
作者&投稿:集薇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




Today, in the new kindergarten do my internship because not familiar with the environment is not familiar with the teacher
So let me nervous not know how to do that later began to slowly adapt
In this class with me and be responsible for the supervision of my teachers have two because they work together
I was assigned to the class was a year old child can learn, I feel full of many things
They know each other and after I went to know a baby took some time to become familiar with them and back their names because I was afraid of strangers, so some children to cry and I went to them to interact and play with them and only later I'm getting used to
Later, the teacher let me know their daily routine activities after we did some time soon ended
Today I learned a year old child is very sensitive to the mood they are easy to cry, but also very easy to laugh
Depending on different circumstances

Today is the second day of practice here I learned a lot of things even more than at another distant learning of children
Today most of the time I play with my kids sometimes help them because they are too small
There are some things we have to rely on it through yesterday and today, I found that they also observe full clever
If not a dangerous thing to do is be able to indulge themselves in
Also today, found that children this age and some will miss the innocent person hit or pushed to them I say
My teachers have taught me not to say that because my kids will learn to say negative words they taught me that with positive words to let them learn
This is what I learned today the biggest thing with positive words to encourage children and not a negative word to say to them because they know there will learn simple negative word

1.traffice lights 交通灯
2.sick people 病人
3.remember rules 记住规则
4.shout for help 喊救命/大声叫帮忙
5.break one's arm 把某人的胳膊弄断了
6.少年宫 Children's Palace
7.消防演习 fire drill
8.排队 wait in line
9.拯救生命 rescue lives
10.摔断腿 break one's legs
11.做医生 be a doctor
14.same(反义词) different
15.life(复数) lives
18.搀扶老人 to support a senior(an old man) with his/her hand
19.全世界 all over the world
20.照顾 take care
21.晾衣服 to dry one's clothes in the air/ the sun
22.当火灾发生时,千万别搭错电梯。Do not take the wrong elevator during(或者when there's)an fire accident.
23.我每天上一个小时的网 I surf on line 1 hour a day.
24.红绿灯 traffic lights
25.拉小提琴 play violin
26.练功夫 to practise (kongfu)
27.斑马线 zebra stripes
28.派出所 police station
29.获奖 win an award
30.跟我走 follow me
31.照顾病人 take care of patients
32.fire drill 消防演习
33.Children's Palace 少年宫
34.pick up 捡起来
35.all over the world 全世界
36.fly kites 放风筝
37.fall down 跌倒
38.space shuttle 航天飞机
39.take a shower 洗个澡
40.in turn 轮流
41.summer holiday 暑假
42.art museum 艺术馆
43.key chain 钥匙链
44.fly up 飞起来
45.Pacific Ocean 太平洋
46.South Africa 南非
47.send emails 发电子邮件
48.mobile 手机

9.save life/lives
10. break one's leg(s)
11.become a doctor
19.the whole world
all over/around the world
32.fire drill .消防演习
33.Children's Palace -6.少年宫

1.交通灯 2.生病的人 3.记住规则 4.呼救 5.弄断了某人的胳膊 6.Children's Palace 7.Fire drill 8.stand in line 9.save life 10.break one's leg 11.be a doctor 12..factories 13.has 14.different 15.lives 16.lost 17.swimming 18.help the old man by his arm 19.all over the world 20.look after/take care of 21.dry the clothes 22.Don't take the wrong lift when a fire happen 23.I spend an hour on the Internet everyday 24.traffice lights 25.Play the violin 26.take practice 27.traffice line 28.plice station 29.win a prise 30.follow me 31.look after the patient 32.消防演习 33.少年宫 34.拣起 35.全世界 36.放风筝 37.掉下来 38.航天飞机 39.洗澡(淋浴) 40.轮流 按顺序 41.暑假 42.艺术博物馆 43.钥匙链 44.飞起来 45.太平洋 46.南非 47.发电子邮件 48.手机

哇...累死我了 看在我辛苦的分上多给几分吧~


1 交通灯 2 病人 3 记忆法则 4 呼救 5 折断胳膊 6 young palace
7 fire drill 8 stand in a line 9 save life
10 break one's leg 11 being a doctor 12 factories
13 has 14 different 15 lives 16 lost 17 swimming
18 suport the old with hand 19 all the world
20 take care of 21 air the clothes
22 do not take a wrong lift when the fire take place
23 I use the internet once a day
24 traffice lights 25 play the violin 27zebra crossing
28 police station 29 bear the palm 30 go with me
31 take care of the patient 32消防演习 33少年宫 34拣起来
35 全世界 36放风筝 37掉下来 38太空飞船
39 洗澡 40反过来 41暑假 42美术馆
43主链 44突然发怒 45太平洋 46南美洲
47发送邮件 48 移动电话

3.remember rules 记住规则 4.shout for help 喊救命\/大声叫帮忙 5.break one's arm 把某人的胳膊弄断了 6.少年宫 Children's Palace 7.消防演习 fire drill 8.排队 wait in line 9.拯救生命 rescue lives 10.摔断腿 break one's legs 11.做医生 be a doctor 12.factoey(英语复词)factor...


square 这个英文单词翻成中文是什么意思
square: [ skwɛə ]n. 正方形,街区,平方 a. 正方形的,正直的,公正的 v. 一致,符合,使...成方形 例句与用法:1. The little girl drew a square on the paper.小女孩在纸上画了一个正方形。2. The teams are all square at one match each.这些队在各自参加了一场比赛后不...

1、Google翻译 Google翻译在界面上还是遵循了非常极简的谷歌风格,整体看起来和普通的翻译软件似乎也没有什么差别。但是Google翻译还是有一点特色功能的,比如“实景翻译”。当阅读大段文章的时候如果逐字逐句的翻译会非常的麻烦而且费时间,Google翻译的这个实景翻译就是在用后置镜头取得一段文字的时候可以事实...

n. 士兵 2conversationn. 会话,谈话 3theatren. 剧场,戏院 4seatn. 位子,席次,所在地; v. 坐 5playn. 游戏,游玩,剧本,比赛; v. 玩,进行比赛,演奏,播放 6loudlyad.大声地 7angrya. 生气的 8angrilyad. 气愤地 9、 museumn. 博物馆 10publica. 公共的,公众的; n. 公众 ...

一、smile 英 [smaɪl] 美 [smaɪl]n. 微笑;笑容 v. 微笑;露出笑容 Her smile makes her even more beautiful.她的微笑使她更美丽了。二、destiny 英 ['destəni] 美 ['destəni]n. 命运 Your destiny is interwoven with mine.你的命运已和我的命运结合在一...

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1 Tomorrow is the deadline, let's race the clock.2 It is a piece of cake for this 5-year-old child to shop online.3 I am planning to change my job, but I have to bide my time.4 His taste is in harmony with mine.5 We are charmed by the beautiful scenery....

大新县18929144436: 英文中文互翻(词汇)
勇储益肾: branch nutrient 分枝的营养 physiological生理的,生理学的 设施园艺facilities horticulture 温室栽培greenhouse culture 定植苗planting stock 微生物污染microbial contamination

大新县18929144436: 50个超级简单的英语单词加中文. -
勇储益肾:[答案] Unit 1 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔book 书 bag 书包 sharpener 卷笔刀 school... 球kite 风筝 balloon 气球car 小汽车plane 飞机 PEP英语三年级(下册)三会单词 Unit 1 boy 男孩 girl 女孩teacher 教师...

大新县18929144436: 中文翻译英语单词
勇储益肾: Accustomed to the Habit Forming Accustome

大新县18929144436: 汉语翻译英文 -
勇储益肾: 1.别向东走——(Not )(walk)east.2.他经常步行回家——He often (return )home on foot.3.我哥哥不在那家公司工作.——My brother ( no )(longer )in that company.4.幼苗应该得到充足的日晒——the sprout should(get) lots of sun.希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

大新县18929144436: 有什么好的英语单词和句子翻译中文的软件? -
勇储益肾: 用有道桌面词典吧,有解释,有例句,有真人发音. 可以翻译句子. 在网易邮箱的页面就有下载地址提示. 或者去华军,天空这些地方下载,非常好用.希望能帮到你.

大新县18929144436: 英语单词翻译(中译英)4 -
勇储益肾: 我尽力哦~~ 1、能力 2、 到国外, 在国外(一楼错了哦~~) 3、缺席的,离席的 4、口音 5、接受 6、完成,实现 7、建议 8、协议 9、在……之中(尤指三者以上之中) 10、古老的,年老的 11、无论如何,不管怎样 12、出现 13、注意,注意...

大新县18929144436: 目前为止,大家用过的最好的最准确的英语在线翻译软件是什么? 请推荐一下 -
勇储益肾: 金山词霸(可以查的范围广,比如句子)http://www.iciba.com/ 译典通英语(个人认为查单词比较好用)http://www.dreye.com.cn/index_gb.html

大新县18929144436: 汉语翻译英语 -
勇储益肾: My biggest wish in this life is to marry you, take good care of you, to guard you, love you! 呵呵百度翻译大神的...

大新县18929144436: 汉语翻译英语词典 -
勇储益肾: 我是外国的中文系学生.所以我的建议是 现代汉语词典 contemporary chinese dictionary (chinese-english edition) 2002年增补本 外语教学与研究出版社 (foreign language teaching and research press) 这个词典很好用,单词多,解释很好,成语多,列子也多. 那么你自己看一下.希望能找到合适的辞典.

大新县18929144436: 有没有什么软件是可以把英语翻译成中文,也可以把中文翻译成英语的? -
勇储益肾: 最常用的是有道,然后金山词霸也还好.专业一点的可以是灵格斯和谷歌.有道的缺点是可以查词,如果是句子的话,机翻得会是词组拼凑,完全中式化的英文句子

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