
作者&投稿:陟翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Electrolysis of water1. prepare at least 3 battery(5V)2. two litre distilled water 3. take two different wire into water and with tow electric poles4. at the end of wire which end in water take two test tube5. watch and learn why does one side has 8 times more volume than another6. conclusion: water is made by H and O and O has 8 more volume than H O has two more mole than H( H= hydrogen O=oxygen )

A ring stand is setup and a crucible is placed on the ring stand.
A bunsen burner is placed under the ring stand and lit.
A strip of magnesium is taken and placed in the crucible.
The strip is oxidized and the flame and ashes are visible.

Aim: To understand the combustion reaction between lively metal and air .
Method:1、Light up the bunsen burner with a match .
2. Use the crucible clamped up the article magnesium,hang over the bunsen burner.
Result: Release strong lights and heat,enerate oxidation reaction products .
Conclusion:Lively metal can develop severe chemical reaction with air.

The experiment is magnesium in lighting up in the air article, understand and lively metal and air heating response. We need to alcohol lamp, crucible clamp, matches and article magnesium. First of all, with the match to light lamp alcohol. Then use crucible clamped up article magnesium. On alcohol light lit. Experimental phenomenon is a strong light, heat, generating oxide. And then found lively and metal and air heating jitters after. Next,Next,it's time to witness the miracle

Aim: To understand the combustion reaction between lively metal and air .Method:1、Light up the bunsen burner with a match .2. Use the crucible clamped up the article magnesium,hang over the bunsen burner.Result: Release strong lights and heat,enerate oxidation reaction p...


从英文角度来看,其被称作“dibromodifluoromethane”、“Freon 12B2”、“Halon-1202”或者“R 12B2”,这些名称在不同行业中有着不同的应用和识别方式。其EINECS编号为“200-885-5”,这是一种在欧盟使用的化学物质注册编号系统。在分子结构上,二溴二氟甲烷的分子式为“CBR2F2”,分子量为“209....

L-酪氨酸乙酯,以中文命名,指的是具有特定化学结构的化合物。在化学领域,它被广泛研究和应用,展现出丰富的性质和功能。其英文名称为L-tyrosine ethyl ester free base[1],这一表述强调了它的化学结构特点和自由基状态。此外,L-酪氨酸乙酯还被称为ethyl tyrosinate、H-Tyr-OEt、Tyrosineethylester...

有关化学的英文 请翻译
element 第二种原子跟第一种原子的质量比 will also be in ratios of small whole numbers。仍然是小的整数 不同原子间的结合是按照一定的小的整数比进行的。而且它们的质量比也是整数比。也就是不仅个数比,质量比也是。如二氧化碳,数目比1:2,质量比:24:32=3:4,还是比较小的整数比。


即是说CO32-大量存在时,其pH高于HCO3-大量存在时的pH 所以当加入少量NaOH时,溶液中依然存在HCO3-,加入过量NaOH时溶液中就大量存在CO32-了 即Ca(HCO3)2+NaOH(少量)=CaCO3↓+NaHCO3+H2O Ca(HCO3)+2NaOH(过量)=CaCO3↓+Na2CO3+2H2O 我是这么理解的 还有疑问请提,For the lich king ...

HS-→←(可逆)H+(离子)+S2-(离子)其中 Cu2+与S2-反应生成CuS↓ 促进 上述2个可逆反应正向移动 导致H+增加 H2S+Cu2+(离子)=CuS↓+2H+(离子) 反应都是出生更难电离的物质而发生反应(CuS比H2S更难稳定) 强酸制弱酸是此反应中的一种代表 因为 强酸是强电解质 弱酸一般就是弱...


纳米,也叫毫微米、奈米,是长度的度量单位,英文为Nanometer,因此纳米符号为nm。1纳米=10的负9次方米,比单个细菌的长度还要小的多。 【纳米基本含义】 单个细菌用肉眼是根本看不到的,用显微镜测直径大约是五微米。假设一根头发的直径是0.05毫米,把它轴向平均剖成5万根,每根的厚度大约就是1纳米。也就是说,1纳米就...

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闳邱诺佳:[答案] Aim:To understand the combustion reaction between lively metal and air . Method:1、Light up the bunsen burner with a match . 2.Use the crucible clamped up the article magnesium,hang over the bunsen burner. Result:Release strong lights and heat,...

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闳邱诺佳:[答案] Purpose: See mold (mold) the circumstances under which grow the fastest Experimental materials: two slices of bread, water, a paper bag Experimental methods: (1) Take 1 slice of bread, tear (slice) in two, one on the dry environment, a sprinkle of ...

灵山县13691009219: 翻译关于化学实验的英语短文
闳邱诺佳: The first step to the surface of magnesium oxide cleared The second step on the magnesium lights on the combustion of alcohol and hanging in the asbestos-line party The third step burning magnesium and oxygen in the air response, issued by the...

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闳邱诺佳: heat the water metal gets rusty

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闳邱诺佳:[答案] First welcome to our school lab . I am very happy to tell you what we should do before and in the experiment which we do in this lab . Before we get in the lab ,we should make some preparations . When we are in the lab ,we must follow the instruction of ...

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闳邱诺佳: 给你一个关于电池的吧,最近就在做这种报告,做了几十个.Service life at an operating temperature of 40℃6.15.1 The test shall be carried out with 3 cells or 3 monobloc batteries.The units shall have an actual capacity Ca of at least 95%C3rt(3hr ...

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闳邱诺佳: Purpose:to see what will happen if oil drops on waterEquipment:a glass bottle,water,a spoonful of water,a chopstickSteps:1 tfill the glass bottle with half a bottleful of water 2 drop a spoonful of oil in the bottle and see what happens3 mix the oil and ...

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