
作者&投稿:童蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


9:52: 美国国家安全局截获本拉登一位阿富汗的同谋通往格鲁吉亚的一通电话,通话中这位同谋声称自己听到了“好消息”,通话中还得知另一个目标也在袭击计划中。
10:50:19: 五角大楼的一角的五层楼建筑由于火势蔓延而开始倒塌。
10:50:25: 五角大楼该五层楼建筑完全倒塌。
11:00: 加拿大交通部开始启动“黄丝带行动”,并要求除警察,军队和人道救援外的所有离境航班暂停并等待解禁通知,该行动顺利接手飞往美国境内的所有航班。这些航班的飞机开始着陆于加拿大的各机场。最开始是加拿大Goose Bay军事基地,之后的航班陆续降落在包括Halifax机场,多伦多的Lester B.Pearson机场,蒙特利尔的Montreal-Dorval机场以及温哥华机场等在内的14个机场。

1Transport Canada: 又称The Department of Transport, Canada: 加拿大交通部
2Operation Yellow Ribbon: 根据wk百科,黄丝带行动是由加拿大交通部于2001年9月11日(911)发起的调控民航航班的运行的行动,行动开始后美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)停飞所有进入美国境内的航班,而将这些航班暂时转入加拿大。
3 CFB Goose Bay: Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay[加拿大Goose Bay军事基地]
4 Halifax Stanfield International Airport: Halifax机场



1. I take him until you come to the bus stop
2. Dawn, we got up and set off
3. We can hardly decide to go east or west, take the
4. In recent years, the new government has been working to improve the living conditions of farmers (using devote .. to)
5. Specially created programs for the children now become more and more (using intend for)
6. If she said, according to parents, as do so, it is impossible to achieve so much in the medical achievements (with behave)
7. Nvbannanzhuang Mulan, the story of military service on behalf of the parent household (with dress sb)
8. Only you grow up, you can understand what their parents do for you in all (with only)
9. We asked her to dinner, but she has not seen
10. Because I could not receive you must apologize to you,
11. Mother died, I did not see her before, and I can not forgive himself
12. The whole country in breath waiting to see who will win this election
13. I trust him because he always keep their word
14. This young man falls in love with that girl, and soon married
15. You would have to help the old man, why like a fool like just standing there?
16. The old society due to poor, many parents afford to pay for their children to school
17. When I was difficult, he was always the first to take the initiative to help
18. Found someone came, they stood up to stop talking
19. This song reminds me of my childhood
20. Obviously, if everyone can save a drop of water, we can save a lot of people

1. 小心!别接近屋顶正在维修的房子。


3 .我被告知有大约50名外国学生在这所学校学习中文,其中大部分来自德国。


5. 我得到了三本烹饪方面的书,其中有一本我真的很喜欢。

6. 每天喝两杯以上咖啡的妇女得心脏病的纪律比不这样的大

7. 披头士正如你们大多数人记得的一样来自liverpoor




3,我被告诉有在学校中学习华语的大约 50位外国的学生,谁来自于德国的大部分。


5,我在烹饪上有三本书 ,那首先哪一个我真的享受。


7,披头四合唱团,当你之中的许多够老来记得之时 ,来自了 Liverpoor

1 ,看出去!不要太接近众议院的屋顶下修复.

2 ,我们看到了几位同乡朝着党的,其中一个跑过来,我们向谁,我们说了一些编钟和眼镜.

3 ,有人告诉我,大约有50名外国留学生中,在学校,其中大多数来自德国.


5 ,给我的三本书上做饭,首先,我很享受.


7 ,披头士,正如你们许多人都够老记,来自liverpoor

1 小心!别接近屋顶正在维修的房子。
2 我们看见几个本地人看着我们的聚会,其中一个我们给过他玻璃杯和钟的像我们走来
3 我被告知有大约50名外国学生在这所学校学习中文,其中大部分来自德国。
4 她结束了在北京大学的学业之后就去国外接受先进的教育了
5 我得到了三本烹饪方面的书,其中有一本我真的很喜欢。
6 每天喝两杯以上咖啡的妇女得心脏病的纪律比不这样的大
7 披头士正如你们大多数人记得的一样来自liverpoor

1. 当心!不要接近那座屋顶正在维修的房子。

1, you put on Chinese dress's appearance to be certainly very attractive. The perfect stature reveals without doubt.perhaps 2, I may provide some China fashion design the element to give you, everybody may exchange together, study. 3, your skin snow equally is likely pure ...

1:我能用你们家的洗衣机吗?Can I use your washing machine?2:宽带为什么不能用呢?What's wrong with the broad band?3:明天我几点起床?What time will I get up?4:能带我去学校吗?这路我不熟悉 Can you take me to school? I am not familiar with the road.5:用厕所有时间限制...

给我们四个的剩饭不足以坚持几天,我认为你是对的,我们现在最好结束这次野外旅行.4,Distance learning is being adopted in several countries to help children in remote rural schools obtain higher education.很多国家都有远程教育,通过这些来帮助农村学校的孩子们获得高等教育.5,Our manager ,I ...

1, please charge!2, you want to go?3, you do the opposite, please go to the car!4, you go to the place I know, please come here after card, I tell you! Car 5, is this bus, get in, please!6 and 1 yuan!7, no card please buy a ticket!8 and if no IC, can...

帮忙用英语翻译以下几个句子,不要用翻译器!越快越好.会加分的!_百度知 ...
1. first, thanks everybody to my support. Now, we start officially. 2. is well known, the Chinese culture is broad and profound, bountiful. 3. I chose several quite typical elements to appreciate together with everybody. the 4. China traditional culture character aspect, regards ...

基本同上文.如果楼主打算把它念出来,可以加一些语气词,或者更口语化一些。Morning, ladies and gentlemen!Are you awake now? Well, if you feel hungry, I guess: yes, you are! Now let's take a look at this painting, a portait of a lady by a Russian painter. The painter ...

9.我们坚信,医疗保障上的提高会促成更强更繁荣的经济体系 10.看到楼顶上的那些旗了吗?那就是我们早上做的事情。11.请给我提个醒他说什么时候要走,说不定我还能及时地去送送他 12.你父母认为你的决定怎么样?他们总是让我做我认为我应该做的事情 13.你能帮我一下吗?那要看是什么事情了 14...

6,I've bought another lock as additional insurance against thieves.我又买了一个锁,作为防范盗贼的附加措施 7,It is amazing that he knows four foreign languages ,namely English,Spanish ,Japanese and Russian.令人惊讶的是,他竟然会四门外语,即英语,西班牙语,日语和俄语 ...

1不能把工作~~~2我期望没有达到最好的工作,由你 3出席表 4这些都是他们自己的储物柜号码,在健身房运动.5稍停一下

1.Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee was established in BeiJing in Sep. 6th,1999.2.International Olympic Committee vote for BeiJing as the host of the Olympic Games of 2008 in July,13th,2001.3.The slogan of BeiJing 2008 Olympic Games is"One World,One Dream."There are 204...

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译下面几个句子:1:我们都喜欢我们的英语老师.2:我不了解他的好恶.3:我长得像我妈妈. -
寿苗缓释:[答案] 1. we all like our english teacher. 2. i don't know his likes and dislikes 3. i look like my mother/i take after my mother

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译下面几个句子这几个句子:1.你想和我们一起去看蓝球比赛吗?2.你想要点什么蔬菜? -
寿苗缓释:[答案] 1.Would you like to whatch basketball with us? 2.What vegetable would you like? 通常口语这样表达就可以了,没必要一个词一个词地翻译,比如比赛、想要等等,你说watch basketball就应经很明了了.

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译一下这几个短句,意思差不多就行了~ ~ ~1 这没什么大不了的2 她感觉她什么都不如别人3 没有可以交心的朋友4 在某些特定的方面不要机器翻译... -
寿苗缓释:[答案] 1 这没什么大不了的 1.It's not a big deal. 2 她感觉她什么都不如别人 2.She feel that she can take no advantage over others. 3 没有可以交心的朋友 3.have no friends to talk freely 4 在某些特定的方面 4.in a certain field

万全县13941227653: 帮我翻译几个句子!谢谢! 请帮我翻译以下几个句子!谢谢!翻译几个也行!1.她这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要(make)2.请一定不要... -
寿苗缓释:[答案] 1.她这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要(make) Her failure from this test made her realize how important it is to review on regular basis. 2.请一定不要忘记离家前你父母对你说过的话. Please don't forget what you parents said before you...

万全县13941227653: 英语翻译麻烦翻译一下以下几个句子,谢拉!1.如果汽车到站了,请通知我一声2.请帮我叫一辆打表的的士3.请帮我把下面的地址写成泰文 -
寿苗缓释:[答案] if the bus get to the station ,please tell me ..please take me a taxi with taximeter ...write down the address in thai please .你不是要去泰国吧.那的出租车分N种.好多司机不认路 ..

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译成英语以下几个句子: 1. 把婚期推迟到圣诞节 2.顺利地通过了考试 3. 给他的孩子提供良好的教育
寿苗缓释: 1. To postpone the date of wedding to X'mas. 2. Passed the examination successfully. 3. To provide to his children with good education. 4. Players not included in the list 5. To persuade him to continue his study in school.

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译一下下面几个句子(英→汉) -
寿苗缓释: 1: I think that has always been a man and nature should live in harmony 2: the development of the industry led to increasingly serious pollution, resulting in many parts of the world have been destroyed, a large number of dead plants 3: direct ...

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译以下几个句子(翻译成英文) -
寿苗缓释: 1.世界上很多人把英语作为外语来讲 Many people around the world u...

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译一下以下的句子,汉译英!要符合英语语法,不要用翻译工具, -
寿苗缓释: 1. The dream, I think it is just as movie The old boy says, dream is the same with classic that will never fade with time , instead...

万全县13941227653: 请帮我翻译以下句子 -
寿苗缓释: 1. At the fifth floor of the central shopping centers have much to sell crafts.2.At the museum you can appreciate Chinese paintings.3.Buy it in this book, which has lot of interestin...

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