
作者&投稿:汝柳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Thomas Jefferson devoted himself completely to the drafting of "The Declaration of Independence" despite his personal sorrow and trouble.
2.As the most influential US president, Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which still deeply affects the country today.
3.Madame Curie is often cited as an example of a great scientist who never yielded to hardship in her quest for knowledge.
4.Curiosity is the best teacher. If information of no intrinsic interest is crammed into student's heads, no effective learning can be achieved.
5.What are your criteria for selecting the greatest literary works of the 20th century?
6.It's good to see a child develop different interests, but when any interest turns into an obsession it can be worrisome to parents.


1: 大学四年结束后,我会很难过,因为我从很小开始就开始上学的,大学毕业对我来说,意味着我的学习生涯结束了。
I would be very sad after concluding four years’ university life because have been in school since I was a kid. What’s more, graduation from university just means my study career has finally come to an end.
I just need a computer, which won’t take up too much space, to carry out study on line where I can access much study materials. And wherever I am and whenever it is, I would be able to carry out study as long as I have a computer with me.
3:distance education 有很多好处,比如说,学生不需要前往固定的教室,即使在家也能学,没有年龄限制,只要会用电脑就可以
Distance education is advantageous in many ways. For example, students don’t have to study in certain fixed classrooms and carry out study at home without the limitation of age as long as they can use computers.
Because social clubs and groups in colleges not only enrich their daily life but enable them to have their interpersonal skills trained as well.
In my view, study, work and recreational activities are of the same importance.
The author’s experience in Britain enabled him to truly appreciate the essence of the British culture.
I deem the best approach is turning to my family or friends for help whenever I am in trouble.
The author has called xx for help
The author took great pride in striving to be a Olympic volunteer since the event is the grandest sport gala of its kind worldwide.

我自己翻的 希望对你有帮助

Teacher Li/Miss/Mr./Mrs. Li is teaching/teaches (us)on the platform/desk.

Xiao Hong/Little Hong is riding (a bike)/rides (a bike).

Grandpa/Grandfather is watching/watches TV on the chair.
Grandpa/Grandfather is sitting/sits on the chair and watching/watches TV .

Xiao Ming/Little Ming is rowing/rows (a boat).

Xiao Ming/Little Ming likes running.

Xiao Ming/Little Ming entered for the high jump.
Xiao Ming/Little Ming takes/took part in the high jump.

1.miss li

Mr./Mrs. Li teaches on the platform

Slightly red rides the bicycle

Grandfather sits on the chair watches the television

Young Ming is delimiting the ship

Young Ming likes jogging very much

The childhood name attended the high jump competition

1.别人不同意他时,他很容易大发脾气(tend)When others disagree with him, he tends to lose his temper easily.2.新的法律禁止在公共场所吸烟(forbid)Provided by the new law,somking is forbidden in public.3.据说绿茶和红茶都对预防癌症有效(claim)It is claimed that green tea and ...

Project Name: a Japanese company's management system Software Enviroment: Windows, MySql, Java, Tomcat Hardware Enviroment: PC Development Tools: Eclipse + CVS + MyEclipse Project Description:The management system is a set of workflow, has the following modules:master table management, ...

是西班牙文的歌词,Josh Groban - Alejate 走吧!歌词中文翻译 我从来不曾在我的灵魂深处感受过这麼多的爱 只有对你,我的爱人 我随你哭、笑,并重生 为了留住你,我给你我所有 我知道说再见是最好的选择 我会为了我犯的错误而痛苦挣扎 所有事物已全非 我必须去接受 我试著找到勇气来说再见 走...

members, build development environment and resolve difficult cases in the development process 7. write out test code with javascript added up to 1600 rows at the end of the project.你说的‘长达1600行’有点难以表述清楚,排版不一样行数也不一样,你就说大概多少字数比较好吧。


1.如果我们要保持身体健康还要享受生活,我们就不能总在工作。2.Everyone has their own way to relax.3.可能最受欢迎的方式就是参加体育运动。4.并不是每个人都喜欢参加和享受体育运动。5.For each person, relaxation is very important.

Research has found that a certain kind of gene in adventurous people's brain is pretty special. Genotype is decided once we're born. Hence, what we look like and what our characters are like are all decided. From this point we see, character and gene are related. Acquired ...

用十倍苦心做突出一个 jung sap pui fu sam zou dat ceot jat go 正常人够我富议论性麽 zing soeng jan gau ngo fu ji leon sing mo 你叫我做浮夸吧 nei giu ngo zou fau kwaa baa 加几声嘘声也不怕 gaa gei seng heoi seng jaa bat paa 我在场 有闷场 的话 表演你看吗 ngo zoi...

从7号地铁的Cheong-dam(旗袍)站下车,然后去9号出口 沿着Apgujeong走15分钟,或乘41路公交车,在Cheong-Dam小学站下车 你可以看到一座黄色的大厦(SM娱乐)向着Galleria(商业走廊)走 在Kia-motors 和 Kang Suk-Hei 大厦之间 乘3号地铁,在Apgujeong站下车,走二号出口 远离Galleria的方向走20分钟,...

帮个忙 翻译成英文
Increasing attention in recent years, national energy conservation work and related work to promote and facilitate gaining momentum. 本文主要介绍了国内外整体式天然气压缩机应用现状及发展趋势,通过对重庆各个气矿在役整体式天然气压缩机燃料气消耗现状的调研,分析出了影响整体式天然气压缩机燃料气...

兴业县19684903469: 帮个忙,翻译几个句子
龙纪稳可: SOW the wind and reap the whirlwind talk of the devil, and he will appear. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Look before you leap. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 不知道对不对啊

兴业县19684903469: 帮个忙翻译几句话,急用啊
龙纪稳可: I come from China, I don't understand your words, I here now do not know how to find the Chinese embassy, I believe you are good, ask you to take me to the embassy, I appreciate you, thank you !

兴业县19684903469: 帮个忙四.根据中文,完成句子1.放学后你走回家吗?不,我坐公共汽车.__________________after school?No,I - ____________.2.我们学校有1500多名学生.... -
龙纪稳可:[答案] 1,Do you walk to home after school?No,I will by bus 2,There are 15 hunderds student in our school. 3,Can I open the window? Yes ,you can. 4,Liu Mei doesn't know how to celebrate the Halloween. 5,The children are playing happiness in the party.

兴业县19684903469: 帮个忙翻译一些古文 -
龙纪稳可: 1.意指做工作要勤奋,敬业乐业.万般恶劣的行为,懒惰是第一的坏行为. 2.安其居,乐其业”这个成语来源于《老子》,原文是“甘美食,美其服,安其居,乐其俗.”成语的意思是表示生活美满、安定. “虽天地之大,万物之多,而惟吾蜩翼之知”意思是说,凡做一件事,就要把这件事看作是自己的生命,无论其它什么好处,都不能牺牲现在做的事来与其交换. “坐这山,望那山,一事无成”就是总是看着别人的好,却丢失了自己的位置,这样到头来,就是一事无成,甚至没有自己的立足之地.

兴业县19684903469: 帮个忙翻译中文.
龙纪稳可: 首先,我们来分析这句话的结构,它是句多重复合结构的句子,那我们就得一点一点进行分析. the day three days after [the day before Tuesday (这个是MONDAY )] is THURSDAY the day after [the day three days after the day before Tuesday] 就是 FRIDAY 因此答案是WEDNESDAY.

兴业县19684903469: 请帮个忙,翻译成中文.1.You have unusual ability in dancing.2.You need to get a bigger pair.3.You see or hear it while it is happening.4.There are many exciting... -
龙纪稳可:[答案] 1.You have unusual ability in dancing. 你在舞蹈方面有不同寻常的天赋 2.You need to get a bigger pair. 你需要去拿个稍微大点的一双(鞋). 3.You see or hear it while it is happening. 它发生的时候你可以看见听见. 4.There are many exciting and ...

兴业县19684903469: 帮个忙 翻译一个句子 -
龙纪稳可: The development of online bookstore strongly attacked the traditional book circulation system and shorten its publishing procedure in an effective way.And it closely combined the readers,books,publishers and distributors as well as improving the ...

兴业县19684903469: 翻译句子!帮个忙啊!!!! -
龙纪稳可: 妈妈: 你的笔记本在哪汤姆; 我不知道.它在书包里飞机(看不见你写的字) 富兰克的磁带在哪.他需要.妈妈: 他的磁带在哪汤姆:在磁带盒里.妈妈, 好的,一点在你学校见.汤姆: 谢谢,妈妈.

兴业县19684903469: 几个翻译句子帮个忙~!!!1非常感谢您百忙之中抽空阅读我的材料
龙纪稳可: 1. Thank you very much for your busy schedule to find time to read my 100 materials. 2. Hoping to use the summer in the search for a period of 30-40 days your company ...

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