
作者&投稿:吕胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello, my name is, from xuzhou city in jiangsu province, was born in a happy family of four, my father, mother, and my brother is love me and my favorite person in this world.In September this year, I with a score of 280 was admitted to the university, in learning fought the twelve years I finally reinterpretation and relaxed after, however, I'm going to be away, on a different province journey, from small nestled in the arms of parents, I ever had to a man in the face of all things, taste the sensitized, experience the world changes in temperature, thought of here, suddenly I feel so strong!Yes, 20 years old, grow up, also should understand.Apart from their parents, away from home, warm, I hope they can more walk more far, more walk more good.Once I was deeply impressed by a TV series, its name is sourdrang secret history, in 2004, was popular for more than a dozen provinces and municipalities.Sourdrang queen's patience and strong, but to such a fate, her life is a legend, the following three minute video is the generalization of her life: video...Watching the TV series, will let us feel the bitterness and suffering behind the qing founding queen, the queen mother marry mystery, shunzhi tonsured mystery...This the deep mystery of history, have to cause my curiosity.In addition, my idol is gigi, she shiman, Ma Jingtao pictures (......).I want to here for seven class of students about my heart feeling: since he went to college in the beginning, don't adapt to speak mandarin, fluent watch others well said, oneself don't speak, plus shy people phobia, ZiBeiXin always hung over me, wake up every morning feel the world good despair, there is no hope of life, lonely heart don't know where the place, such a mood, day after day.My life without the himself, to cling to others, gradually lose their personality, become like wood.Look at it for three groups of two on the road, laughter, himself alone I want to try very hard to hide his inner fragile, but always can't stand the pain.Sometimes, a man's external and internal is not so consistent.Fortunately, a person can be in certain circumstances, as the flow of time drive and slowly change myself I finally understand: I am my own person, I am the master of my own, a person must first love yourself, take good care of yourself, first to love others, if do not love yourself, who will love you?The students of class 1 coincidence, we are;Coincidence, let's six are roommates.We must learn to integrate into the collective, because people can't change environment, can only change yourself.I also trying to change myself...

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.
Not just a year older, but a year better.
Birthdays are filled with yesterday's memories, today's joys, and tomorrow's dreams.
Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Count your age by friends, not years.
I'm so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy.

1.you did me a great favor.this is what i use to express my thanks.
2.this word means different in different sutuation.
3.they feel good each other.
4.this means nothing to him.
5.i mean you don't go tomorrow.
6.congratuations on your promotion. how about you treating us.
7.don't say any more,he will be shy.
8.i can't dicide, it's based on leader's intention.
9.you are not good, for you did not tell me the thing.
10.what do you mean?

1,You give us a big help ,this is our a little small token of one's
2,This word has the different meaning in zhe border of word of difference.


问题一:小石潭记词类活用,一词多义,和古今异义,谁能告诉我啊 1.通假字:下见小潭(“见”通“现”,文中句意为:向下走,出现一个小潭。作jiàn讲也可以,意为看见,发现。)2. 一词多义:①可:大约,潭中鱼可百许头;可以,能够,不可久居。②从:自,由,从小丘西行百二十步;...

舍:舍弃 便舍船 房子 屋舍俨然 寻:寻找 寻向所志 不久 寻病终 志:做标记 处处志之 做的标记 寻向所志 向:以前 寻向所志 对着 眈眈相向

初一到初三所有的一词多义(可以没有解释)要全... 初一到初三所有的一词多义(可以没有解释)要全 ...顾:1、回头看(顾野有麦场《狼》元方入门而不顾《世说新语》) 2、难道(顾不如蜀鄙之僧哉《...光:1、发扬光大(以光先帝遗德) 2、光线(仿佛若有光)归:1、归依,同行(微斯人,吾谁与归) 2...

教版语文必修1,2 '通假字,古今异义,一词多义,特殊句式,每种不少于30...
六六六六、、、一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义 (((一一一一)))为为为为 人为刀姐,我为鱼肉 动词,是, 使子婴为相 动词,做,担当, 窃为大王不取也 动词,认为, 谁为大王为此计 动词,出,制定, 且为之奈何 动词,对付, 何辞为 句末语气词,呢, 为击破沛公军 介词,替,给, (((二二二二)))故故故故...

④ 道之所存,师之所存也: (结构助词,用在定语和名词性的中心语之间,相当于现代汉语的“的”。)(不是“取消句子独立性”。因为“取消句子独立性”的“之”是用在主谓之间的,即“之”后必是动词;而两个“所存”是“所词短语”,“所词短语”都是名词性的。)⑤ 句读之不知: (结构助词,表示宾语前置 )...

2、旧 古:旧交,旧友 今:过去的,过时的 3、解 古:读书只求领会要旨,不在一字一句的解释上过分深究 今:只求懂个大概,不求深刻了解(含贬义)4、造 古:到,往 今:制造 5、或 古:有时 今:或者 二、通假字,只有一个 “恡”通“吝”挂心,在意。三、一词多义 1、以:介词,把、...


世说新语的一词多义 词类活用 特殊句式
您好,以下是我为您解答的过程:词类活用:1.与友期行:期,名词作动词,约定 2.友人惭:惭,形容词作意动词,感到惭愧 特殊句式:1.宾语后置:白雪纷纷何所似?2.省略句:待君久不至。小女子学识尚浅,只能帮助至此了,抱歉,希望我的回答能够帮助您 ...

1、去 古意:离开。今意:到、往。2、委 古意:丢 下、舍弃。今意:委屈、委托。3、顾 古意:回头看。今意:照顾。4、期 古意:约定。今意:日期。5、引 古意:拉。今意:引用。四、一词多义 日:日中不至:太阳;寒雪日内集:天。五、文言句式 1、判断句:即公大兄无奕女,左将军...

海城区13043474876: 英语一词多义,谁可以帮我想一下?1、你帮了我们一个大忙,这是我们的一点小意思.2、这个词在不同的语境中有不同的意思.3、他们彼此间有点意思.4、这... -
始贺美抒:[答案] 1.you did me a great favor.this is what i use to express my thanks. 2.this word means different in different sutuation. 3.they feel... 6.congratuations on your promotion.how about you treating us. 7.don't say any more,he will be shy. 8.i can't dicide,it's based ...

海城区13043474876: 英语翻译一词多义 -
始贺美抒:[答案] 中途或半路或做某事做到一半

海城区13043474876: 求一词多义的英语单词 -
始贺美抒: aggressive :侵略的,攻击性的;有进取心的,积极的.如: aggressive policy 侵略政策,或咄咄逼人的政策; aggressive war 侵略战争; John was an aggressive guy, who did his job well. 约翰是一个很有上进心的小伙子,他的工作很出色. ...

海城区13043474876: 英语的一词多义 -
始贺美抒:[答案] 作为世界上最通行的语言,英语在近年来的发展变化得到大众传媒,特别是计算机与网络发展的推动.但是,我国目前非专业英语教学的现实却是教材内容普遍比较陈旧,这就给准备研究生英语入学考试的考生造成了很大障碍.大家费很大力气才记住...

海城区13043474876: 英语有哪些一词多义 -
始贺美抒: 例如,good(n.货物;adj.好的) rate(n.速度;v.评价) taste(n.味道;v.品尝)

海城区13043474876: 对英语中一词多意现象的解释 -
始贺美抒: 和汉语中的一字多义很相似,英语中也有一词多义的现象,也就是说,一个单词有好多种意思,例如see这个词的基本意思是“看见”,例如: Close your eyes, and you can't see. 闭上眼睛,你就看不见东西了. 此外,see还有“了解;明白”...

海城区13043474876: 有趣的英语一词多义 -
始贺美抒: lie 撒谎/躺下 ring 电话/戒指 book 书本/预订 hard 艰难的/坚固的 tear 眼泪/撕裂 sow 播种/母猪 minute 分钟/微小的 second 秒/第二 ball 球/舞会 ear 耳朵/穗 bank 银行/河岸 fine 好的/罚款 craft 手艺/欺骗 bat 蝙蝠/球拍

海城区13043474876: 急求一些英语的一词多义找几个一词多义的例子格式最好是例如:You don't look vrry well.( B )Well,let's begin now.( D )We get water from the well.( A )Can you ... -
始贺美抒:[答案] How many people were present at the meeting?B I'm not at all satisfied with the present situation.A They presented him with a bunch of flowers.D Some 300 papers were presented at the conference.C A:现在的,当前的 B:出席的,在场的 C:提出...

海城区13043474876: 关于英语单词一词多意的情况,初学者觉得很困惑 -
始贺美抒: 一词多义和中文一样,其意思都是有相关性的,或引申或改变词性等等.对于一词多义的掌握,一定要在例句在理解,而不要只看中文解释.建议你找一本有足够例句的词典,比如牛津的.它有初阶,中阶和高阶.你先翻一下,看看你适合用哪...

海城区13043474876: 英语单词中有哪些单词是一词多义的?像是school可以理解成学校,也可以理解成鱼群,就像这一类的词.请大家把列出来的词意思也补上,谢 -
始贺美抒:[答案] 这个的话,太多了,比如:spring有春天、泉等名词意义,还有快速增长的动词意义battery可以是电池也可以是炮兵连,tip可以是小建议也可以是小费……

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