
作者&投稿:侨禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

but also more significant and more meaningful (不明白想表达什么)-->
and has significant meaning to their lives
because they are entailed with much homework.(用词不正式,无法为论点增力)-->
because they have to undertake heavy academic burden.(不一定对)
Both the view points are reasonable, .... while studying is good.(累赘)-->
Both arguments are reasonable,here is my opinion regarding this proposition.
and they can know more moralities which were not encountered before.(遭遇道德显然是不通的) -->
their sense of worth can be tested and modeled (仅供参考)
The second point I would like to make -->
My second point(不要和前面重复)
more and more elites are needed, who have both knowledge and experience.(需要简化句子结构)-->more and more elites with knowledge and experience are required
thinking levels-->mind boundaries(仅供参考),或者improve our thinking levels改成broaden our horizon and imagination
good chance -->a good chance
pivotal (有的词特别正式,有的词特别不正式)-->vital
such much pressure -->so much pressure
But what else can we do? Working is also studying. Hard as it is, we must face it! (文风骤变,这是议论文,这里有点口语化,而且这个问句问得好像是别无选择一样)
who does not want to have a better life in the future?-->who doesn't want a better future
you can young-->you are young



These days, honesty is getting more and more important in friendship
.As a simple reason(这一句很不地道,可简单写为simply speaking), honesty shows your enthusiasm, optimism, credibility and so forth.
It also makes you more reliable and dependable in your friends’ eyes, which can build up stable relationship and enlarge the scale of the circle of your friends(建议这句和上一句用and 连接成一句并把后面的非限定定语从句用so to连接).
However, nothing is absolute, so is this!(so is this可以省略,显重复)
Telling the truth can also bring about unexpected problems, which can trigger miserable consequences.
And now let me tell something about it!(感觉搭配不当,这样用很奇怪,改为tell you something...是不是好点儿)
Honesty is necessary. (可以和上一句连接成一句:...let me tell you something about why honesty is necessary)
If a person hardly ever tells truth, how can he or she be believed by others?(改为否定句更有说服力:he or she will never win other peoples' trust)
I have a classmate who comes from a rural area(改为rural areas), which makes him really shy and not sociable so he is often isolated in our class. (这一句语法有误,which 指代什么?时态也有错误,自己改正时态吧。改为One of my classmates is really shy and unsociable because he comes from rural areas so that he is often isolated in our class. )
But he came out to be a really good student and he got an amazing score in an exam.
That makes us more willing to ask him questions and the glamorous trait fascinates us to interact with him.(改为therefore, we are more willing ...表达会更清楚一些)
However, perhaps he was not satisfied how he was treated when he had came at the beginning of the semester,(去掉when he had came 和of the semester,直接改为at the very beginning表达也很清楚) he usually gave us false answers or just said,” I do not know , either.”, which is not the truth at all. (把the truth改为true 用形容词)
Several times later we got really angry with him and we all stopped talking with him.
So you see, how pivotal role honesty plays in interactions!(So you see去掉,太口语化,改为it can be seen how pivotal....)
As I have said in the first paragraph, nothing is absolute! (改为as mentioned above,nothing is absolute)
Envisage such a plot.
You are very hate smoking(语法错误 you hate smoking very much), while your friend is enjoying inhaling a cigarette just near where you are sitting(把just near where you are sitting 改为 just nearby), how would you say?
If you stop him seriously, by saying,” Inhaling(改为smoking) is harmful to your health and so is to mine, stop please!(please stop it) ”, it is not a pleasant work (直接写unpleasant就好了,把多余的都删去吧)for both you two.(改both of you)
Commonly, you would exalt his pose(his pose改为him吧 更地道,你的表达还是chinglish) when he is smoking. ”You look very cool with a cigarette in your mouth!”
Perhaps the instance is not very appropriate, because I just do not want to make an example knew to everybody. (这一句前半句和后半句没有明显因果关系,不明白这句话的意思,我觉得对文中内容意义不大,删去也是可以的)
Is it OK (OK改为appropriate)to tell a dying patient his or her real symptom?
Isn’t it better for them to live hopefully, optimistically, enthusiastically?
Sometime(s,) truth is not welcomed and lying is also indispensible! (逻辑混乱,前后两种观点中间可以加一些转换的语句,转换有些突兀。)
It is really hard to say whether truth is always acceptable because sometimes truth makes no sense and they can cause problems, but truth is also the premise of friendship. So what is my viewpoint? Just the saying,” Nothing is absolute!”

eexcellent,advice(make a try):
1:how (what a )pivotal role honesty plays in interactions!
2:Envisaging such a plot, You hate smoking extremely, while your friend is inhaling a cigarette with enjoyment just near the place which you are sitting,
3:example known to everybody,
4:Sometimes,the truth is ,
5:有些地方:truth改成saying the truth更好
6: However, he was not satisfied how he was treated when he had came at the beginning of the semester, 意思有点含糊,不明确

These days, honesty is getting more and more important in friendship. As a simple reason, honesty shows your enthusiasm, optimism, credibility and so forth. It also makes you more reliable and dependable in your friends’ eyes, which can build up stable relationship and enlarge the scale of the circle of your friends. However, nothing is absolute, so is this! Telling the truth can also bring about unexpected problems, which can trigger miserable consequences. And now let me tell something about it!
Honesty is necessary. If a person hardly ever tells truth, how can he or she be believed by others? I have a classmate who comes from a rural area, which makes him really shy and not sociable so he is often isolated in our class. But he came out to be a really good student and he got an amazing score in an exam. That makes us more willing to ask him questions and the glamorous trait fascinates us to interact with him. However, perhaps he was not satisfied how he was treated when he had came at the beginning of the semester, he usually gave us false answers or just said,” I do not know , either.”, which is not the truth at all. Several times later we got really angry with him and we all stopped talking with him. So you see, how pivotal role honesty plays in interactions!
As I have said in the first paragraph, nothing is absolute! Envisage such a plot. You are very hate smoking, while your friend is enjoying inhaling a cigarette just near where you are sitting, how would you say? If you stop him seriously, by saying,” Inhaling is harmful to your health and so is to mine, stop please! ”, it is not a pleasant work for both you two. Commonly, you would exalt his pose when he is smoking. ”You look very cool with a cigarette in your mouth!” Perhaps the instance is not very appropriate, because I just do not want to make an example knew to everybody. Is it OK to tell a dying patient his or her real symptom? Isn’t it better for them to live hopefully, optimistically, enthusiastically? Sometime truth is not welcomed and lying is also indispensible!
It is really hard to say whether truth is always acceptable because sometimes truth makes no sense and they can cause problems, but truth is also the premise of friendship. So what is my viewpoint? Just the saying,” Nothing is absolute!”


先说优点,语言还可以,没有太多让人觉得怪的表达,语法失误也不是太多,但是从文章机构和逻辑框架看来,你应该接触托福不久,这篇独立写作的题目应该是2010年的一道真题。好了,我们来说问题,你在第一段最后一句摆出自己的观点了 However, nothing is absolute, so is this!很好,但是你既然想说做人诚实要看情况而定,而为什么你的TOPIC SENTENCE却是一句Honesty is necessary。这样的逻辑很突兀的,然后你给了你同班同学的例子,来支持自己的TOPIC SENTENCE,接着下一段有说了一个情况,就是和朋友在一起,他抽烟,你反感抽烟,但是你不好意思说,你在纠结,说实话吧,伤感情。所以你选择说他抽烟很酷,从而维护了友谊却失去了诚实。最后一段你重申了自己的观点,说It is really hard to say whether truth is always acceptable because sometimes truth makes no sense and they can cause problems, but truth is also the premise of friendship. So what is my viewpoint? Just the saying,” Nothing is absolute!”。你自己看,你这个论证有逻辑不?
第三段:用一个转折词,比如,however,然后说,诚实有时也会带了很多麻烦,所以人们有时也需要说一些“white lies"(这是你这段的TS),然后继续2,3句解释为什么人们有时需要善意的谎言,紧跟着给上你和你抽烟的朋友的例子。

问题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the education quality in a country is to increase teachers' salary.作文:Recently, people are paying more and more attention to the quality of education than ever before. (前后不连贯而且没有开篇点...



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关于英语语法的问题~~~ 请高手过来帮我看下~~~ 在线哭着跪求中...
from London吧?也知道问:How far away from London it is? =How far away it is from London?吧?其实how far north of 与how far away from 一样的结构。这下明白了吧?本题句出自2012年新托福考试TPO(1-24)听力TPO 14 Lecture 3 Astronomy 讲古时候的岛民如何利用stars来定位导航的。

这一句just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound.是as引导的定语从句。dating well back before the First World War是插入语。just as had many previous attempts to link images with recorded sound.就像之前,(一战...

2、变故的生活让人觉得开心,你喜欢变故的生活,比如说你可以接触到不同的东西,blablabla……3、固定的生活太无聊了,没有新意,没有冒险,整天死气沉沉,容易让人堕落颓废。举个例子而已,我建议你多看看TOEFL ESSAY的例文,能对思想还有写作模式有很大的帮助。^_^ ...



二道区17352223492: 英语高手帮看一篇托福作文,有多狠批多狠,给个分数,15分敬上! -
曹平六味: 批不了多狠,就给些建议吧.1.个别表达还是属于chinglish.2.有语法错误,如果不能保证定语从句的完全正确,换其他表达方式吧.3.作为一篇说理性文章应该尽量避免反问句,而是用肯定句或是绝对否定句来表明观点.4.整篇文章立论不清,...

二道区17352223492: 帮一同学请教大神们tofel作文~求批改~ 个人意见可能有些中式表达需要改进,而且有些句子重复 -
曹平六味: A popular issue in comtemporary society that of one's friends, the question being whether one should make new...

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二道区17352223492: 请英语高手帮我修改一篇文章~感激不尽我有一篇文章需要修改,我还想多作几句~可是我想不到了.感激不尽.请尽量赐教Now many students go to school in a ... -
曹平六味:[答案] Nowadays many students go to school hastily (in a hurry比较适合口语) and they have no time for breakfast.Perhaps some ... fruits contain little calories and no fats,which is a health option for any one.In addition,they contain rick vitamins that help you ...

二道区17352223492: 哪位英语高手帮小弟写下面这篇英语作文这幅图是这样的一个小朋友骑着自行车忽然有一辆车撞倒了他,然后是女警官到场.要用上accident driver happen ... -
曹平六味:[答案] 意思:小朋友骑着自行车忽然有一辆车撞倒了他,然后是女警官到场. 词汇用上:accident driver happen mobile phone ... she saw a serial car wreck along the miles-long blood trail behind her.Pete had helped himself up in agony.He was lucky to have ...

二道区17352223492: 托福作文一篇,大神给批一下吧,打个分,30分制.谢谢!!
曹平六味: 30分制,这篇作文29分,我读完第一感觉就是:立场清楚,论点论据充分,文章中适量引用名句,对于考试来说文章中规中矩是可以拿好分数的.

二道区17352223492: 托福作文,求高手帮忙批改! -
曹平六味: topic: what is the main role of (加a) university professor, to educate students or to do research?People may not appreciate a university professor who spends much of his time doing research rather than teaching. After all, it has been (加the) ...

二道区17352223492: 托福综合写作怎么评分 -
曹平六味: 官网说的套话 其实看以下两点:1. 字数,超过600字,只要语言不是火星文以及连篇的拼写错误或语法错误,25没问题2. 内容,用词华丽,句式复杂但有逻辑3. 例子的重合度,如果一次考试你用课外班给的例子,跟一大堆人一样,你分数就会很低

二道区17352223492: 有没有人帮我判一下托福作文?有高分…… -
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