
作者&投稿:平侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The cost of the trip will be $1000, the hotel bills.
选 B allow for 考虑到
A. allowing B. allowing for C. permitting D. thinking
2. His easy-going manner made me feel .
A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxation D. relaxed
其他例子有,excited 是“激动的”,而exciting是“让人激动的”。
3. The of Chinese civilization is believed to be in the Huang-he River Valley.
A. origin B. root C. source D. resource
选A 起源发源 root 根源 根 source 资源 材料 resource 资源
4. The development of West China is in need of investment.
A. urgent B. emergency C. emergence D. urgency
选择:urgent 紧急的 in urgent need of 急需
5. After school Mary was still studying in the classroom, all her classmates had gone home.
A. when B. as C. while D. but
选择C while 表示与后面的动作在同时发生,并含有转折,对比的意思
句意 放学后玛丽依然在教室里学习,其他的同学都回家了
6. His silence is as flat refusal.
A. translated B. illustrated C. accounted for D. interpreted
选择C account for 解释……的原因
7. I fell in love with him at first .
A. view B. watch C. sight D. scene
固定搭配 fall in love with somebody at first sight 一见钟情
8. The police arrived on the of the crime very quickly.
A. scenery B. scene C. landscape D. view
选B on the scene of the crime 如果有spot 这个答案最好 在事发现场
9. Some people are very to pain.
A. sensitive B. sensational C. sensible D. sentimental
选A be sensitive to 对……敏感
sensational 极好的,轰动的,哗众取宠的
sensible 一般是 be sensible of 对……理智 ,明白,清楚
sentimental 伤感的,充满柔情的;多愁善感的
10. Take the laptop(手提电脑) with you you need it on your trip.
A. so that B. in order that C. in any case D. in case
选择D in case 以防万一
so that 以至于 in order that 目的是 为了 in any case 一般用于否定句 在任何情况下
11. Many people are on diet to keep their slim.
A. finger B. figure C. features feathers
选B figure 身材 keep one's figure 保持身材
finger 手指 feature 特点 特色 feather 羽毛
12. The two parties have long been in .
A. contrast B. contradict C. conflict D. enemy
选C in conflict 在斗争中 固定搭配
constrast 相反的 contradict 矛盾 反对 enemy 敌对
13. A dozen candidates have applied this teaching post.
A. to B. for C. on D. with
选择B apply for 申请某一职位
apply to 申请做某事 适应 apply on 运用某一原理 apply with 和……一起应用于
14. The coast guards spent weeks searching for the in deep waters after the Paris-bound (飞往巴黎的) Boeing 747 plunged into the Atlantic.
A. ruins B. remains C. remainder D. Wreckage
选择B 残留物,遗体 ruin 废墟 动词--夷为平地 remainder 回忆起……的东西,通知单 wreckage 是船只上的破坏,碰撞
15. Our hometown has great changes over the past decade.
A. experienced B. explored C. happened D. Occurred
experience 经历explore 探索发现 occur 发生 一般是物做主语 用于主动 it occurs to me……


Dear Zhang Hong,
Hello.Thanks for your letter.I am sorry to hear that you have trouble with your English study.But don't worry,Zhang Hong,I would like to give you some advice.First is about memorizing words.You should memorize the words by reading them aloud and writing them many times.Second,We can only learn English well by speaking it. So don't be shy,and just try.The more you try,the better you speak.Third,you said in your letter that you studied very hard ,but didn't do well in English.In my opinion,if you have studied very hard but still can't get good marks,maybe there is something wrong with your way to learn.Try another way.Sometimes a new way would help.
Good luck to you.
Wang Ming


Dear Zhang Hong,

How are you? I am happy that you have interest in English,and me too. i make a note by writting some english words, when i have time,i often read them. I often speak to my sister in english too, and this can help me. You should not feel shy to speak, when you speak, you are making your english better. Let's study hard and write eo each other in english.
Yours. Wang Ming

Dear zhangHong,
you should be confident in yourself. i think you have talent in english, you are just lack of courage. so you can find some ways to make you feel confident.For example, you can talk with your classmates in english. You should answer the questions actively in class.接下来自己把九年级第一单元看看,里面有by+doing的结构和建议,自己套进去

首先,动词不定式不能做宾语从句。其次,动词不定式的基本用法:①作宾语 I want 【to go out with you】.They intend 【to have a party this weekend】.②做宾语补足语 The film make me【 feel moved.】I want to have Tom 【help me with the job】.③目的状语 We come here 【to get ...


语文作业,我要快点做完。翻译:Chinese homework,I want to finish.望楼主采纳!

一.翻译下列短语.我们走吧. Let's go 打扰一下. Excuse me 二.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.1.Don't cry . I can help you.2.What's wrong with me,doctor?3.Where's b___ Monkey's home? 这个是不是要联系课文啊?4.Mr Li works very hand . He sleeps only six hours a ...

---她是一名电视台记者。\/他是一名教师。他教英语。3, ---Who’s that man \/ woman? ---那位男士 \/ 女士是谁?---He’s my father. \/ She’s my mother. ---他是我父亲。 \/ 她是我母亲。4, ---Who’s this boy \/ girl? ---那个男孩儿 \/ 女孩儿是谁?---He’s...

我为此很苦恼。我知道要多多阅读,但是不知道看什么文章,文章看不懂又打击我的自信心。请各位为我推荐一些不要太难,有意思的阅读网站。听说高中的英语非常的难,请大家教我一些高中学习方法和心得,教我怎么学好高中的英语,谢谢大家。 展开  我来答

The process of writing Chinese homework I saw The tune lingered in the room. three days without a break but I don't know.写语文作业的过程中我看到了余音绕梁,三日不绝却不知道 The process of writing Chinese homework I saw The tune lingered in the room. three days without a ...

My math and Chinese homework have been finished today.希望我的回答对您有所帮助。

当我是一个外国老师在中国,每一天,我向我的学生教英语,他们教我 关于中国的。一天我们探讨的话题,说“我爱你”。我很惊讶地了解,并不是我的 学生们说他们的母亲,也没有他们的母亲说。“你妈妈爱你吗?”“当然,”他们回答说。“你怎么知道?“是我的逻辑问题。他们回答说,妈妈煮熟,总是如此 告诉...

英语翻译 1 .我的语文作业差不多写完了 2.我的语文作业已经差不多写完...
I have almost finished my Chinese homework.My Chinese homework has almost been finished.

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