
作者&投稿:酉从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Sir/Ms.,
We are able to meet your demands, so please enjoy your shopping.
Thank you for coming.

When can I receive the invoice with yoursignature? Please.
CouldI know when I can get the invoice with your signature?

Dear friends : Hello. I simply do not drive you in remittances, but you should I pay 750 euros. your bank confirmation letter suggested 600, I hope you can beat me money account, I would have found this remittance, I will be shipped to you. I hope you understanding that the company provides. sorry

dear friend:
i can not find out your transfers ,and you should par for me 750 Euro ,your check mack sure that has 600,i hope you make money into my Beneficiary after,i can exact transfers,i will send something for you , this is the compeny order,sorry.

Dear friend:
I'm regret to tell you that I'm not able to find your remittance at all,besides,You should pay me 750 Euro while your Bank letter of confirmation shows that there is only 600 Euro.I sincerely hope that I can find your remittance after your payment.Payment in delivery,that's a rule of our company,I wish you could understand.

请帮我翻译一句话 英语 谢谢
1.I won't let you see my tears.2.I love you, I do not know from what time to start. I miss you every day.3.Halo, I'm speechless.4.I think I have a little like you, if you don't like it, I will give up. I hope you can understand how I feel.5.Do you ...

We just the prices, the cargo is a total of 296,090 yuan, except fraction, we count you 295,000 yuan. J366 this model has been rising prices, but we were still in accordance with the previous price for you.

您好 翻译如下:公子之所以在赵国受到器重,名扬诸侯,只是因为有魏(这个人或者是魏国)的存在(或帮助)。希望对你有帮助

The size 3 boots that you ordered had out of stocks. Therefore, we will send you all the size 4 boots. The colour of the boots is made accordingly to your request. We will present you a pair of boots on your next order. This turn, we had received too many orders thus ...

和中文各意思比较接近的英文谚语有 If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.要想求知,就得吃苦。Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。"Actions speak louder than words."直译:行动比言语更响亮。意译:事实胜于雄辩。"Every rule has its exception."翻译:任何规则皆有例外...

Hello: Thanks for your letter, I don't quite understand what you mean.Please describe it more clearly. Thanks very much!

May be because of the holiday recently, caused some delays in the delivery of your goods! Ask for your understanding! You will get it after a few days later, please be patient, thank you! I wish you a Happy New Year!

You can change another pair of glasses,they are the same price ,you don't worry.Thank you!

请帮我翻译一句话 英文 谢谢
Your desire to win must be stronger than your rival, otherwise, you'll lose to yourself which is the meanest way to lose.楼上的铁定是机器翻的。勿信。

1.How much money can I ern if I become an artist per month?2.What's the highest income per month?3.I have a puzzle to consult you.4.I am considering whether to join your team or not,so I want to learn sth about it.5.I have never been invited,so I just want to ...

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我翻译一句话.谢谢! -
贺齿格华: Hello,the label show it is make in London, English, besides,it is pure wool, pls feel relieve to buy.

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我翻译一句话,谢谢
贺齿格华: Thank you for your letter,and I am a honest seller.They are all made of PU,and if anyone else tell you that they are made of real furs,he must cheat you.Please trust me,thank you! Trust me.

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我一句话,谢谢.英文 -
贺齿格华: 谢谢你的夸奖,请点击确认收到货物,然后做出好的评价,谢谢! thanks for your compliment, please click to confirm receipt of the goods, and then make a good comment, thank you.

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我翻译一句话,谢谢.英文 -
贺齿格华: Thanks you to order my project, I understand your meaning. Asks you to think that this website explained the reason then applies to refund money, like this I may help you to cancel the order form, thanks!

朝阳县18358108213: 帮我翻译一句话 谢谢!! -
贺齿格华: 我的心里 永远有个位置留给你 并希望你幸福快乐= Je garderai toujours une place pour toi dans mon coeur... Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur.

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我翻译一句话 英文谢谢你的来信,请告诉我你订购多少个项目,我会给你一个最低的价格,谢谢,期待你的来信. -
贺齿格华:[答案] We thank you for your letter,please let us know how many items have you ordered,we will offer you the most favorable price,thank you. We await your early reply.

朝阳县18358108213: 帮我翻译一句话,谢谢 -
贺齿格华: 先翻译一下汉语:谢谢您的谅解,我会立刻给您发货,祝您生意兴隆!Thank you for your understanding,I'll deliver the goods immediately.Good luck with your business./Hoping your bussiness flourishing.

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我翻译一句话!谢谢!! -
贺齿格华: Hello friends; Yes, I really would like to assure you buy! Thank you! !

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我翻译一句英语,谢谢 -
贺齿格华: My company guarantee that the goods under contract(12 XFPA0831) in the same batch. Lot No.05120805F

朝阳县18358108213: 请帮我用英语翻译一段话,谢谢!
贺齿格华: Talking about shopping, we will first think about Nanjing Road. If you go to Nanjiang Road, you will see many shopping centers and department stores. That's why so many people go shopping at Nanjing Road.

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