
作者&投稿:宰通 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Partly rust stained ·Rust spotted
Rust stained ·Rust and oil spotted
Rust spots apparent ·Wet before shipment
Some rust spots apparent ·Wet steel tubes
Rust spots apparent on top sheets Wet bars
Some rust spots apparent on top sheets Rust on metal envelopes
Top sheets rusty ·Covered with snow
Some top sheets rusty ·Pitted
我有很多 没有悬赏?


Episode 一集
定义:A regular installment of an ongoing program.

Extra 群众演员;临时演员

定义: An actor without a speaking part, usually hired by the day as part of a crowd scene.


FX 特技

定义: Slang for “special effects.”


举例:Steve is a FX man for a major film company.

Genre 风格,体裁

定义:A film using a specific technique, style, story, o-r setting.


Made-for-TV-movie 为电视制作的电影

定义: A movie that is made expecially for TV.


Makeup Artist 化妆师

定义:A person who applies makeup to actors. 字串1


Candid Camera 偷拍

定义:The action of filming people in various situations without them knowing that they are being filmed.


Cast 全体演员

定义:The actors who portray all the roles in a play.


举例:There will be a meeting for all cast members this afternoon.
Blockbuster (=Hit) 火爆片;叫座片
定义:A movie which is a huge financial success. In common usage a "blockbuster" is a movie that has a box-office of more than $100 million upon release in North America.

举例:Movie-makers are hoping for a summer of full of blockbusters.


The film “Mr. Bean” was a box-office success, but it was not much praised by the critics.


Cameo 大演员小角色

定义:A bit part (i.e. small role) played by a famous actor who would ordinarily not take such a small part. Originally meaning "a small piece of artwork", the term was borrowed by director Michael Anderson when attempting to attract famous actors to play bit parts in Around the World in 80 Days.

由一名著名演员扮演的一般他们不接受的小角色。原意为“小件艺术品”,这个词被导演麦克·安德森借用以吸引著名演员演出他的影片《80日环游世界》(1956) 。

Slow-motion 慢动作;慢镜头

定义:The effect of very slow action by filming faster than normal then replaying the film at normal speed.


Love Triangle 三角恋爱

Follow-up=Sequel 续集

Supporting Actor 男配角

Sitcom=situation comedy 喜剧情节,幽默单元剧。

Nominate 提名 字串7

举例:Nicole has been nominated for 3 golden globes, and won 2.


Star 主演,担任主角

举例:She starred in a film about schizophrenia, where she was an aspiring architect who developed the horrible disease。


Paparazzo (pl. Paparazzi) 狗仔队

举例:Some paparazzi go to outlandish extremes to photograph a particular star that they are following.


gossip / / n. v. 流言蜚语,说长道短;闲聊

interview / / v. 采访,访谈

date / / v. 约会

suck / / v. 糟糕

pathetic / / adj. 无聊

hilarious / / adj. 有趣的,滑稽的

sultry / / adj. (女子或其神态)性感迷人

box-office / / n. 票房

critics / / n. 评论
A. 承运人
Shipping Lines 航运公司
Common carriers 公共承运人
OCC Ocean Common Carrier 远洋公共承运人
VOCC Vessel-Operating Common Carrier 船舶承运人
Vessel Sharing Carriers 共用舱位承运人
NVOCC 无船承运人
Master NVOCC 主装无船承运人
Tendering NVOCC 交运货物的无船承运人
Contract NVOCC 签约无船承运人
MTO Multi-modal Transport Operator 多式联运经营人
An MTO deals with all matters in relation to the conveyance of cargoentrusted to him from the point of shipment to the place of delivery, documentation and arrangements with sub-contractors at various breaking points to facilitate expeditious movement of cargo. In most
cases it is necessary for him to appoint agents or correspondents at
various points or even maintain subsidiary concerns at importanttransshipping points to attend to all the work necessary in connection with the movement of cargo. He assumes responsibility for the performance of the contract.
MTO Marine Terminal Operator 海运码头经营者
Vessel Operation MTO 经营多式联运的船舶承运人
NVO-MTO may be a road operator/rail operator/
airline operator/freight forwarder 不营运船舶的多式联运经营人
Controlled Carrier 受控承运人
Rates must be “just and reasonable” - compensatory.
30 days notice required to increase or reduce tariff rates.
Conference Carrier 公会承运人
Independent carriers 独立承运人
9th largest carrier serving the US 美线第9大承运人
Consortium ( Group of carriers pooling resources in a trade lane
to maximize their resources effectively ) 联盟
Alliance 联盟
B. 竞争
Competitors 竞争对手
Player 竞争参与者(对手)
Foreclose from 。。排斥在外
To preserve legitimate competition among all common carriers
C. 运输模式、网络
Transportation Network 运输网络
Pendulum Service 钟摆式服务模式
Loop Service 环扣式服务模式
Trunk Service / Line 干线
Feeder Service vessel employed in normally short sea routes to fetch or carry
goods/containers to and from ocean-going vessels 支线
Common Feeder 公共支线
Coastal Transport 沿海运输
Barge / Lighter 驳船
D. 船
Self-owned Vessels 自有船
Time-chartered Vessels 期租船
Inbound Vessel / Homebound 进口(回程)船
Outgoing / Outbound Vessel 出口船
Liner Vessel plying a regular trade against a published sailing schedule 班轮
Slot Space on board a vessel occupied by a container 箱位
E. 航班 / 次
A weekly sailing 周班
A fixed day sailing 定日航班
A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班
A fortnight sailing 双周班
A bi-weekly sailing 周双班
A monthly sailing 每月班
On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离
Sailing frequency 航次密度
ETA Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间
ETB Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间
ETCD Estimated Time of Commencing Discharge 预计开卸时间
ETCL Estimated Time of Commencing Loading 预计开装时间
ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间
The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。 船期/船舶如有变
Closing Date Last day on which export cargo can be accepted 截止申报时间
for a nominated sailing.
Cut-off time Latest possible time the cargo may be delivered to 截关日
the vessel or designated point。
F. 港
Base Port 基本港
POD Port of Discharge (DPORT) / port of delivery 卸港
POD place of delivery 卸货地
Port of Arrival / Departure 抵达 / 驶离港
POL Port of Loading (LPORT) 装港
Port of Call 挂港
2nd Leg 第二挂港
FND Final Destination 交货目的地
end of carrier liability where carrier delivers the cargo to consignee
Skip Over 跳(甩)港
Change of port of call 改港
Optional Port 选择港
COD Change of Destination 更改目的地(改港)
Deviate 弯(绕)港
Diversions the route of a shipment changed in transit from that shown on B/L 弯港
Port congestion 压港(港口拥挤)

● Danger is next neighbour to security. 危险是安全的近邻。
● Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。
● Dead men tell no tales. 死人不会搬弄是非。
● Death is the grand leveller. 凡人都要死,大家都一样。
● Death meets us everywhere. 死亡到处和我门相遇。
● Death pays all debts. 人死百债了。
● Death when it comes will have no denial. 死亡来临时,无可抗拒之。
● Deeds, no words. 不要光说不练。
● Debt is better than death. 负债总比死亡强。
● Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves. 行动是果实,言语只是树叶而已。
● Deeds are males, and words are females. 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。
● Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy. 深水静静流,浅溪潺潺流。
● Delays are dangerous. 坐失良机必有忧患。
● Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 著手前要深思熟虑,执行要果断有力。
● Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速。
● Deliberating is not delaying. 慎思不是拖延。
● Deliver not your words by number but by weight. 言不在多,而在有物。
● Depend on others and you always repent. 依靠别人总要后悔。
● Despair gives courage to a coward. 人急造反,狗急跳墙。
● Destruction pursues the great. 树大招风。
● Devil must be driven out with devils. 以毒攻毒。
● Dexterity comes by experience. 熟练来自经验。
● Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手。
● Diet cures more than the doctor. 药补不如食补。
● Diligence is near success. 勤奋近乎成功。
● Diligence is the mother of good luck. 刻苦是成功之母。
● Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奋是成功之母。
● Discontent is the first step in progress. 不知足是前进中的第一步。
● Discretion is the better part of valour. 小心即大勇。
● Disease, enemy, and debt --these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow. 病,仇与债这三者,一露苗头就砍掉。
● Disease of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. 心灵上的疾病比肉体上的疾病更危险。
● Diseases are the price of ill pleasures. 疾病是不正当娱乐的代价。
● Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。
● Disgraced may be he who thinks ill. 心怀不端的人是可耻的。
● Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee. 为众之所为,受众之所夸。
● Do as the Romans do(or Do as they do at Rome). 入乡要随俗。
● Do as you would be done by. 推己及人。
● Do business, but be not a slave to it. 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。
● Dog does not eat dog. 物不伤其类。
● Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 远处叫得凶的狗,不会近身来咬人。
● Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 多谋寡成。
● Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。
● Doing is better than saying. 行胜于言。
● Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
● Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know. 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。
● Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。
● Do not despise your enemy. 万勿轻敌。
● Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail. 不要有求必应。
● Do not praise a day before sunset. 切勿褒贬过早。
● Do not run too fast after gain. 不要见利就拼命追。
● Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 不要向不如你幸运的人述说你的幸福。
● Do not swap horses when crossing a stream. 处在危难中,不宜大更动。
● Do no through fear of poverty surrender liberty. 不要因为怕贫苦而放弃自由。
● Do not to others what you do not wish them to do to you. 己所不欲,勿施于人。
● Do not wash dirty linen in public. 家丑不可外扬。
● Don't cast out the foul water till you bring in the clean. 清水未来,莫泼赃水。
● Don't count your chicken before they are hatched. 不要过早乐观。
● Don't climb a tree to look for fish. 勿缘木求鱼。
● Don't cross the bridge till you get to it. 不要杞人忧天。
● Don't fly till you wings are feathered. 羽毛未丰不要飞。
● Don't cry out before you are hurt. 还没受苦,就别叫苦。
● Don't halloo till you are out of the wood. 没有脱离危险不要先欢呼。
● Don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain. 切莫临时抱佛脚。
● Don't keep all your eggs in one basketball.勿孤注一掷。
● Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。
● Don't speak all you know, but know all you speak. 不要尽言所知,而要尽知所言。
● Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 休要班门弄斧。
● Don't throw out your dirty water before you get in fresh. 清水未打来,赃水莫倒掉。
● Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自寻烦恼。
● Don't whistle until you are out of the wood. 没有脱离险境,不要过早高兴。
● Do one's level best. 尽力而为

去 金山词霸 那个里面有很多术语

我的 高分急求—大副批注常用英文术语~~~ 200 大副批注常用英文术语~~~谢谢!外加100+补分。请看清具体问题!别在哪搞一段没用的复制给我... 大副批注常用英文术语~~~谢谢!外加100+补分。请看清具体问题!别在哪搞一段没用的复制给我 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务...

Partly rust stained ·Rust spotted Rust stained ·Rust and oil spotted Rust spots apparent ·Wet before shipment Some rust spots apparent ·Wet steel tubes Rust spots apparent on top sheets Wet bars Some rust spots apparent on top sheets Rust on metal envelopes Top sheets rusty ·Co...

大副收据被批注可能是由于多种原因造成的,包括但不限于操作失误、违反规定、数据错误等。具体的批注原因需要根据实际情况进行判断。二、详细解释 1. 操作失误: 在处理大副收据的过程中,如果工作人员出现操作不当或失误的情况,可能会导致收据被批注。例如,填写信息不准确、漏填重要信息等。2. 违反规定...

大副如果发现货物外包装状况不良或存在缺陷等情况,就会如实地记载到收货单上, 这就是大副批注。大副收据是签发提单的依据。有无不良批注,是托运人能否换取清洁提单的重要依据。经大副签字的收货单如果没有任何不良批注,托运人持此单并且付清预付运费,可以换取已装船清洁提单。从本质上讲,清洁提单就...

没有特殊要求的,一般是收货证明的以下信息:A:所收货物的名称、时间、地点、数量;B;如果有不同的品种,要分清类别,分类注明;C:文件制用时,一般要用公司的台头纸;D:注明相应的合同号或订单号 3、收货证明写好后,在文件的右下方要注明公司名称及出单日期,出好后不要忘了签字、盖章。

此记载被称为“大副批注”。 入库单是对采购实物入库数量的确认,也是对采购人员和供应商的一种监控,如果缺乏实物入库的控制,不能防止采购人员与供应商串通舞弊,虚报采购量、实物短少的风险。它是企业内部管理和控制的重要凭证。 ‍‍收货单和入库单怎么翻译? cargo receipt warehouse...


同江市17689206584: 急求专业翻译大副批注批注如下:设备包装十分脆弱,框变型,脱焊,油
关洁安宫: Commentaryis ,theframechangesatype,takingoff,thepaintshedsoff,rustvestige,thepipechangesatype,thearmoredplateshipsquaredoesn'ttakeanyrisk.

同江市17689206584: 高分急求高考英语作文常用单词 一百个以内 -
关洁安宫: A a[E,eI], an[En,An] art.一(个);任何…都;每(一);某,某一个 able[5eIbl] adj.能…的,能干的,能够的 about[E5bau:t] prep.在附近,关于,在…周围 adv.附近,大约 above[E5bQv] prep.在…上方,超出 adv.在上面 adj.上面的,上述的 ...

同江市17689206584: 高分急求英语翻译!!!!!要快!!!! -
关洁安宫: 淋浴室 Shower Room 光控室 Optical Control Room 追光室 Follow Room 舞台检修入口 Maintenance arena entrance 展品陈列室 Exhibits showroom 创作室 Creative Room 耳光室 Room slap in the face 弱电控制中心 Weak control center

同江市17689206584: 高分急求英语翻译~ -
关洁安宫: 你出80分其实是想弄清楚 make at you side及make at you end的意思可知当中的重要性我看了又看也做了些少的研究但还是不能肯定当中的意思我也认为这2句很重要一定不可以有误解所以建议你回覆对方要求解释例如I need to know what you ...

同江市17689206584: 高分!急求单词翻译、高手进,可追加. -
关洁安宫: 1:一月January 2:包括include 或者contain 3:探索 动词explore名词exploration 4:亲属relatives 5:四十forty 6:乘客passenger 7:录取enroll 8:星期二Tuesday 9:定期的regular 10:控告 sue 或者accuse

同江市17689206584: 【高分急求大神】是HL简写的英语~ -
关洁安宫: 水平线(Horizontal Line) 上院(House of Lords) 半衰期(Half-Life)

同江市17689206584: 在线高分急求英语翻译!!! -
关洁安宫: dear zhanghong:Next Monday is my birthday,I'm going to have a birthday party at home,I invited some classmates and friends.The party will start at 7:30.I live in Guangming road, No. 202,You can take 38 or 49 Guangming road, bus stop at the ...

同江市17689206584: 高分急求英语翻译
关洁安宫: Psychologists has used numerous facts to bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion,you should allow yourself to cry.You needn't be ashamed of crying.Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body ...

同江市17689206584: 【高分急求】英语by + 某天 包括当天不 -
关洁安宫: 不包括.by June 1 表示在6月1日之前(前面动作完成).

同江市17689206584: 高分急求论文摘要中英文翻译 -
关洁安宫: [brief]The competition between modern enterprises is the competition of core competency of enterprises.The key to a corporation's survival and standing out from the rat race for the market,is whether the enterprises has its core competency .While ...

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