
作者&投稿:墨莘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Yesterday,Lilei went home by bus,he was wait with an old man.
2 Lilei had a seat,he quickly sat down.
3 He saw and old man stand beside him.
4 Lilei stood up,gave the seat to the old man happily.

1 Lucy wanted to hold a birthday party at home yesterday.
2 All her friends came to her home and celeberite with Lucy's family.
3 Lucy's mother gave her a big birthday cake.
4 All her friends and her family say happy birthday to her and they also enjoyed themselves during the party.

I was born in shanghai in 19**
I come from the east of China.
Yes, it is.
do like
come from
do come from
do want

1 Yesterday,Lilei went home by bus,he was wait with an old man.
2 Lilei had a seat,he quickly sat down.
3 He saw and old man stand beside him.
4 Lilei stood up,gave the seat to the old man happily.

1 Lucy wanted to hold a birthday party at home yesterday.
2 All her friends came to her home and celeberite with Lucy's family.
3 Lucy's mother gave her a big birthday cake.
4 All her friends and her family say happy birthday to her and they also enjoyed themselves during the party.

图呢 垃圾?


A:xin chao ban.你好 B:xin chao ban.你好 A:ten minh la Huong,ten ban la gi?我名叫阿香,朋友你叫什么名字?B:ten minh la Phuong,rat vui duoc lam quen voi ban Huong.我叫阿芳,很高兴能认识阿香你。A:to cung the,may dinh di dau day?我也一样,你要去哪里?B:to di BacK...

身体最胖--(肥头大耳)能力最强--(神通广大 )学识最广--(上知天文,下知地理 )考虑最密--(精打细算)根据最足--(证据确凿 )分量最重--(重于泰山 )看的最远--(高瞻远瞩)力气最大--(力大如牛 )才学最高--( 才高八斗)胸怀最宽--(虚怀若谷 )挥霍最多--(挥金如土 )...

高中英语 高手来 语法问题 冠词问题···在线等···
如果没猜错,这个选择题的四个选项中包括:a、an 和 the 吧?关于第一个问题,你理解的不对哦。冠词是看后面的名词的,跟你说的什么比较级没有一毛钱的关系。不能说 better 在 a 的后面就说 a 和 better 有什么关系。 冠词 a 对应的是 后面的 understanding。 而 better 在这里修饰 unders...

246:饿了 918:加油吧 8013:伴你一生 04551:你是我唯一 51396:我要睡觉了 0487:你是白痴 995:救救我 5203344587:我爱你,生生世世不变心 88:再见 748:去死吧 537:我生气了 3030335:想你想你想我 520:我爱你 53880:我想抱抱你 3344520:生生世世我爱你 53719:我深情依旧 25184:...

小心翼翼 无所事事 生机勃勃 文质彬彬 得意忘形 虎视眈眈 夸夸其谈 依依不舍 神采奕奕 翩翩起舞(闻鸡起舞) 栩栩如生 书生朗朗

1.(1)要有希望,拥有希望就能放大快乐 (2)阿Q也能放大快乐。2.可怜在这里是可惜的意思,可惜“我”大才小用 3.本句用了拟人和夸张的修辞手法,形象而恰当地写了我们非常快乐的心情。4.爱人的人生态度非常乐观积极,知足而乐。


1.比喻爱说话的人——(嘴子 )2.比喻喜欢晚睡的人——(夜猫子 )3.比喻性情直爽的人——(直肠子 )4.比喻挥霍浪费国家、集体或自家财产的人——(败家子 )5.比喻经常生病吃药的人——(药罐子 )6.比喻只有形式没有内容的东西——(空架子 )7.比喻某物的关键——(命根子 )8.比喻不照...

一扫而光 熟能生巧 鳞次栉比 聚精会神 问寒问暖 比喻稀有的事物或辉煌一时的出现不久久消逝(昙花一现 )形容路途遥远(千里迢迢 )洪水横流,造成灾难。(泛滥成灾 )形容穷得一无所有(家贫如洗 )形容体积大而笨重的东西(庞然大物 )把词语补充完整:(凌)空欲飞 ABB的。满当当 ...

汝阳县17031426159: 英语问题,高手速度来,在线等1.接到鲜花的姑娘将预兆快要结婚了 The girl who catches the flowers will be next to - ___ - ______2.在公共场合大声说话是不... -
可叔赛络:[答案] 1、get marry 2、it is impolite 3、must keep to the right 4、can't must finish 5、do some cleaning 6、anything to drink 7、can't take pictures 8、can ride a bike

汝阳县17031426159: 英语高手来~~(在线等,速度) -
可叔赛络: 1 Yesterday,Lilei went home by bus,he was wait with an old man.2 Lilei had a seat,he quickly sat down.3 He saw and old man stand beside him.4 Lilei stood up,gave the seat to the old man happily.1 Lucy wanted to hold a birthday party at home ...

汝阳县17031426159: 英语高手 我坐等 速度来啊1 In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should write simply, clearly and concisely____he wants to know. A what Bthat... -
可叔赛络:[答案] 1、what 从句中缺宾语he want to know what. 2、know to后面表目的,直接加原型

汝阳县17031426159: 英语情景交际 英语高手速度来!!在线等 及时采纳 -
可叔赛络: A Excuse me B Sure A Do I have to take bus A Thanks B You are welcome

汝阳县17031426159: 英语高手进,速度在线等答案,可以送份分. -
可叔赛络: Dear friend: Hello, thank you for your appreciating my project and trusting me. I still have many coach bags. Now I send the pictures to you and tell me the one you like. (我改了你的意思,我现在发图片给你,然后你告诉我你喜欢哪个.毕竟这样比...

汝阳县17031426159: 英语翻译的高手来,速度,在线等~~~~~~~ -
可叔赛络: 1.I have jotted down just happened. 2.I really want to change the present circumstances, but I do not know how to do.

汝阳县17031426159: 高分英语达人来,在线等
可叔赛络: A: Need friends? B: Yes, hard to find! A: Go to QQ! B: Tell me more! A: Boys and girls, young and old, from local and other cities, from China and other countries. B: It is time consuming? A: Under your control. B: Do I loss my privacy? A: Under your ...

汝阳县17031426159: 英语高手进,某个产品,很有市场前景,用英语这么说?在线等,速度!谢谢大家! -
可叔赛络: This product has great market potential - 市场潜力 This product has great market prospect - 市场前景 认为用市场潜力比较适合.

汝阳县17031426159: 英语高手来!谢谢..速度急用 -
可叔赛络: 1.(1)No,I haven't. (2)Sorry,I have no money.2. (1)No,I,didn't. (2)I only stayed at home.3. (1)No,I didn't (2)Nothing I bought.4. (1)No,there wasn't any bodies. (2)No one was there.以上答案仅供参考,谢谢.

汝阳县17031426159: 英语问题、本人在线等、速度高手回答 -
可叔赛络: Is that girl your cousin,too?No,she isn't.She is my sister.

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