
作者&投稿:晋具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. An animal which lays eggs.________ hen
4. Used for milk and cheese.________ cow
6. Found in the race________ rabbit
9. A baby cat________ kitten
1. An amimal with no feet________ snake
2. A popular houes pet________ dog
3. "Man's best friend"________ woman
5. Relative of a bull________ cow
7. An animal which produes wool________ sheep
8. An animal which flies________bat

1.Each of the Smith brothers has as mang sisters as he has brothers.But each of the Smith sistershas twice as many brothers as she has sisters.How many sisters ang brothers are there in Smith family?
___There are four brothers and three sisters in Smith family.__
Jim, John, Jerry and Joe together bought a basket of 144 apples. Jim received 10 more apples than John, 26 more than Jerry, and 32 more than Joe. How many apples did Jim received? _____Jim received 53 apples.__
3.Which word is the longest word in English? Why?
__Smiles. S is separated by a mile._


1 ice
2 cold
3 sponge海绵
4 offin 棺材(发明它的人不想要它, 买下它的人不需要它, 需要它的人不知道它.)

1. ice
2. catch a cold

1 because cold is old 2 go to pee 3 the new road 4 it is a lucky number plate " no 17 or 37"

1.why do people feel stronger on Sundays?2.A horse comes out of a house and takes ten steps eastwards,then two steps to the south and four steps backwards.After that she takes eight steps to the west.Now where is the horse's tail pointing?(you can answer in Chinese)3....

1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?A mushroom.(蘑菇)2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth?Anything it eats.3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)4. What's too much for one, just right for ...

1.当我被充满的时候,我能指路.当我是空的时候,我无法移动。我有双面,一面里,一面外。我是谁?2.一个女人有 7个孩子,有正好一半是男孩子,这可能吗?答案:1. Glove(手套)2. ALL the children are boys,so half are boys and the rest are boys too.It is possible.(全都是男孩子...

1、It's a simple(简单的)sum(算术题).Can you work out which ( 哪一个)number is represented(代表)by the letter O and which is represented by the K?K K + K ___O K 2、What belongs to (仅属于)you but is used more by others than yourself( 但是别人用得比较多)?3、...

1 ice 2 cold 3 sponge海绵 4 offin 棺材(发明它的人不想要它, 买下它的人不需要它, 需要它的人不知道它.)

1、It's a simple(简单的)sum(算术题).Can you work out which ( 哪一个)number is represented(代表)by the letter O and which is represented by the K?K K + K ___O K 2、What belongs to (仅属于)you but is used more by others than yourself( 但是别人用得比较多)?3、...

觉得这几个很无聊。28.It's a simple(简单的)sum(算术题).Can you work out which ( 哪一个)number is represented(代表)by the letter O and which is represented by the K? 这是个简单的算术题,你能算出那个代表O,哪个是K吗?K K + K ___O K 你自己算下吧!29.What belong...

1.where can happiness always be found?译:快乐总在哪里可以被找到?answer:in the dictionary.答案:字典里面.就这一题须要纠正

1 为什么养长颈鹿最省钱? 因为它们脖子长,一点点食物都要走很长的路才能咽下去。2 为什么狗害怕享受日光浴?他们不想变成热狗。3 猪为什么没完没了地吃? 它想成为一只肉猪。4 为什么政客不再是关注的雪球打架?因为冷战结束 5 为什么总是男人比女人先秃头?。因为她们头发长。6 什么东西不用打洞...

称多县18851116768: 求几道英语智力题1.What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?2.What can you catch but not throw?3.I have holes in my top and bottom,my left and right,and ... -
应品瑞素:[答案] 1 ice 2 cold 3 sponge海绵 4 offin 棺材(发明它的人不想要它,买下它的人不需要它,需要它的人不知道它.)

称多县18851116768: 几道英文智力题,1.WHat tree comes in twos?2.Which better is the difference between hereang there?3.What comes twice a moment,once a minute and never... -
应品瑞素:[答案] 1、a pear tree. pear与pair同音,成双成对, 自然是comes in twos 2、你打错了,不是“better”而是“letter”,答案是字母“t” ( there 去掉“t”,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样.) 3、同理,the letter “M” 4、Sixty. 把ty拿走剩下six

称多县18851116768: 几道英语智力题,求解!在线等一、根据提示填入动物名称 Across 2. An animal which lays eggs._______ - 4. Used for milk and cheese._______ - 6. Found ... -
应品瑞素:[答案] 一、根据提示填入动物名称 Across 2. An animal which lays eggs.________ hen 4. Used for milk and cheese.________ cow ... sheep 8. An animal which flies________bat 二、趣味英语 1.Each of the Smith brothers has as mang sisters as he has ...

称多县18851116768: 几道英语智力冲浪题.急~~急~~~~帮帮忙~~~ -
应品瑞素: 、What stands in the middle of the world、What letter is a kind of drink? (T)什么字母是一种饮料? (字母T与茶tea的发音相同? ( r )什么站在世界(world)的中央? (五个字母组成的单词world? ( teapot )什么开始于T.)3、What belongs ...

称多县18851116768: 请大家帮我回答几道英语智力题 1、What always goes up and never goes down?2、Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun?3、What is the difference ... -
应品瑞素:[答案] 1.ages(年龄) 2.He wants to have a hot dog.(他想要一条热狗.) 3.A whole world.(整个世界.a world of difference 天壤之别) 4.The bridge of a nose(鼻梁) 100%正确

称多县18851116768: 几道英语智力题What letter is a kind of vegetable?What letter is a kind of inse?What letter is a large body of the water? -
应品瑞素:[答案] P=pea 青豆 N=ant 蚂蚁 C=sea 海

称多县18851116768: 几道英语的智力题1.which of the following letters does't go on with others?( )A,H,I,M,O,S,T,U,V,W,X,YA.A I O U B.A H W C.U V W D.S X Y M2.在下面括号中填... -
应品瑞素:[答案] 1.D 2.shread

称多县18851116768: 几道英语智力题1 The following are names of countries:a come here,I need affection.b I nearly died in adorationc I trust and love you d Friendship remain and ... -
应品瑞素:[答案] a.china b.india c.italy d.france e.japan 取每个单词首字母 2.red green white 3.turkey 4.4 5.a

称多县18851116768: 问几道英语IQ题 -
应品瑞素: 1.Tigresses 2. It waves. (起波浪,招手致意) 3.Because there is love between them!...

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应品瑞素:[答案] 什么东西使梨子变成珍珠? 什么东西有脖子但没有喉咙? 第一的答案是“l” 第二的答案是“A bottle”

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