
作者&投稿:申磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

" The person is on the hoof, not only for the sake of oneself, we are on the hoof, also not only for the sake of ourselves."Believe that everyone remembers this words that the grandpa of 巴 gold spoke.
Really, he is one old man that is ordinary, we are total and can see shallow to smile the idea shallowly in his on the face.And that simple smiling face also ripples forever now at our heart bottom.
1994Year October 17, the old man takes his light smile still this century, stepping on this slice of his land look forward to for a long time in Hangzhou." West Lake always in my heart."This is the old and heartfelt sincere words of 巴 .The Though at the that time the of he the lift a the the pen the held the the tube already the if the the difficulty of the thousand catties the of in the hand sorts, the but the the grandpa of the 巴 gold the carry the the foot spirit the and use the the energy the of the the whole body, the leaving this the precious superior calligraphy.30's, the he usually the accompanies with person to swim West Lake,70' s, his children also have ever set foot in the land of this beauty, arrived for 90' s, the old grandpa of 巴 gold is also early to has already taken here as his the second house.
The The The grandpa of 巴 gold and Hangzhou West Lake of this does not solve of although the good luck says some fortuities, who also can't deny this kind of weave in special age of special details.
The The But now, the the face West Lake the water of the lake of the 粼粼 , but we can not search the old man's kindly smiling face any further.
The 巴 gold walked …… Flick the gusset, he even did not take the one clouds.He walked, walking so calm, so relaxed, so peaceful.
But, have no a person will forget him.Live old man because he is a for the sake of the other people.
Long long eight yearseses that he is silent to lie on the sickbed, also exactly he to mankind of a kind of with no regret of dedication, no serious mistakes committed, the end power and spirits that he uses his lifes composed to write his last one article have no writing, but can move the morals article of the world.He told us with his activity, even if his decrepitude disease , but he still courageous across into the next and fine century.
The The This a moment, we understood finally- the 巴 gold is to beat deathless!The 巴 gold will not leave what we go to far!
Yes," West Lake use in my heart", West Lake will always in our heart, positive such as the old man that this is great, have never come out our memory.
The The The grandpa of 巴 gold will not leave us, the the we believe firmly this, the the he will be like a dazzling star, shining in glory us in the horizon of the deep blue the land of this magic but beauties.The same also uses his bright ray of light, illuminating tomorrow that we be filled with the hope!
So, the the please let us to also step on the old footprint of 巴 , the the look for the living true meaning, use and don't give up.
回答者:ppppcq - 助理 三级 2-28 20:10


People alive, not only to ourselves that we live, not just for our own. "I think we all remember the phrase got Grandpa said.
Indeed, he is an ordinary old people in his face we always see the names sound of flowing water.
and also that genuine smile on forever in our hearts ripple.
October 17, 1994, a century old still with the smile of his mother, Hangzhou this piece he stepped on the land for a long time.
"West Lake forever in our hearts. "This is the innermost Balao sincere words.
Despite the difficulty and then he begin to write if someone had a hand in the difficult, but got Grandpa has shipped sufficient gas, used his effort leaving a piece of precious treasured paintings.
1930s, he often with the people together Tour West Lake, in the 1970s, his people have set foot in this beautiful land, to the 1990s, aging got Grandpa is here as long has his second home.
Hangzhou West Lake got Grandpa and the period of war, although he said that some accidental, but no one can deny that in the unique circumstances of a particular age weaving.
But now, in the face of Xizihu the water tower. We are no longer looking for less than the kindly smile.
Jin gone : : red sleeves to hide the ugly side, he had not even a concern in the world.
He passed away, then frankly go, then relaxed, then quiet.
However, no one will forget him.
because he was a living for the elderly and others.
He silently lying on the bed, long time eight years, It is his dedication to humanity a freely without complaint, understandable, he used his last strength and the spirit of his final report did not write a letter, but has moved heaven and earth to ethical articles.
He told us with his actions, even though his old invalidity, but he still had a beautiful new century.
This moment, We finally understand -- Jin is a not dead!
Jin is not left our midst!
Yes, "West Lake on my mind", West Lake will be forever in our hearts, just as the great old, never out of our memory.
Jin Grandpa will not leave us, we firmly believe that he would like a blue star. In light blue horizon, and our wonderful beautiful land.
He also used splendid light illuminate our promising tomorrow!
So, let us also Balao on the footsteps, to find the true meaning of life. by not abandoned.

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