
作者&投稿:钊昏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英语人工翻译!不要机器翻的~在线等 急急急~

3rd-class scholarship of the school year 2012-2013 in our college
outstanding Youth League member
English tour guide qualification certificate
CET-6 (College English Test Level 6) certificate

fangdacheng architecture which is unique and innovation. this project is based on enery saving and environment protection. the most development.


1. It has not been defined clearly in the document that how to do reasonable analysis on the equipment failure.

2. Operators has not fully comprehended the document yet.

3. Revise the <equipment and tooling management procedure > and regulate the equipment failure analysis details.


1.Document does not clearly defined to equipment failure analysis how to effectively。
2.Equipment to file understand thoroughly personnel。
3.Revised 《equipment management program 》,in a document for detailed regulations equipment failure to analyze。

TO artificial not machine

1 Document does not clearly defined to equipment failure analysis how to effectively.
2 Equipment to file understand thoroughly personnel
3 Revised equipment management program in a document for detailed regulations equipment failure to analyze

1.他在电影院门口显得很窘迫,因为他忘了带电影票(embarrass)He was emberrassed standing in front of the cinema gate, as he had forgotten the ticket.2.我喜欢让我的女儿穿粉红的衣服。(dress)I like my daughter to dress in pink.3.我的英语书是用彩色的纸包的。(wrap)My English...

this is the medicine for our daughter after she give birth to a child.这是小婴儿(外孙)预防感冒、发烧、腹泻的药。this medicine is for my infant(grandson) to prevent catching a cold,having a fever and laxness.这是我(王女士)在澳大利亚6个月治疗心血管疾病、降低血脂所需要的药。I ...

3、英语里的介词短语是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因,英译中相对简单,刚好介词帮助很好的断句。中译英难在如何选择相应介词。二、同样通过一些例子来实践一下 1、指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式...

一、数译英 28: Twenty-eight 49: Forty-nine 57: Fifty-seven 63: Sixty-three 101:Hundred and one 112: One hundred and twelve 136: One hundred thirty-six 95:Ninety-five 二、中译英 1、我通常骑车去上学。I usually bike to school.2、他们坐火车去北京。They take a train to Bei...

1.梵高在37岁时就结束了自己的生命。 翻译:Van gogh in 37 when he ended his life 2.任何违反法律的人将受到惩罚。翻译:Any violation of the law will be punished 3.带着两个孩子的妇女在伦敦很难谋生。翻译:With two children living in London to women 4.昨晚肯定没下雨,因为地面很干...

1.He has a wide knwoledge of history 2.The village has a population of o thousand 3.A number of well-qualified people have left the pany 4.Yesterday I had my hair cut in the barber's 5.The breakfast we had this morning tactden nice 6.China will always do what she has...

英语翻译 相信他说的话(两种)
英语翻译,是指用英语来表达另一种语言或用另一种语言表达英语的语言之间互相表达的活动。英语翻译既包括中译英、英译中,同时也包括英韩互译、日英互译以及英语和其它语种的互译。技巧列示 英语翻译中有直译和意义两种基本翻译方法,另有增译法、省译法、转译法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、...

求翻译,中译英 本人英语不咋地,但是写作需要,所以只能来跪求译文了...
Let's start the test. Don't take it too seriously, just use this one~如果世界上,没有一个地方可以屏弃寒冷的话。那么请你一直跟着我吧,觉得冷的时候,我就可以拥抱。If there is not such place that is free of coldness, please be with me, and I will always be there to give ...

1.我们的英语老师经常提醒我要注意我的发音.Our English teacher often reminds me to pay attention to my accent.2.那个小孩对足球比赛的规则知道得很清楚.That boy knows the football match rules very clearly.3.盘子里有两个苹果,一个是给你的,另一个是给你妈妈的.There'are two appleson ...

If you made use to time ample , you would be scholarly .3.正当我十分焦急时,一个孩子走上前来,指给我去车站的路(come up).Just when I was worried , a kid came up and told me the way to go to station .4.在一些重要方面,英国英语和美国英语很不相同(in some important ways)...

龙游县19132783256: 请英语高手翻译,中译英,不要机译!!! -
屠滕凌顶: 为你提供正确、准确和地道的英文译文:For the past two years, I was busy preparing for the post-graduate admissions exam. Although I did not make it into the graduate programme, I have no regrets as for I have at least tried my best to reach my ...

龙游县19132783256: 麻烦帮我翻译一下英语句子.中文译英文. 语法要正确,不要机器翻译的.要人工的. 谢谢
屠滕凌顶: what I did in college is to take part in the community ,and to share the same in terests.this is my first year of college life.

龙游县19132783256: 求人工翻译 不要翻译机器In July 1994 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was struck by 21 pieces of a comet (彗星). When the fragment (碎片)... -
屠滕凌顶:[答案] 1994年7月,太阳系最大的行星—木星被21个彗星碎片击中. 当彗星的残骸陨落到这个巨大行星的南半部时,它引起的爆炸被地球上的科学家观察到了.但是如果是我们的行星被彗星击中了呢? 这一年是2094年.据称一颗彗星正在向地球逼近.彗星的大...

龙游县19132783256: 问:英语翻译(不要机器翻译,请人工翻译,意思相近即可)友好的提醒你一下 -
屠滕凌顶: 英语翻译(不要机器翻译,请人工翻译,意思相近即可)友好的提醒你一下 Remind you friendly.Friendly remind you.友情提示: Kind Tips.

龙游县19132783256: 急!!汉语译成英语 要人工翻译,不要机译 -
屠滕凌顶: 特约经销商授权书: Authorized Dealer Certificate伟业(香港)五金机械有限公司特授权: Authorized by Weiye (H.K) Hardware&Machine Ltd.Co. 烟台蓝帆数控机床有限公司: Yantai Lanfan Numerical-Control Machine Tool Co.,Ltd为NEW-...

龙游县19132783256: 急求翻译,速度·谢谢~~~~要人工翻译的,不要机翻急要的谢谢!!
屠滕凌顶: 三个旅行者,阿兰·卡尔和保罗都坐在椅子在火车站他们正在等待火车真是太迟通过的时候,他们开始互相交谈. 起初,他们谈论天气,他们的工作保罗说:“告诉me-...

龙游县19132783256: 跪求英语高手翻译,请不要使用机器翻译,要人工的!翻译的优美深情的加10分!急!感激不尽!!!!!!
屠滕凌顶: I'm still the one who is guarding beside you. So don't cry for the past, I'll always stay right beside you. At the same time, present this song to those who had ever cried for love. 望采纳,谢谢

龙游县19132783256: 求翻译 中译英 急 不要机译 -
屠滕凌顶: Last time you said you would tell me the suggestions about the quotation,but till now, I didn't got your reply. Did you dissatified with us at some points? I will appreci...

龙游县19132783256: 高分!英语翻译 不要机器 要人工! -
屠滕凌顶: 人们乘坐Bel Air飞机旅行,因为他们知道他们将得到他们想要的.他们想迅速、安全地穿越大陆,穿越海洋,穿越世界各地,他们知道Bel Air飞机将他们带到他们想去的地方去.Bel Air 飞机比其他任何航空公司最新,最快的飞机还要多的飞行于...

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