
作者&投稿:马疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Can you come to my party?~

1. Would you like to come to my party?
Will you please come to my party?

2. I have two pens, one is red, the other is blue.
Would you like another cup of coffee?

3. What is today?

4. What day is it today?

5. What date is it today?

6. 二者的区别涉及到主谓一致的问题,英语中有两个相似的短语:a number of与the number of,它们修饰名词作主语时,谓语的数是不一样的。
(1)a number of为量词短语,表示“许多……”,中心词是这个短语所修饰的复数名词,所以作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:
A number of students of our school have read that magazine.
A number of wild animals have been found in the forest.
(2)the number of表示“……的数量”,中心词为number,指的是of后边名词的数量,数量是个抽象概念,因此谓语动词用单数。如:
The number of students in our school has grown from 1,000 to more than 1,500.
The number of wild animals has become less and less in recent years.


Come here again.

一般在祈使句中,没特殊说明下,都是省略主语 you,


You Can A1ways come Holhe

为啥找不到文件呢?如果把 package a1; 删掉,编译是可以生成文件的。但...
把 package a1; 删掉,就直接用: javac -d . Text.java就可以了。

V4Ou$*mL 15.受当代灌溉(技术设施)之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的...Q 5B$9A1 19. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining...DOCTOR All right, Forrest, you can open your eyes now. Let's take a little walk around. ...

...所以用拼音代替,女歌手唱得,高潮老是唱bi ou ruai ,前面的是英语的...
be all right http:\/\/\/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=%A1%B0be+all+right%A1%B1&lm=-1 估计是这首?It s gonna be all right http:\/\/\/lyrics\/311\/311599.html

密室逃脱GO=c4 LU=a1 OD=d1 CK=b2 求 GD OU OC LK 谁帮解答下啊 第三...
你玩的是3D密室逃脱吧?那个是GOOD LUCK 一个字母对应一个数字后打散,两个O按照先后顺序分别入位,这些数是随机的 你的这组分别是:c1 41 db a2

JS、为什么var a1 = new arry [1,2,3,4]和var a2 = new arry [ 5...
这位小兄弟,你这代码写的对吗?好像是不能跑起来的。arry 数组写错了,docoument也写错了,正确的应该是这样的 var a1 = new Array(1,2,3,4);var a2 = new Array(5);alert(a1.length);alert(a2.length);至于为什么结果是4和5是因为后面如果跟多个参数代表的是数组中的元素,所以说 第1个...

"ou can see the whole of the city from my bedroom window.” 吉姆会见了两位朋友在街上。 “回来我的公寓,吃一顿饭,”他说: “其他指定用途可以看到,整个城市从我的卧室窗口” 。 His two friends agreed and they went back with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. ...

"ou can see the whole of the city from my bedroom window.” 吉姆会见了两位朋友在街上。 “回来我的公寓,吃一顿饭,”他说: “其他指定用途可以看到,整个城市从我的卧室窗口” 。 His two friends agreed and they went back with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. ...

"ou can see the whole of the city from my bedroom window.” 吉姆会见了两位朋友在街上。 “回来我的公寓,吃一顿饭,”他说: “其他指定用途可以看到,整个城市从我的卧室窗口” 。 His two friends agreed and they went back with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. ...

"ou can see the whole of the city from my bedroom window.” 吉姆会见了两位朋友在街上。 “回来我的公寓,吃一顿饭,”他说: “其他指定用途可以看到,整个城市从我的卧室窗口” 。 His two friends agreed and they went back with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. ...

"ou can see the whole of the city from my bedroom window.” 吉姆会见了两位朋友在街上。 “回来我的公寓,吃一顿饭,”他说: “其他指定用途可以看到,整个城市从我的卧室窗口” 。 His two friends agreed and they went back with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. ...

泊头市19160792457: 请问Can you 和you can 有什么区别阿 -
甫菡乐孚: 你好,关于请问Can you 和you can 有什么区别阿?还有cloud you是什么1.Can you 和you can 区别如下:Can you用于疑问句,意思是:你能.....吗?you can用于陈述句,意思是:你可以2.Can you 比较直接的询问 如:Can you confirm this? 这个你能确定吗?could you ,语气比较客气,比较委婉 如:Could you please return these books for me? 可不可以请你帮我还这些书?

泊头市19160792457: a和an要怎么样 还有can you在什么时候用到怎么用 thanks -
甫菡乐孚:[答案] 通常来说,a 是用在以辅音开首的词前面,an 是用在以元音开首的词前面; 可数名词前面用 a(或 an),不可数名词前面... 注意,only a few 却等于 few,也是“很少”的意思. can you用于句首表示能力、意愿征询 Can you cook up a simple egg dish...

泊头市19160792457: you can't have it both ways. -
甫菡乐孚: you can't have it this way and that way either one way or another ;如:you can't have both your cake and eat it 鱼和熊掌不可兼得

泊头市19160792457: You can choose many kinds of ways to cook a nice food use the eggs. -
甫菡乐孚: 不能用use,改成by using,还有一般不说cook a nice food ,food改成 meal

泊头市19160792457: As you can see, in some ways we look the same, 这是什么从句?从哪到哪做了谁的从句? -
甫菡乐孚: As you can see 这是由关系代词as 引导的非限制性的定语从句, as 指代整个主句( in some ways we look the same)【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

泊头市19160792457: 英语提:Can you tell me some ways - - - travelling from Shenzhen to HongKong,答案是填of还是 -
甫菡乐孚: :Can you tell me some ways_of__ travelling from Shenzhen to HongKong,答案是填of还是for 为什么 some ways_of__ travelling 旅游的几种方式 of 的“的”式短语

泊头市19160792457: you can not play soccer in the haiiways的祈使句是什么 -
甫菡乐孚: 把“you can”改成“can you”

泊头市19160792457: you many go ways how can find to to scho -
甫菡乐孚: how many ways can you find to go to school

泊头市19160792457: youcancome什么意思 -
甫菡乐孚: you can come的中文翻译you can come你可以来双语例句1You can come with me.你可以和我一块来.2If you have any questions, you can come and ask me at any time.你有问题,随时可以来问我.3You can come with me and watch me eat!你能和我来而且看我吃!

泊头市19160792457: can you tell me the way to the bank? 同义句转换 -
甫菡乐孚: 1 Can you tell me how to get /go to the bank?Can you tell me the way leading to the bank ?或者 Can you tell me how to arrive at the bank ? 2 Do your homework first望采纳,祝开心~!!!

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