
作者&投稿:亓婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1Such a man with a good temper as Mr. Li is is easy to get along with.

good temper 好脾气

He is a man of the right kidney.


People adore you and can't get
enough of your good nature, especially since
you are a reliable
friend and


good nature 好脾气

控制脾气:성질을 눅잦히다

Control your temper

control temper/mood

hold your temper

Control temper

Control temper

Control temper

Control your temper

最简单的就是 control yourself

control one's temper - 控制某人的脾气 你确定是四个空么,三个空就可以表达了。或者:take control of your temper (五个空)您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。

I must learn to control my temper.加个 LEARN, 翻的人性化一点。其实你过去也不是不想控制,只不过没控制了,是不是啊, 这就要加个 LEARN。

英语翻译:不发脾气。以标语形式翻译,类似于no smoking这样。_百度...
Be gentle 保持温柔 Don't be angry 不要发火 Come down, please请冷静

control one's temper - 控制某人的脾气 你确定是四个空么,三个空就可以表达了。或者:take control of your temper (五个空)您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。3.用英语写一篇关于如何控制脾气的作文 What is self-c...

I don't have a good temper, but I will try hard to contain it.我不是好脾气,但我会努力地克制自己的脾气

Don't be mad. No one owes you anything.

control,英 [kən'trəʊl],美 [kən'troʊl]形容词: controllable 名词: controllability 过去式: controlled 过去分词: controlled 现在分词: controlling 第三人称单数: control control多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。control在作“控制情绪”解时,须接反身...

当我学会了控制脾气,就证明我懂得了什么叫没必要.英文翻译 - 百度
only when I know how to control my temper, do I know what is unnecessary.

衡山县18042586087: 用英语翻译“控制脾气” -
牢爬特安: Control your temper

衡山县18042586087: 控制住脾气英语翻译 -
牢爬特安: 控制住脾气 Control the temper请采纳

衡山县18042586087: 控制自己不发脾气用英语怎么写 -
牢爬特安: Control yourself not to lose your temper 请给好评谢谢

衡山县18042586087: 控制不发脾气单词怎么写 -
牢爬特安:[答案] hold (control) your temper

衡山县18042586087: 控制自己不发脾气用英语怎么写 -
牢爬特安:[答案] hold my temper

衡山县18042586087: 英语翻译:不发脾气.以标语形式翻译,类似于no smoking这样. -
牢爬特安: Be gentle 保持温柔 Don't be angry 不要发火 Come down, please请冷静

衡山县18042586087: 本人英语不好,请问用英语说,如果你是一个脾气暴躁的人你应该尽最大的努力去控制脾气并且关心他人想法? -
牢爬特安: If you are a person in bad temper,you should try your best to control yourself and learn to care about others' opinion.

衡山县18042586087: 谁能告诉我控制愤怒翻译成英语应该是control anger还是anger control啊? -
牢爬特安: 看你怎么用了.control anger是动词短语,anger control是名词短语

衡山县18042586087: 英语翻译you must learn to 4个空 -
牢爬特安:[答案] 你必须学会控制自己的脾气.You must learn to control your temper.control one's temper - 控制某人的脾气你确定是四个空么,三个空就可以表达了.或者:take control of your temper (五个空)原文翻译如上供参考,...

衡山县18042586087: 【翻译】你必须学会控制自己的脾气 -
牢爬特安: 你必须学会控制自己的脾气.You must learn to control your temper. control one's temper - 控制某人的脾气 你确定是四个空么,三个空就可以表达了.或者:take control of your temper (五个空) 您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问.若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮.

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