
作者&投稿:漫备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have faith in you that you will do a good job.
My aim is to become a policeman after graduation.
She is typical of forgetting things.
Do you appeal to working abroad?
according to the facts in my possession, he can't be guilty.
he deals with large quantities of sports to prevent obesity
human beings have started to make attempts to land on the Mars
the report predicting the earthquake was issued several monthes ago.
I have seen her on television, but never in the flesh.(此句为字典上原句)
his works agree with his reputation

Scenic area reopened
Bridal chamber ground
The new school new facilities
Road traffic improvement
Thanks for supporting common wishes

That man is always staring at beautiful girls.

I swear I will revenge!

You've cheated me!

I will duel with you.

Kill you

Fight! Destroy! 【destroy用kill亦可,但destroy意为毁灭,语义更强】

He is a monk who cannot give up those earthen things.

I can't help speaking out the love in my heart for many years.

be imprisoned in Guanjing Tower

be a guard of Guanjing Tower

It has been ten years. Now we finally meet each other again.


1. There is a man who always watches girls.
2. I swear that I will take revenge.
3. You cheat me.
4. I will combat with you.
5. Kill you.
7 I can’t help speak out my love lasting for several years
8 be captivated into sightseeing tower
9. Become the safeguard of the sightseeing tower
10 We meet each other again after 10 years at last.

1.It has a satyr always watching the girls.
2.I swore to take revenge.
3.You lied to me.
4.I want to fight with you.
5.Kill you.
5.Fight! Destroy!
6.He is a bad monk.(六根不净不会,不好意思)
7.I can not help but say years of love.
8.He was put into the viewing tower.
9.Became the security viewing tower.
10.We have never seen for ten years.Today,we finally see each other.

That man is always staring at beautiful girls.

I swear I will revenge!

You've cheated me!

I will duel with you.

Kill you

Fight! Destroy! 【destroy用kill亦可,但destroy意为毁灭,语义更强】

He is a monk who cannot give up those earthen things.

I can't help speaking out the love in my heart for many years.

1:在线么?请尽快联系我。【Are you there? Please contact me as soon as possible.】2:请告诉我您的银行账号信息。今天我会支付给你。【Please provide me your bank account information. I will make the payment to your account by today.】3:可以给我你的email吗,方便联系。【Could you ...

英语励志短句说说带翻译简单一: 一、 Dexterity comes by experience.熟练来自经验。 二、 Time is money时间就是金钱。 三、 He that doth most at once doth least.什么都想一次做完,结果一件也做不完;贪多嚼不烂。 四、 Experience without learning is better than learning withou...

我们已决定为她举行一个欢迎会.但我们还没确定时间.7. This new type of bicycle is popular with young people all over the country.这种新型号的自行车在全国很受年轻人欢迎.8. I have nothing more to add to my speech.我的演讲完毕.9. Twenty people were injured in the terrible fire, ...

lO. Are you mostly quiet when you are with other person?和人在一起的时候,你总是少言寡语么?11. Do other people think of you as being very lively?在别人的眼中,你很活跃(是个积极分子)么?12.Can you get a party going?您能 活跃一个派对的气氛么?o(∩_∩)o......

1.What if they don't get along well?2.You think this idea really wonderful.3.I am sorry to disappoint you.4.The book published last month, it is was famous writer writes 5.Just now he volunteered to help me do the rest part of the job.记得加分哦~呵呵~...

1.他太饿了,很快就把一桌子的食物吃完了 He is so hungry that he can eat up all the food on the table.2.这些房子太贵了,没有多少人能买得起 These houses are so expensive that no one can afford.3.他今天早上起的很早,以便能第一个去看大夫 He got up so early that he ...

1.Have no you, I knew nothing about a happiness.2.I love you, exceling a love an oneself.3.Dear of, I would like to.4.Because my not enough braveness.

004 It's the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. 自欺是世上最易之事。005 'Tis easier to prevent bad hadits than to breadk them. 防止染上恶习远比消除恶习容易。006 An old man in a house is a good sign. 家中有老是一个好迹象。007 Speak with ...


1.我们喜欢学习英语而他们喜欢打篮球。We like studying English while they like playing baskerball.2.看到树叶都落了,我感到冬天到了。I feel the winter is coming when I see the leavies are all falling.3.我们不仅从书本学习而且还互相学习。We not noly study from the books but also ...

临江市19857698158: 翻译几个英文句子1 我相信每个中国人都很开心和自豪!2 那是我们中国人的荣耀!3 我们做了很多准备.4 我们都希望……能举办成功! -
毋习灵仙:[答案] 放心,不是机械翻译,用心翻译的! I believe that every Chinese is happy and proud! It is the honour of our Chinese! We have parpered a lot./ We have made a lot of preparation. We all hope that ...will be held successfully.

临江市19857698158: 翻译几个英语短句 -
毋习灵仙: 1.后备箱门 Reserve the 2.单腿蹦 Single leg up 3.在一定范围内 In a certain range4.印象最深刻,最值得的回忆的游戏 The most impressive, the most worth memories of the game 5.中考,高考 The mid-term exam, the university entrance exam 6.感人至深 Touching 7.一动不动 Still 8 .伸出援助之手 Lend me a hand

临江市19857698158: 帮忙翻译几个句子!急!帮忙翻译几个英语句子!急!1:读书能带给我们快乐,我们能从书本中获得知识和真理.2:我最喜欢的是《读者》,海明威是我最... -
毋习灵仙:[答案] 1:reading can bring us happiness,we can be gained from books knowledge and truth.2:my favorite is "reader",Hemingway is one of my favorite writer.3:let us enjoy reading it,reading can make you strong ...

临江市19857698158: 翻译几个简单地英语句子,短语. -
毋习灵仙: 1.feel much pressure 2.several night 3.When did you have a stomachache? 4.You shouldn't listen to music in class. 5.It's important to sleep for 8 hours a night.

临江市19857698158: 求助帮忙翻译几个英文短句 -
毋习灵仙: 1, take the quality as the center to reputation as a fundamental 2, and meet quality dike challenge

临江市19857698158: 几个中文翻译为英语的短句~!
毋习灵仙: 1. very concerned 2. other aspects 3. but not 4. another aspect 5. look around 6. hug 7. draw attention 8. obtain a University degree 9. to educate through a model

临江市19857698158: 翻译几个英语短句
毋习灵仙: 儿时回忆 Childhood memories 小时候的回忆 Childhood memories 曾经爱过 Ever loved

临江市19857698158: 几个英语短语翻译
毋习灵仙: 戒烟:Quit smoking 名胜:Places(名声:Reputation) 为了减肥:In order to lose weight 迫不及待:Can not wait 遇到了麻烦:Ran into trouble 据说:It is said that 面对困难:The face of difficulties 互相触及:Touching each other 希望学校:Hope school 一个非常成功的电影明星:A very successful movie star

临江市19857698158: 翻译几个英文句子
毋习灵仙: 1. 只有我穿上Snuggie(是种可以穿在身上的毯子),我的booklight免费手机才好用? 2. 别把毯子寄回来.今晚你会在球迷狂欢夜命名时用得到它的. 3. 都够傻的了...

临江市19857698158: 英语翻译 几个短的英语句子 -
毋习灵仙: In order to have more people vote for him It is useless to help those who do not want to help themselves.What should we do i we can not finish on time?Not all the Americans like to eat …… We just(方?) understood the value of life

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