各个选项意思判断。
14:Tom was seen--to the classroom
A:to go B:go C:going D:went
选C。被看到做某事,正在进行的所以是see sb doing sth,这里是被动语态。
15:He told Tom--silly questions
A:to not ask B:not to ask C:to ask not D:don't ask
选B。tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事。
16:--is easier than doing
A:talking B:talk C:talked D:to talk
17:I'd like to go to the post office,but i don't know--
A:where to goB:which bus to take
18:---his telephone number,she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill
A:not knowing B:knowing not C:not known D:know not
选A,前后主语一致,可以省略,不知道,所以是not knowing。
19:He had no choice but--the classroom with her classmate
A:to clean B:clean C:cleaning D:cleans
选A。前有do 后无to,前无do 后有to
20:The light in the office is still on, I forgot---
A:turning it off B:turn it off
C:to turn it off D:having turned it off.
选C。forget to do sth 忘记了做某事



1.C(be allowed to do)固定搭配

√ × √ × × √ √ × √ × × √ × √ √ × × √ √ × √ √ × × √

1:You are not allowed--your car here A:park B: parking C:to park D:to be parked 解答:选C 考查结构:allow sb. to do sth. 意为“ 允许某人做某事”2:--that is was raining,he went back to get the raincoat A:see B:to see C:seen D:seeing 解答: 选D 考查:...


空域降噪,是针对单帧画面进行处理 降噪。而时域降噪 是结合前后帧进行计算处理出来降噪 。如果我们只用空域降噪的话,假如我们连续播放的话,由于它的算法都是基于当前帧,不考虑前后帧,所以这样很有可能会发生一些噪点的抖动。而时域降噪会把整个时间段的噪点统一进行处理,消除帧与帧之间的噪点抖动。


在小学阶段里 你得到过的一位老师的教导和帮助的作文
我感谢刘老师对我的帮助!难忘帮助我的李老师 我在第二实验小学上学,那是我家附近,那是很大的学校,有着一百多位老师。其中,我最喜欢的是我的语文老师——李老师。李老师中等身材,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,看上去又斯文又和气,充满慈爱。你可别以为老师会对我们很松懈,老师对我们可严格了。


感恩老师的励志演讲稿 各位朋友:大家下午好!首先,我很感谢严老师给这个机会,让我在今天这样一个隆重而又特殊的场合,说出我的心声。今天我就想借此机会表达一下,表达在生活中给我关怀,学习上给我帮助的人,她就是我的老师,一位陪我度过难忘六年生活的老师。是她,把我从迷途中拉回!曾记得四...



张颖老师,我首先来讲一下我自己的这个经历,然后再讲一下我的思考,因为我的思考一定是建立在自己的经历之上的,认知一定是和自己的一些呃经历呀,经验呀,还有一些学历,这些都是相关的 。 首先呐,我在认识超毅之前呢,我是一个自己开店的一个小店主,就是在一个18县的一个县城开一个小店 。这个生意也不是太好做...

临潼区15219873802: 谁能帮我看看这些英语选择题!而且要答案、还有关键词!老师说有用!急急急!! -
夕砍羟苯: 解释:Tom's brother's,是他兄弟的.要用名词所有格. (A)5.要用转折的语气,但看起来很年轻. 解释:apples是可数名词,要用复数:虽然她50岁了、—(What about) going to the party? —Great. 解释、—Whose car is it? ---(It's Tom's brother's)...

临潼区15219873802: 谁能帮我讲讲这一道英语选择题? ——You speak very good French! ——Thanks.I - __ - French in University for four years. -
夕砍羟苯:[选项] A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studied

临潼区15219873802: 老师能帮我做下20道英文选择题吗 1.We are( )in the future of our motherland.A.aware B.confiden -
夕砍羟苯:[答案] 这个考察的是固定短语搭配 be confident in对……有信心 be aware of知道,注意到 这里显然要用B

临潼区15219873802: 谁能教一到英语选择题..
夕砍羟苯: You ALL have good sense of humour.你们都很风趣. You each has good sense of humour.你们每个都很风趣. 考查主谓一致的问题.主要看修辞动词前面的 代词/指示代词 是什么,是单数还是复数?当然更要看句子整体要表达的意思. 这里答案 就是 B .has 能适合.

临潼区15219873802: 哪位老师帮我处理一下这些英语题目并给以适当的指点? -
夕砍羟苯: 11. It doesn't seem very ______ that professor Smith has left for Peking to give a lecture on American Literature. (A) like (B) alike (C) likely (D) likeable 12. She talked to him for a long time and _____ him from doing that dangerous job. (A) ...

临潼区15219873802: 谁能帮我解释解释这五道英语单选题?1.--Did all these funny things happen in your club?--No,it was in the class______I studied English.A.when B.where C.that ... -
夕砍羟苯:[答案] 题1 (出题者想让你选C) 问:所有这些可笑的事在 你的俱乐部 发生了吗? 答:不,在教室里,我学英语的地方 如果你认为是强调句,那么答句与问句就不照应 所以答案为B 题2是考察分词 首先BUS是物不能发出目的,所以排除D项. 被动也不可能...

临潼区15219873802: 请帮我讲解英语选择题,不会理解 -
夕砍羟苯: play with 是固定短语, 意思是: 拿...玩, 和...一起玩 用法: play with后面可以接物, 表示玩弄某物; 后面若接人, 表示与某人开玩笑或玩弄某人的感情等.

临潼区15219873802: 请帮我讲解英语选择题
夕砍羟苯: Shoud I talk to them about our school. 因为them (他们)在句子中是宾语

临潼区15219873802: 这些英语单项选择题,老师该讲错了吧?还有相应知识点附上,We're going to the bookstore.You can go there with us__you can meet us there later.A.and B.... -
夕砍羟苯:[答案] 仅供参考 c, 或者.我们将要去书店.你可以和我我们一起去,或者在那之后见面. C,因为今天非常热,除非把牛奶放在冰箱里,不然很容易酸掉 D,他问我,我怎么了.What引到了一个宾语补足语,而且这种形式不用改便语序(疑问句改成陈述句) ...

临潼区15219873802: 这些英语单项选择题,老师该讲错了吧?!寻高人解答啊. 还有相应知识点附上,求详细 -
夕砍羟苯: 仅供参考 c, 或者.我们将要去书店.你可以和我我们一起去,或者在那之后见面.C,因为今天非常热,除非把牛奶放在冰箱里,不然很容易酸掉 D,他问我,我怎么了.What引到了一个宾语补足语,而且这种形式不用改便语序(疑问句改成陈述句) 这应该是高一或是高二学的吧,我现在大三,可能有的知识点也不太清除了,希望能帮到你.

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