
作者&投稿:兀有宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





1. We used to believe that success (is always come) from hard working.
2. some people have (pointed out another opinion) about success
改成:point out a different view,后面有in my opinion,这里最好不要再用another opinion,语法上无错,只是建议
3. luck (also) plays an important role in an individual's achievement
4. based on (hard-work)
改成:his hardwork,his指代前面主句中的“an individual”,否则“靠努力工作”谁的不明确

1. who (are bring) up in an noble family
改成:were brought,第一用被动语态,第二用过去时,表示“被抚养”
2. pay great attention (in studying)
改成:to study,pay attention to sth., 介词是to不是in,另外study本身可作名词表示“学校”
3. (build) any business)
改成:没有这样表示,建立生意-build up,发展生意-develop
4. Politicians, as well, must (study) to
改成:learn,study表示学习具体一门学科,学习知识用learn较多,尤其在后面跟动词不定式时,learn to do 的表示方式较好
5. compete against (his) (contenders)
改成:their rivals,因为指代的是politicians(政治家、政客)是复数,所以用their,另外contender一般指(运动比赛中)对手,非比赛的对手一般用competitor或rival,前面已经用了compete,所以这里用rival较好
6. (Take) (we) students for example
改成:us,take sb. for example的结构中,sb.是宾语,应该用宾格,“我们”的宾格是us;另外take应改成taking,因为这不是一个独立句子,是作后面句子的某个成分,所以用动词不定式或分词短语,这里用现在分词形式
7. , (and finally, not armed with enough knowledge, we may also fail in this society. )
改成:前面的逗号改成句号,否则本句过长,主谓不明。后面重起一个句子更清晰,Finally, we will not armed with enough knowledges nor make achievement in this society.

红的是拼写,用词不准确之类的错误。绿的是句子之间连接的问题(是否应该空格,大写什么的)除了你引用的FORREST GUMP里面的那句话,那个是对的。
4、新的句子开头大写,那些个for example,都已经是新起的句子了。
第二段到第四段是文章的主体,每一段一个论点,最好是能够层层铺垫。每段一般五句话到七句话,要用高级句子。把例子说明白,不要浅显的像是校长开大会说的话一样= =
举个例子而已,我建议你多看看TOEFL ESSAY的例文,能对思想还有写作模式有很大的帮助。^_^

问题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the education quality in a country is to increase teachers' salary.

Recently, people are paying more and more attention to the quality of education than ever before. (前后不连贯而且没有开篇点明主旨,建议改为:There has been a heat debate about how to improve the education quality in a country and different people have different perspectives.) Some educators have pointed out that the best way to improve the quality of a country's education is to increase its teachers' salary. In my opinion, (为了与后面的but呼应,应该先让步,后转折,更自然:I admit that) increasing their salary may be (说话留点余地,等下好反驳:more or less) an effective way to improve a country's condition of education, but I do not think that this can be (一般陈述用:is) the best choice for all of us. (这一句虽然我是明白你的意思,但是不够直接,与下文照应也不工整,建议改为:but it should not be the best solution to this problem since it fall to deficiency due to several negative effects.)

I have to say (语气更加直白:confess/admit) that increasing teachers' incomes does have several advantages (语义更加明确:for propelling advancement of education quality in a country as a whole) . First, it could (不放过任何一个细节词语,注意积累这些常用词:contributes to/is beneficial to/is propitious to/conduces to) make teachers more enthusiastic about teaching. Admittedly (感情更真挚:Unfortunately), in the modern world, most teachers do not consider their jobs as something attractive. They may have more hobbies out of teachers' office. And, with little salary, they may not devote themselves in teaching, and accordingly, their quality of education will not satisfy us. So, giving teachers higher pay can be a catalyst in our effort of (感觉很别扭,建议改为to the improvement of quality in education) improving the quality of education.

Another thing that improving the salary of teachers can benefit us is that, because earning a higher pay can not only improve a person's living condition, but also increase his or her social status, it will attract more talents to engage in teaching. With great intelligence, we have reason to believe that they will make our education condition better.
(这一段说的很不地道,建议改为:Another benefit of improving the salary of teachers is that a higher pay to teachers can not only serve to make a better living condition in the economic society, but also contribute to higher social statuses to them and hence they can get more respect from others. As teachers are getting more and more respected, it is undoubtedly that there will be increasing number of talent and distinguished teachers willing to devote themselves to teaching. )

However, we cannot say that increasing teachers' salary is the best way to improve the education quality of this country, for it does have some drawbacks. One is that increasing teachers' salary means students need to pay much more money for good education than ever before (, which sets up a more insurmountable barrier to the accessibility of education of the poor students). For example, nowadays, some of the areas in China is(are) still very poor and underdeveloped, (and) most of children there cannot even pay for primary education (the primary tuition)and have to drop out from schools. Once the incomes(income) of teachers is increased, there may(must) be more and more children who will (去掉) lose the chance of education. That's one thing beyond our expectation. (不靠谱) And as I have mentioned above,(it has been mentioned above) increasing teachers' salaries may not be suitable for every country in this world.(in the global level) In some (Some) underdeveloped countries,(for instance,) increasing teachers' incomes will load the governments and its people with more pressure of money( add more economic pressure on both the governments and its people), and this shortcoming can outweigh any other advantages in such a country.

I believe that there is something more helpful than increasing teachers' salary to a country's condition of education, say, improving the laws of education may push teachers to be more professional and effective than before. All in all, I do not agree with the statement that increasing teachers' salaries is the best way for the improvement of a country's education quality.
According to the discussion above, I admit that the perspective of increasing the salary of teachers in order to improve the education quality in a country is appealing in some ways, such as improving their living standard and making them more respectable, which ultimately conduce to a better teaching performance. However, we should recognize that there are also drawbacks of this policy including playing a heavier economic burden on both governments and families of children who have to pay higher tuition to school. Overall, increasing the teacher’s salary should not be the perfect way to improve the education quality. )
1。 下画线的地方是我认为需要完善的,括号内是我的建议。
2。 你原文评分应该在20-22。因为虽然没有重大错误,但是句子有不少问题:句型过于简单,用词有些不当,句子有些不通顺。当然,在词汇方面,应该要求不大。还有就是论证没有说服力。比如“大部分老师都并不喜欢教学”这个前提我认为就有点站不住脚。
3。 努力方向:

我今天刚写了这篇文章。 建议你play devil's advocate,效果不错。




文章写improving salary好的太长了,与你的观点不符。人家会认为你走题。
However,improving salary do bring us benefits~~~~~~~~



前面赞同的部分 写的太多了


作文:Recently, people are paying more and more attention to the quality of education than ever before. (前后不连贯而且没有开篇点明主旨,建议改为:There has been a heat debate about how to improve the education quality in a country and different people have different perspectives.) ...


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托福作文 修改
用功也很用心去做, 很欣赏你. 然而,由於这些词有它正确的使用方法,所以,我不得不修改整个句子。但我尽量保持你原来的意思.我希望你不要介意。 我还提供了部分词汇,向你简单解释如何正确使用这些字,1.用increasingly 代替 more and more 较好 2.argue 语调强了一点 3.relationship 笼统了一点,别人...

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1.取消独立写作,改为学术讨论写作(题型源自TOEFL Essentials考试); 2. 考试时间从50分钟缩短至30分钟。 学术讨论写作(Academic Discussion)其实是来自TOEFL Essentials考试。题型模拟课程的讨论区(如下图所示),考生需要针对教授的题问及其他学生的意见表明自身立场并给出理由。 从TOEFL Essentials对学术讨论写作题型的评分...


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云梦县15572275047: 帮忙改一篇TOEFL作文I think people go to university because they want to find a good job.A good job will affect one person's live.So it is very important for ... -
直肿黄芩:[答案] affect(derogatory sense)—>influencepeople are easier to find a job——>it is easier for people to find a job,he or she was graduated,"was" should be expungedare->is they->he etca university student i...

云梦县15572275047: 请高手帮忙改一下托福作文,谢谢. -
直肿黄芩: 写得很不错,应该能打24分以上.句式变换很好,只是有些词语用得不是很准确,但是不难看出,你的实力很不错,观点也很到位,论证也很好.但是,有些话有点多余.对于单词,你似乎在凑那些大词,有时候,这些词用多了,就有点多余,而且不恰当.相信也不用我改,你自己也能发现,我只是给一下意见.然后,结尾有点仓促,比如说Cooking nowadays was much better than yesteryears. 有点和你前面的风格不搭调,有点太格式化了.就说这么多吧,托福作文还得多背,多模仿,多写.加油吧.

云梦县15572275047: 帮忙改托福作文 第一次写,希望大家别笑我Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with ... -
直肿黄芩:[答案] 语法问题还真不少,单复数,语态时态等.改了很多.句意和基本语序就不改了.自己再check下吧.Do you agree with the saying that it's better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a goo...

云梦县15572275047: 帮忙改改托福作文~~~~谢谢啦!谢谢啦~~~~真心请你们帮我改改作文··7月份要考试了,作文还没什么头绪.呜呜···我全部的分就这点了,不好意思哇... -
直肿黄芩:[答案] obviously ,in most cases intelligent friends we have could be the good teachers of us in many aspects.They can influence us ... In a word,it is rather superficial to simply say that making friends with intelligent people is better. 你好,写的文章不错,没有大...

云梦县15572275047: 托福独立作文修改,马上就要考试了,麻烦大家帮忙修改一下吧~ -
直肿黄芩: 我帮你修改吧,托福写作要求不高的,我每次写作都将近满分 The social condition is under no circumstance proved to be much comfortable in the past than it is today.改为:Our circumstance is no better than the past.(你的太罗嗦啦,而且...

云梦县15572275047: 请高手帮忙改托福作文,高分悬赏,谢谢 -
直肿黄芩: 我们曾经相信成功总是来自勤奋.然而,如今,一些人指出另一个看法,“运气是成功不可或缺的因素之一就是成功.”在我看来,运气也起着非常重要的作用,在个人的成就,当然,根据所付出的一切. 在许多情况下,努力工作是必不可少的...

云梦县15572275047: 请帮忙批改下我的托福独立作文,7月23号就要考试了!刚开始准备作文,写的第一篇和第二篇作文.麻烦帮忙修改下,然后我这两篇作文请问可以拿多少分?... -
直肿黄芩:[答案] 有拼写错误,capita-capital第二点是,在比较正规的文章中,不会出现悬垂结构,你的第一局子就有问题,with the development,后的主语不应是it 而应是children,还有,我在上托福办的时候老师就告诉我,要在第一段就把点子说...

云梦县15572275047: 帮忙改托福作文 第一次写,希望大家别笑我 -
直肿黄芩: 呵呵,语法问题还真不少,单复数,语态时态等.改了很多.句意和基本语序就不改了.自己再check下吧.Do you agree with the saying that it's better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor....

云梦县15572275047: 请各位亲帮我修改下托福作文,拜托,小女跪拜 -
直肿黄芩: When faced with the problem, asking people who are more sophisticated than us to help us settle trouble would be more effective 缺主语意见:1,没有高级词汇,句式不够漂亮.多来点独立主语和从句会更好.2,段落意思不明确.When faced ...

云梦县15572275047: 请各位帮忙修改托福作文 -
直肿黄芩: 写得不错啊,就是有那么一点点罗嗦,还有第三段的on the other hand用的不太对吧,最后一句另成一段再加几句就完美了.

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