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In 1912 the Titanic luxury liner crash, the cousin of Robert earl Grantham James and Patrick nephew killed. Because Grantham countess failed to Christmas and a male heir, so James and Patrick (big daughter Mary fiance) is Downton Abbey's first and second sequence heir. Mourning after the ceremony, Grantham earl a is discussed on the inheritance issue. According to limit inheritance act, earl nephew Matthew Crawley far away will become the next heir, but the old count, the widow of countess and big daughter Mary is to overthrow the inheritance law limited, the daughter Mary inherited all property. At the same time, the earl of new personal man Mr. Bates came to the farm, because his leg have disabled and cause a lot of people questioned. Soon after the duke of Crowborough visiting manor, everyone thought that he would propose to Mary, in fact he is gay, and Thomas something old and man. He just want to catch a wealthy heiress. So when he know Mary can't inherit property when it quickly left manor... This is how the story began the story of 1912-1914, George v period, tang's manor Grantham earl a house by inheritance issue from the various entanglements and friction, presented the British upper noble and the servants divided the grading system of human to human preferred.

The Titanic in 1912 the luxury liner crash, count de Grantham Robert James and Patrick cousin nephew died. As the countess Grantham ---- to birth a male heir, so James and Patrick (daughter Mary's fiance ) is Downton Abbey the first and second order heir. The memorial was later, Earl Grantham a heatedly discussed the succession problem. According to the limited inheritance act distant nephew, count Matthew Crawley will become the next heir, but the old Earl 's widow, the countess and daughter Mary is bent on the overthrow of limited succession law, by the daughter Mary inherit the entire estate. At the same time, the count 's new Valet Mr.Bates came to the manor, because his leg has disability caused many people question. Soon after Crowborough Duke visited the manor, everyone thought he was going to propose to Mary, in fact he is a homosexual, and Thomas is old. He was just trying to catch a rich heiress. So when he knew Mary could not inherit property quickly left the manor ... ... The story begins as tells the story of 1912 - 1914, George V period, Downton manor Grantham count a family inheritance problems triggered by the various disputes and friction, presented the British nobles and servants in the caste of human phenomena.
给我分吧 我厉害把 哈哈。。

Located in the southwest of China, Sichuan is rich in tourism resources. It boasts lots of places of historic interest and scenic beauty.



Shiitake mushroom Len ℃ inus Edodes (Berk _ Sing ] also names 香蕈, 香信, is fragrant 菰, 椎 茸, is basidiomycetes line Holobasidiomycetes) 伞菌 Agaricales) the side ear department (Pleurotaceae) shiitake mushroom islet Lentinus). In view of Jinping County farmer poor and ...

白龙马蹄朝西 White Dragon Horse is heading to the west 驮着唐三藏跟着仨徒弟 Carring in Tangsanzang and followed by three students 西天取经上大路 On the way to fetch lections in the west 一走就是几万里 Such journey takes thousands of miles 什么妖魔鬼怪 Whatever demons and ...

Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.Now, lots of countries...

各位帮个忙,帮忙翻译一下,offer to do,provide with,infor,drop,instead...
offer to do :提出帮助 provide with :提供 inform:提示 drop:V.--掉落 instead of :而不是 cure:读:Q儿

11、1月 January 2月 February 3月 March 4月 April 5月 May 6月 June 7月 July 8月 August 9月 September 10月 October 11月 November 12月 December 12、Monday(星期一)Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期日)...

我也很忙。。I am busy ,too.你找你妈妈去吧。。。You can go to find your mom 我没时间去家长会。。I haven't time to go to the parents meeting 孩子们靠你照护了。。The kids need to be cared by you.你做你的饭去吧。。Go to cook ,别影响我工作了。。Don't disturb my ...

4 2019-01-01 求大佬帮忙翻译一下 2017-12-15 求大佬帮忙翻译一下 2019-06-20 求日语大佬翻译一下下面的话(急用感谢,不要机翻拉) 2019-09-11 求大佬帮忙翻译一下 99546949399593693948 2010-11-21 求高手帮忙翻译一下,急用!在线等~ 2 2011-01-13 求人帮忙翻译一下,急用 ...

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下.英语 -
干王盐酸: If she wished, she was very happy. Refueling

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下(汉译英)
干王盐酸: 1. It lies in the north of Jiangsu. The mountains are green and the water is clear. The air is fresh. The pollution is less than that in big cities. 2. There are many wide new roads. It is faster to get to other cities. 3. There are many tall buildings on both ...

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下 -
干王盐酸: 1.希特勒的失败造就了罗斯福的成功,就像在滑铁卢战役中,惨败给惠灵顿的拿破仑.2. 没有比他要的赞同更好的提议了.(就是他只想要别人的赞同,其他不需要)

晋城市15627595365: 请帮忙翻译一下英语 -
干王盐酸: Let's walk.on and on... 让我们继续走下去...or让我们一直走下去...Earlg Summer 初夏

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下~~~ -
干王盐酸: All students 用于不需要限定student范围的时候.比如:All students should wear school uniform.All the students 用于有限定条件时.比如:All the students of X School are wearing school unif...

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下!~(英文翻译)
干王盐酸: 1 If I were you, I will remove them. 2 If I met Li Hua, I told him. 3 If I have time, I'll help you. 4 He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups. 5 He told us, as if he been there. 6 I hope he can on my side.

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下. -
干王盐酸: The work location:Peking is last Make collective report the object:Section manager of IS The work job and accomplishment:Be responsible for the company network equipments, server equipmen...

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下下~~~~ -
干王盐酸: 原话少了一个on,ory应该是cry:If you need a shoulder to cry on, you can always count on.假如你需要肩膀让你靠着它来哭诉,我是你永远的依靠.——————据说很多男人肩周炎、肩部风湿之类...

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下!急急急急! -
干王盐酸: Declaration will receive business theory and tariff systems, business documents, business sessions, and marketing of international trade, aviation agency practice. Container tran...

晋城市15627595365: 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 -
干王盐酸: 本身这句话有问题,应该是 i just want a shy guy..后面都对.我只想要个内向的男人,他就是那样的男人,是我拥有的男人 或 非我模数 或 只能是我的人...


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