
作者&投稿:戊柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Americans consider cats and dogs a "part of the family" rather than property, which, legally, at least, they remain. (Being property themselves, for instance, animals cannot legally inherit property in wills, though growing numbers of them are being provided for in estates, and some law firms have developed a specialty in the area. ) The reasons for this metamorphosis from property to person are mysterious. No one seems to know exactly why Americans have changed their views. A decline in warmth among homo sapiens may explain part of the phenomenon, says attorney Lane Gabeler. She says it actually helps the practice by giving her people a softer edge.

First of all, question time, who can tell me what the map is? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map)and here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful!
Okay, now let us return to the first map , the map of the world. Well, now, who can accurately figure out our beautiful home from this map? This is a very difficult task, because this world is very, very large, while our home was too small to leave any traces .
Many people compare our home as a harbor, (Harbour diagram); while the outside world is like a vast sea. I believe that everyone is hoping to sail the boat. And not only satisfied with standing on the dock to appreciate, although the scenery is beautiful, but monotonous .
What do we need when sailing? Well, yes. we need ship .And the size of the ship decide how far we can sail , and now we are at the stage of shipbuilding , with knowledge to build ship. The more abundant our knowledge is , then the larger our ship will be. Then we will be able to explore the wider world. (The world's landscape pictures)
We know there are many, many beautiful places in this world . One day we can see our world , this beautiful world not through television or photographs, but with our own eyes……


IP 防护罩是依据与我站用户在各种环境工作中的反馈意见而研发出来的。过去的那种周密安排计划就是来探究保护系统的,目的是研发一种解决方案,能够在将来适应尽可能多的(不同)产品的环境。

受IP 防护罩保护的所有插件将不再依赖于3ds MAX 【注释:3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Discreet公司开发的(后被Autodesk公司合并)基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是9.0。】




可以在网上“产生”各种附加许可 ,并立即安装。



用集中化方法【注释:Centralized approach(集中化方法,用于数据库设计):将每个用户试图的需求合并成新数据库应用程序的一个需求集合 Chasm trap(深坑陷阱):假设实体间存在一根,但某些实体间不存在通路。】,可以测定出许可(证)的真正需要或真正的用途。

IP防护罩需要在网络中安装一个永久性的“大机器”【注释:凯 利认为,互联网的未来是个更加值得依赖的统一体(The One),更加可靠的大机器(One Machine)。只有一个统一体,网络就是它的操作系统,全世界所有的显示器都将连为一体。】。


解释:尽量翻译成直译文,对于某些查阅到的专业词语就放到该词的后面以【】 ,希望专业人员商榷。



IP-Clamp插件保护不再依赖于3 dsmax版本












IP-Clamp插件保护不再依赖于3 dsmax版本











IP-Clamp was developed based on feedback from our users working in all kinds of environments. Careful planning went into the protection system to develop a solution that will fit into as many different production environments as possible.

Find below a list of advantages in using IP-Clamp as a unified protection method for cebas plug-ins.

Plug-Ins protected by IP-Clamp are no more dependent on the 3ds max version

Plug-Ins may "float" in a local area network. Any workstation can use the plug-in

Copyright tracking and usage can be controlled by one single source

Every cebas plug-in will be using this new protection system. Multiple systems are no more needed

Additional Licenses may be generated online and installed in an instant

Demo, Lease and "emergency" licenses may be generated at any time

Single Workstations and Networked can be protected by one single easy to use system

Multiple release versions of one Plug-In may be used concurrently

By the centralized approach the true need/usage of licenses can be measured

Only one machine in a network needs to have IP-Clamp installed ever!!

No additional installation of IP-Clamp necessary on workstations at


Don't know why I even tried for so long, I'm Gone. 我甚至不知道自己为什么苦苦守候这么久,我要走了 Sit back 坐下来 Got a story now 听我为你讲述一个故事 About a guy That I fell in love with 关于一个我曾爱过的男孩 Started out so beautiful 我们之间曾那么...


我自己按照意思翻译的,可能和字面意思有一点点出入,那是为了通顺需要 If I could take you away 如果我能带你远走高飞 Pretend I was queen 就像我是女皇一样 What would you say 你会说什么 Would you think I'm unreal 你会不会觉得我太不现实 'Cause everybody's got their way I should...

In the dark, emitting a supple light, cold night to bring the only warmth. Thank you, this is warm, with no fade.

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introducing its origin, theory, variety and training method etc. I hope people can understand more about the culture of Chinese bamboo flute and skills to play it. Hopefully more and more people would back up the development of the chinese bamboo flute.修改了一下你中文不合理的地方...


曾经有人迷失了方向差点丢了姓名Someone lost his way to such an extent that he would have lost his life 曾经有人受野兽袭击受了重伤 Someone got attacked by the beast and got seriously wounded 但是他们没有放弃,而是怀着勇气和希望朝着目的地一步一步地往前走and yet they didn't give ...

English cet 4 certificate in 2008 Personal skills and self assessment English CET4 test reading comprehension, writing good oral English is good A computer WORD of simple PPT to EXCEL in the C programming language, etc Have strong learning ability, work and communicate actively, have ...

payment recovers.Count votes, follow the label of invoice to take back to spread, urge a debt to the debt.3.Understanding the customer's product develops trend.4.Periodically return to visit and make satisfaction inquisition.The goods work.在英文翻译上帮你翻译的,希望可以帮助你 ...

精河县13177541321: 求英语达人翻译一下以下这段话~ -
厨人赖喜心: First of all, question time, who can tell me what the map is? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map)and here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful! Okay, now let us return to the ...

精河县13177541321: 求英语达人帮忙翻译下段文字谢谢! -
厨人赖喜心: My character is frank, with kind heart and loving life. Treat work seriously and responsibly, meticulousity, has the strong sense of responsibility, have good organization and coordination ability,I can adapt to the team and working environment in a ...

精河县13177541321: 求教各位英文达人,帮忙翻译一下以下的一段话,汉译英!请把此话译成英文“你好,我是中国人,我英语不怎么好 我看不懂你在说什么,你直接做就好了.” -
厨人赖喜心:[答案] Hi!I am Chinese.My English is limited.I don't know what you are saying.Please just do it.

精河县13177541321: 求英语达人帮忙翻译以下句子无论你在哪里,无论你在干什么,我都会陪着你,直到你不需要我为止. -
厨人赖喜心:[答案] wherever you are ,whatever you do,i will stand by you until you don't need me.或者是wherever you are ,whatever you do,i will be right there beside you until you don't need me.

精河县13177541321: 求英语达人翻译下面的句子
厨人赖喜心:第一句,“端正态度,刻苦勤奋,勤能补拙.”------"A good attitude, hard working, diligence redeems stupidity." 第二句,“你要知道你目前需要做的,只有坚持.”------ "You should know what you need to do at present is only insisting on." 谢谢采纳!更正; can just redeen 改为:can just be redeemed 谢谢!

精河县13177541321: 请英语达人帮忙翻译一个句子(汉译英)RT,请帮忙翻译下面这个句子“优雅的微笑,幽雅的美好”在线等,谢谢 -
厨人赖喜心:[答案] elegant smile,quiet and tastefully laid out glory

精河县13177541321: 求以下这段话的英语翻译,请英语达人帮帮忙 -
厨人赖喜心: on August 30, 2011, he had already left, began on 1 September, you tell him or he is with what you do with this company not trade relationship. Declare!!

精河县13177541321: 求英语高手帮忙翻译以下句子,万分感谢. -
厨人赖喜心: 你在哪啊?我最最亲爱的老婆,为什么让我苦等了那么多年?我发誓,只要你不嫌弃我,我将用毕生精力去守护你直到永远.Where are you, my dear wife? Why did you let me wait for you for so many years?I swear to God, If you don't mind me, I will take care of you from now on until forever!很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!

精河县13177541321: 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句句子? -
厨人赖喜心: In this world , there are only two things convulsing our hearts heavily . One is the starry sky on our heads .Another is the lofty moral in our hearts .

精河县13177541321: 哪位英语达人帮忙翻译一下下面的句子... -
厨人赖喜心: “长是日的晚上,当一旦围绕你.我的足迹,PRAYIN数的地板上不会失败了.我的母亲ACCUSEED我失去我的心灵,但我发誓我是很好的.

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