
作者&投稿:左葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Authentic in every detail , from stretched wheelbase to sweeping double s - bend exhaust

A s - bend symmetric y - branch has been proposed to obtain lower pght transmission loss . 2 . the design of electrode structure

The result , o years of r & d on , is a launch collection of six styles , each made from japanese steel , each with patent - pending and each dispensing with anything extraneous to focus on assorted new mechanisms : a flat bar with sections that open out to keep it in place once passed through the button - holes ; an s - bend that swivels to lock into a square shape ; and , most radically , a cuffpnk with a ist mechanism that , rather than pull the o ends of a shirt - cuff together , creates a space beeen them , making room for an outsized watch

On the base , we designed the waveguides " structure and fabrication parameter . and in the design of symmetric y - branch of proton - exchange s ingle - y phase pnbo3 modulaor , we used finite difference beam propagation method to analyze and pare the optical transmission loss of different s - bend y - branch
本文对质子交换pnbo _ 3单y相位调制器的重要部件y分支进行了深入的研究,比较了不同s弯曲形式的y分支过渡长度与损耗的关系,并计算出间距250 m时的最小弯曲长度。

On the basis of the analysis and pare , we designed the least length of s - bend y - branch to decrease the transmission loss when the space beeen the outport is 250jjm . we also analyzed thoroughly dependence of half - wave voltage and bandwidth on the width , the length of modulator ' s electrodes and the gap beeen o electrodes

翻译如下 bend vt.(使)弯曲,屈身;拉弯;使成形,强行;集中全力于 vi.偏向;使变曲,成角度;弯身,弯腰;专心 n.弯道;弯曲(处);(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病 例句 The road bent slightly to the right 这条路稍微朝右弯。

Lead Bend 这个英语翻译成中文是什么意思?

handstand,do push up,bend down的中文翻译
倒立,俯卧撑,向后弯 如果是一系列动作,就有连贯性的,bend down是弯下来,但如连贯的则是向后弯,明白我意思吧

A s - bend symmetric y - branch has been proposed to obtain lower pght transmission loss . 2 . the design of electrode structure 在boa结构设计中,为了实现器件的低损耗设计,我们采用上升反正弦s弯曲构成对称y分支。The result , o years of r & d on , is a launch collection ...

t bend中文翻译
Well , i don ' t bend that way 嗯,我可不能那样弯曲 Don ' t bend at your waist 不要屈服在你的腰部 I can ' t bend before them 我不能向他们屈服。Don ' t bend to the pressure 不要向压力屈服。S : it isn ' t bend only . this is the poptest ...

please bend over the back board中文意思
首先please是请求的意思,其次bend over是弯腰,back board是背板的意思。所以please bend over the back board的翻译为请把背板弯过来。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。

Some experts said often-bend-neck people are more prone to premature aging, and at the same time, with low attention to surrounding conditions while people are playing mobilephones, they will easily to cause an accident.纯正美国表达。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

Bend your toes是什么意思?
Bend your toes的中文翻译 Bend your toes 弯曲你的脚趾 双语例句 1 Can you bend down and to your toes without bending your knees?你能弯下腰,不屈膝而碰到你的脚尖吗?2 Keep your head and body vertical, and your feet firmly on the floor in front of you so your knees bend over...

bend 鞠躬 bent bent bereave 剥夺 bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft beseech 乞求 besought, beseeched besought, beseeched beset 围攻 beset beset bespeak 预约 bespoke bespoken, bespoke bespread 铺盖 bespread bespread bestrew 散放 bestrewed bestrewed, bestrewn bestride 跨坐 bestrode best...

bend down low的中文翻译_bend down low 弯下腰 双语例句 1 Teddy bear, teddy bear bend down low.泰迪熊,泰迪熊,弯下腰。

安丘市19759495641: bend是什么意思,①弯管,弯头②曲,弯翻译 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: 翻译如下 bend vt.(使)弯曲,屈身;拉弯;使成形,强行;集中全力于 vi.偏向;使变曲,成角度;弯身,弯腰;专心 n.弯道;弯曲(处);(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病 例句 The road bent slightly to the right 这条路稍微朝右弯.

安丘市19759495641: 请问 HUSBEND是什么意思 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: [そ う]是样态助动词.表示(....的样子) 旨い「うまい」:好吃可口的意思 形容词+[そ う]时,要去い再接续,因此就变成了[う ま そ う ] 中文:看不去味道不错(即:看不去很好吃的样子)

安丘市19759495641: 英语dsbend中文是什么意思 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: depend 英 [dɪˈpend] 美 [dɪˈpɛnd] vi.依赖; 依靠; 信赖; 决定于 defend 英 [dɪˈfend] 美 [dɪˈfɛnd] vt.& vi.保卫; 辩护; (足球、曲棍球等)防守; 进行辩护

安丘市19759495641: 驼背的的英语翻译 驼背的用英语怎么说 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: 驼背 n. . humpback ; hunchback ; camelback ; kyphosis ; rickets驼背矫正器 kyphotone; 驼背是一种较为常见的脊柱变形,是胸椎后突所引起的形态改变.主要是由于背部肌肉薄弱、松弛无力所致.矫正练习的目的是加强背部伸肌的力量,并牵...

安丘市19759495641: "死而后已"英文怎么说? -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: 死而后已,一般翻译成:until one's death 或until my heart stops beating 例: 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已bend one's back to the task until one's dying day鲁迅对人民忠心耿耿, 鞠躬尽瘁, 死而后已. Lu Xun was loyal to the people, bending his back to the task until his dying day.

安丘市19759495641: 翻译英文!!!!! 翻译框框前面的英语
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: pules units脉冲单位 fix radius 修复半径 screw length螺钉长度 bend radius 折弯半径 bend speed折弯速度 hook's distance 挂钩距离 BACK SPEED备份速度 min radius 最小半径 】bended delay弯曲的延迟 max radius 最大半径 left limit angle左的极限角 ringht limit angle右的极限角 back error返回错误 u sleep time u 睡眠时间

安丘市19759495641: sydney是什么意思中文翻译 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: sydney [英]'sɪdnɪ [美]'sɪdnɪ n. 悉尼(澳大利亚一城市)

安丘市19759495641: bend radius中文是什么意思 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: bend radius 英[bend ˈreidjəs] 美[bɛnd ˈrediəs] [词典] 弯曲半径; [例句]Tube diameter shall be within 10% of nominal diameter within bend radius.管直径须在直径理论值和折弯半径的10%以内.

安丘市19759495641: 弯道的英文,弯道的翻译,怎么用英语翻译弯道,弯道用 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: curve; curve lane; bend弯道 The engine of the train left the rails at a curve. 火车头在拐弯处脱轨.The slope increases as you go up the curve. 上了弯道以后,路越来越陡.Climate, the lower designed standard, the radius of curve lane, the gradient ...

安丘市19759495641: we're after the same rainbow's end.waiting round the bend 的准确翻译 -
爱新觉罗荔盐酸: 我们是在同一条彩虹的末端.等待着围绕的弯

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