
作者&投稿:权伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Jimmy:
We invite you to come to the dancing party.Just want to invite some old friends.Time:March 10th,next Saturday,6 o'clock.We know you are busy,but still want you to come.
Bill 2014,3,1

Jimmy:We invite you to come to the dancing party.Just want to invite some old friends.Time:March 10th,next Saturday,6 o'clock.We know you are busy,but still want you to come.Bill 2014,3,1

jimmy Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I'd like to go but can't. My parents are both out on business. They are coming back next week. My grandfather is ill in bed.  I have to look after him at home. And I also need to study ...

Thank you for your invitation. I'm very sorry I can't go to your birthday party.My grandma is ill ,I have to look after her,because my parents are not at home now. They will be back next week. I have to study for a math test tomorrow.Happy birthday to you.Jimmy ...

Please write back as soon as you read my letter~Yours,Jimmy 亲爱的大卫:最近过得怎么样?我想要请你参加这周末我们举行的烧烤聚会,聚会将于下午四点在后花园举办,我们会准备很多好吃的,我真希望你能来~看到信后请尽快回信。你的朋友吉米 ...

黑社会2:以和为贵 结局什么意思啊?杜琪峰的黑帮电影也很文艺晦涩啊...

Jimmy, In your last mail, you mentioned to me that you will have a holiday next month and you’d like to make a visit to China. It happens that it will be the Dragon Boat Festival then and I’d like to invite you to come to China and experience how we celebrate it. ...

英语作文 写一封邀请函邀请他们参加端午节活动 带中文翻译
英语作文 写一封邀请函邀请他们参加端午节活动 带中文翻译 英语作文写一封邀请函邀请他们参加端午节活动带中文翻译... 英语作文 写一封邀请函邀请他们参加端午节活动 带中文翻译 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 大多数男性都抵触彩礼吗?为什么? 匿名用户 2015-09-26 展开全部 Jimmy, In your last mail,...

第27集 当政元知道Jimmy就是仁贺之后,感到非常惊讶。芝熙看着这样的政元,感到很开心,因为她终于向政元报了仇。但是仁贺看着政元的时候,反而觉得很心痛。芝熙打电话给姝茵请她到韩罗饭店来,姝茵到韩罗饭店大厅的时候发现仁贺跟员工在一起的样子。芝熙告诉姝茵韩罗饭店的代表就是仁贺,也告诉她仁...

Dear Sir\/Madam, As a student,I want to be a volunteer to help people especially the old.And Id like to visit old peoples home for I always get along well with my grandparents and I am good at communicating with the old people.Besides,I can help them clean the room and ...

邀请函 2006年6月1日 亲爱的吉米,为了庆祝我20周年结婚纪念日,我们将在家中举办一个小型派对。派对将在6月10日(下周六)晚7点举行。到时我将邀请一些老朋友。我非常荣幸的邀请您以及您的太太加入我们。我觉得您可能会很忙,但我还是非常希望您能够来,我们也期盼着您的光临。祝好。哈罗德 ...

华亭县18387393206: 英语作文 舞会邀请函发信人:Bill收信人:Jimmy内容1、邀请Jimmy来参加家里举办的一个小型误会以庆祝20周年结婚纪念日2、只准备邀请几位老朋友,希... -
桑寇炎琥:[答案] Jimmy: We invite you to come to the dancing party.Just want to invite some old friends.Time:March 10th,next Saturday,6 o'clock.We know you are busy,but still want you to come. Bill 2014,3,1

华亭县18387393206: 假如你是John Smith,下周六是你的生日,你邀请你的同学Jimmy参加你的生日聚会.你希望他早点到你家,并带来一些音乐光碟.请根据以上内容写一封邀请... -
桑寇炎琥:[答案] 参考范文: Dear Jimmy, Next Saturday is my birthday.I'll have a birthday party at home.I invite you to come to my birthday party.Would you like to come?Could you please come a little earlier?I hope you can bring some music CDs.I'm sure we'll have a ...

华亭县18387393206: 英语作文 舞会邀请函 -
桑寇炎琥: Jimmy: We invite you to come to the dancing party. Just want to invite some old friends. Time: March 10th, next Saturday, 6 o'clock. We know you are busy, but still want you to come.Bill 2014,3,1

华亭县18387393206: 假如你是李华,再过一个月就是中国的传统节日“端午节”.请你给你的网友Jimmy发一封邮件,邀请他来中国参加将在你家乡举办的“端午节”庆祝活动.... -
桑寇炎琥:[答案]Jimmy, In your last mail, you mentioned to me that you will have a holiday next month and you'd like to make a visit to China. It happens that it will be the Dragon Boat Festival then and I'd like to invite you to come to China and experience how we ...

华亭县18387393206: 80字英语作文Tom邀请Jimmy参加他的生日聚会,但Jimmy去不了,原因是1、奶奶卧病在床,需要人照顾,但是现在他的父母不在家,下周才能来.2、他明天... -
桑寇炎琥:[答案] Dear Tom,Thank you for your invitation. I'm very sorry I can't go to your birthday party.My grandma is ill ,I have to look after her,because my parents are not at home now. They will be back next week...

华亭县18387393206: 150字英语作文 Tom邀请Jimmy参加他的生日聚会,但Jimmy去不成.原因是 1,奶奶卧病在床,需要人照顾,但是现在他的父母不在家,需要人照顾,2.英语... -
桑寇炎琥:[答案] Dear Tom,Thank you for your invitation. I'm very sorry I can't go to your birthday party.My grandma is ill ,I have to look after her,because my parents are not at home now. They will be back next week...

华亭县18387393206: 150字英语作文 Tom邀请Jimmy参加他的生日聚会,但Jimmy去不成. -
桑寇炎琥: Dear Tom,Thank you for your invitation. I'm very sorry I can't go to your birthday party.My grandma is ill ,I have to look after her,because my parents are not at home now. They will be back next week. I have to study for a math test tomorrow.Happy birthday to you.Jimmy

华亭县18387393206: 李明邀请jimmy参加他生日聚会的英语作文 -
桑寇炎琥: jimmy Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I'd like to go but can't. My parents are both out on business. They are coming back next week. My grandfather is ill in bed. I have to look after him at home. And I also need to study for ...

华亭县18387393206: 假如这个周末是你(Mike)的16岁生日,你想在家里举办个生日宴会.请给你的好朋友Jim发个请帖(invitatio -
桑寇炎琥: Jim: I am Milk. this weekend is my 16 birthday party,please come.some frinds come ,too.Frist,we eat cake,then we play some games,we can play coccer ,computer ,basketball.......You can come to my birthday party!thank you! your best friend Milk 呼,只能编这么多了(45)

华亭县18387393206: 英语作文假如你是李华,星期日是你的生日,你要举办一个聚会,想邀请你的好友Jim参加.请你写一封信,向Jim说明从学校到你家的路线.Dear ... -
桑寇炎琥:[答案] Dear JimSunday is my birthday, I want to have a party that I'd like to invite you to come. My address is: go to the station to the left to the post office and then turn left and walk until my home is ...

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