谁能帮我翻译30句英语句子???? 谢谢了

作者&投稿:乜顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My job is training new workers. 我任务是训练新的工人
Can you get the car going? 你能发动汽车吗?
I’ve tried every way to comfort the crying girl. 我试过了所有方法去安慰那哭泣的女孩
Be quiet! He hasn’t finished speaking. 安静! 他并没有说完
Our teacher encourages us to speak English whenever there’s a chance. 我们的老师鼓励我们只要一有机会就说英文
Making history in my family is yet another important thing I hope to gain from my college education.成为我家的历史的一部分是我读大学的另一个重要原因
He said nothing, but just went on working.他没说什么,只是接着工作
They stopped taking pictures. 他们停止了拍照
Love is like a beautiful photograph you store in an album.爱就像一张美丽的照片,存放在你的相簿中
Light travels fast than sound. 光比声音快的多
The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about her.报纸因为印制明星不实的故事而被勒令支付赔偿
A man’s character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associate.一个人的性格,可以用与他联系的男人的类型来衡量
If you are a small firm and you are confident you know the risk assessment, you can do it yourself. 如果你有一个小公司,你有信心知道风险评估,你就应该自己做
Finally she straightened up with a satisfied air and entered the store. 最终她满意的进入了商店
You could go to great lengths to create stories and excuses. .你可以用很大力气来编造故事和借口
If she were to try harder, she would pass the examination. .如果她更加努力,她会通过考试
If the doctor had been called earlier, she would still be alive today.如果的医生能早到一会,她就不会去世了
Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.因为下大雪,乘客已等候在机场,直到午夜十二时停止下雪
Mary felt like learning Japanese and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time. Mary喜欢学习日文,希望她能迅速学会,但很快就发现让她在很短的时间学会太困难了
Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people. 读音相似的英文单词,往往造成误解,尤其是英语为母语的人士
The sun gives us heat and light.太阳给人光和热
What’s the point of leaving today’s work for tomorrow?为什么要把今天的工作放到明天做?
I’m so glad to hear your encouraging words. 听到你鼓励的话我非常高兴
We invited Miss Smith to attend our party.我们邀请史密斯小姐参加我们的派对
As is well known to all, body exercises are good for our health.众所周知,健身运动对我们的身体健康有益
I don’t think it’s because they don’t know how to deal with it.我不认为那是因为他们不知道如何处理这件事情.
Nowadays, more and more people prefer to use on-line communication. 如今,越来越多的人喜欢使用联机沟通
Why do you suppose you like animals so much?你为什么这么喜欢动物?
It was a moment that I will never forget. 这一刻,我永远不会忘记
To understand your grandfather’s soul, read his loving letters to me. 了解你祖父的灵魂,读他的写给我的信

1. How much is this? / How much are these?
2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?
3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?
4. I can only speak a little English.
5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.
6. I don't understand what you mean.
7. I only want this one.
8. Could you please take a photo for me?
9. Just press this button, and it's OK.
10. Take a photo of this building.

1.Tom considers the air tank more important than dry food,while I value the latter more;
2.It's difficult to walk on the surface of a planet.
3.A air tank allows the astronauts necessary air to breathe for several hours
4.Space sleeping bags are fixed on the wall to avoid drifting away
5.Energy pack provides energy for penguin suit
6."May" is used in the situation with a stranger
7.Scientists believe that there will be more spare time for interests in the future
8.Could you tell me whether the gravity on the moon is one sixth of that on the earth?
9.Astronauts should wear a helmet attached to the air tank.
10.These plants could produce the food、water and oxygen we need.


请高手帮我 翻译英语句子---汉译英
Hello everynoe.My name is XXX, my hometown in Anhui Lu'an a small village, located in the western Anhui Province it'svery sweet for me alse important, Hefei in the university before I came to, I have been living there. I am a fresh graduate, I am going to drop in July...

2,如果我们能帮得上忙,尽管和我们联系。please contact us if there is anything we can help you.3,他需要多少般务人员才能使他的游艇航行。how many employee he need to make a voyage?4,虽然她的新书没有上一本好,但是我还是喜欢它。we like her this time book still although it is...

i take charge of english teaching in class 2,3 grade 2.my purpose is to make sure that students can learn more knowleges and enhance their interests in english study in order to help them improve english proficiency in listening,speaking,reading,and writing.meanwhile,i serve as ...

1 good faith should list as the head in all moral excellence.2 because he is dishonest, I have lost and him make friend's desire.3 although our living conditions also not entirely as desired.4 sometimes our English study as if always bogs down, but in fact certainly not ...

21.这是一款最新型的手机,不仅能用来打电话,而且还能上网和发邮件。This is one of the latest mobile phones, with which you can not only make phoe calls, but surf the internet and send e-mails as well.22.你能帮我看看这台数码相机出了什么毛病了?Could you please help me check ...

1.这本书是相当高(价格)的(平均口袋) ,但这么好(价值 读)这是应求,借来的,或被盗,而不是错过.2.他的父亲让他将500美元,他假定, (价格)---20分钟演讲就如何更好地管理其事务.3.他是瘫痪的结果(可能的)刺客的子弹多年前.4.声明说, (所有的人有自己的价格)为(真正的)的...

我们以多种不同的形式庆祝圣诞节。我们在屋子里挂满花环,摆放叫做圣诞红的灿烂鲜红的花。 我们悬挂槲寄生和彩灯。用玻璃球和彩带装饰圣诞树。我们看比如 How the Grinch Stole Christmas 和A Charlie Brown Christmas这样经典的圣诞电影。星期一我会在我们学校开一场圣诞音乐会。唱诗班会和管弦乐队合唱...

1、我刚刚才看到你的留言,不好意思。2、我们以后可以保持联系。3、希望你越来越好。1, I have just seen your message, I am sorry.2, we can keep in touch later.3, I hope you get better and better.

文章一 1. Cats and dogs are not toys, you can take it as a member of your family do?2. It is not a game you can throw away after a few months things, and you will be accompanied by long-term partner, and almost a dozen years, you can several decades to treat it?3...

大港区17320212068: 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译下列句子?1.现在是十一点钟了,你最好去睡觉.2.你看上去很苍白,你最好马上去看医生.3.两天后我们必须完成工作,我们最好现在就... -
雀衬索宁:[答案] 1.It is eleven o'clock,and you'd better go to bed.2.You look very pale,you'd better see a doctor immediately.3.Two days later,we must finish the work,we had better start working now.4.You'd better wri...

大港区17320212068: 英语翻译谁能帮我用英文翻译下句子,一:这是玻璃做的,顶多值一百元.二:玛丽很有志向,她急切想在事业上出人头地.三:如果你需要我们的产品,请提... -
雀衬索宁:[答案] 1 This is made of glass,at most is worth one hundred yuan2 Mary is very ambitious,eager to her in his career3 If you need our products,please contact me in advance

大港区17320212068: 谁能帮我翻译几个英文句子?
雀衬索宁: 1、Could you please put the baggage to the door in 8:30 a.m. .I will dispatch someone to collect it.2、Could I put your suitcase here?3、Could you take offence to have the handbag by yourself?4、Please let me help you to take this baggage.5、...

大港区17320212068: 谁能帮我用英语翻译这几个句子?1.我期望你能考成功. 2.不要让他等下去了. 3.人们称这种方法为一箭双雕.还有一句,他已经使自己恢复到原来的状态. -
雀衬索宁:[答案] i hope that you will succeed in your context Don't let him wait any more. people call this method "kill two birds with one stone"..

大港区17320212068: 请问谁能帮我用英文翻译以下句子?1 您好,你找哪位? 2 请问怎么称呼您?3 请问您有他的联系方式吗?4请问你是哪个公司的?5 请您在这登记一下 -
雀衬索宁:[答案] 1 你找哪位?HI,Anybody you want to meet?2 请问怎么称呼您?May I know your name?3 请问您有他的联系方式吗?Do you have his contact method?4请问你是哪个公司的?May I know which company do you serve?5 请您在...

大港区17320212068: 谁能帮我翻译几个句子,翻译成英文.1、你是我的所有2、我想每时每刻和你在一起3、我想你,很想很想4、我们,会很幸福 -
雀衬索宁:[答案] You are my everything. I want to be with you every moment. I miss you very much. We will be fair happy.

大港区17320212068: 谁能帮我翻译几个英语句子?1 平时努力学习,正确对待考试 2 考试期间适当运动,正常作息 3 睡前洗热水澡,喝杯热牛奶有助于快速入睡. 谢谢哈 -
雀衬索宁:[答案] Peacetime study hard, treat correctly exam During the exam of moderate exercise routine and normal Taking a hot bath before bedtime, drink a cup of hot milk help fast asleep.

大港区17320212068: 谁能帮我翻译英语句子尽量不要犯错你可以向老师求助我们去操场为他们加油 -
雀衬索宁:[答案] Try not to make mistakes You can ask the teacher for help We go to the playground to cheer for them

大港区17320212068: 谁能帮我翻译以下句子?英译汉:1、Theybuyticketso
雀衬索宁: 1.他们或者通过买门票,或者通过电视直播观看了这场比赛. 2.在温暖的天气里游泳是件有趣的事,而在冬天滑冰也不错. 3.The people from different countries often become friends after one match.

大港区17320212068: 谁可以用英语帮我翻译下面的句子1.我还没看过这部电影?2.他已经
雀衬索宁: 首先,翻译这些句子应该看到句子中一些关键的词,比如“几次”“已经”“还未”等,因此判断这些句子都应该使用现在完成时来翻译. 1.我还没看过这部电影? I ...

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