
作者&投稿:谭霭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Robot had to replace the human and the mechanical, and the word robot in life more and more common in the manufacturing process plays an important role. With human passion and interest in robotics research is increasing, whether it is also humanoid robot or simulated robot animals, the literature is also increasing. Which simulate animal movements of the robot with humanoid robots because of the performance can not be done, so scholars have been extensively studied, thus creating a "bio-robot" in appearance.
Snake in the body and the movement pattern is a special kind of animal, rather than using the body as other animals is the use of the foot to move forward through the conversion of different gait can easily make difficult moves, such as climbing in the trunk or through the pipes. According to research, snake-like robot to reach the environment is very suitable to detect and exclude crisis work, it can easily reach into the general characteristics of the office less than some scientists committed to the development of biomimetic robots to engage in search and rescue operations [1 ].
On snake-like robot body and functions are described later. By learning and understanding the dynamics of the real snake and Saito [2] proposed the formula sport hunting a group of machines can produce a snake, and the sensor-based feedback experiments and results are hunting movement will be presented in the following description.



1. Please do not take along those dangerous articles as inflammables, explosive agents, corrosion materials, poisonous/radioactive ones, controlled knives, and might you not send any dangerous properties consigned by rail.
2. Ticket checking procedure shall be ended 5 minutes before dispatch of the motor train. May you please get on the train or wait behind the safety line on the platform.
3. Please keep in queue and follow the order as getting-off first than push. Never are you allowed to pass through underneath nor climb over the carriage, jump off the platform, walk or enter within the railways areas. Please do not follow the thoroughly unstopped motor train nor even try to get on/off the running carriage.
4. When travelling by such motor train, mind you not press nor lay against the door (for you and other’s safety). And please do not move/press any safety apparatus as emergency brake valve, manual brake, emergency stop button, etc.
5. If any case harmful to the train operation or safety of the passengers happen, all shall obey the guidance and conduct of the train staff and keep good order rather than prepare your properties in a hurry. Moreover, please help those in need as the aged, children, disabled, pregnant, etc. If the steward is not found, inform any member of the train crew in time, please.
6. Under emergent conditions thus need to leave the carriages, the emergency stop button above either door of any carriage could be pressed and, window-breaking hammer could be applied for escaping after the motor train has stopped well.
7. Smoking is not allowed at any place inside the carriages of the motor train.

1.动车,个人倾向于motor train,若bullet train(子弹列车)系日ben用语,不推荐


1, banned carry inflammable, explosive, corrosive, or radioactive, etc., poisoning and knives to get on the car, dangerous goods shall not be checked in the midst of the items materials.
2, auto show in 5 minutes before driving at the stop, please apply before boarding or on the platform waiting. Within safety
3, take the train down when first please line up after, don't crowded. Ban on drilling or climb up under the train on the roof, jumped off the platform, into the railway line. With the collapse of banned not stop the train run and catch had on.
4, by train, not crowded, by the door, not optional throw (press) on the car of the emergency brake, hand premise, the emergency stop button and safety equipment.
5, happened to drive, the passenger security situation endanger, should listen to train staff and keep good order command, do not be eager to take food. To help the old, young, disease, incomplete, such as child of people who need help. CheWu member absence, inform train staff.
6, an emergency evacuation of carriage, must press the carriage of the above two coal feeder, the emergency stop button and the train stopped using broken window hammer smote car window to escape to escape.
7, each part of the bullet train is not allowed to smoke.



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历下区18483053759: 寻高人给我翻译句话~ -
愈郎茵白: 没有前后文,不知道这个suffer是指遭遇了什么…… 按照这句话直译的话就是:“此外,在车辆行驶的期间,有此遭遇的乘客(有可能是指由于长途态度变得很差)会造成驾驶员的压力并使其感到焦虑,而...

历下区18483053759: 求高人指点火车路线,越详细越好 -
愈郎茵白: 重庆转车最合理. K689次太原8:47开到重庆北8:32到,历时23:45分. K48...

历下区18483053759: 求英语高人帮助....在线翻译软件的那种答案的不要来了 谢谢
愈郎茵白: 1、禁止在无防护措施的情况下进入泳池游泳. no swimming under no protection 2、不得在泳池边缘奔跑. no running on the edge of the pool 3、不得将食物带入泳池及其周围区域. no food in the pool and surrounding area 4、禁止拉扯其他泳客,不得在游泳池内打闹. no fighting with others 5、不得在浅水区跳水. no jumping in the in the shallow end of the pool. 6、听从当值救生员的指挥. listen to the command of lifeguards

历下区18483053759: 求高人翻译!!!!!!! -
愈郎茵白: A spring evening quarter value daughter, the flower has the delicate fragrance month to have cloudy. The song tube tower sound thin is thin, swing courtyard night heavy.

历下区18483053759: 理解翻译: 1.Let's____ - 2.Come to my home by bike.啊~~求高人帮助,一定要准确两题求翻译... -
愈郎茵白:[答案] 意思是“让我们”,因为Let后面的是us的缩写 Come to my home by bike.意思是“骑自行车来我家”

历下区18483053759: 求高人指点迷津:BEC,口译,托业哪个更权威,对找工作更有用?谢谢! -
愈郎茵白: 个人认为 无论你想考哪个都先要提高英语水平 因为其实这三个考试都有一定难度 BEC:中级比较好过 但是其实作用不大 而高级通过率就比较低 需要一定能力 口译:很权威 但也不好考 三级可能还容易点 但也要求较高的听力水平 托业:可能最适合你 认可度逐渐增高 而且没有过不过之说 是十到一千分之间 打多少看你水平

历下区18483053759: 求高人帮我把下面的翻译成英文,不要在线翻译的 -
愈郎茵白: 旅行社是旅游业的龙头企业,它联系着“食、住、行、游、娱、...

历下区18483053759: hay alguien especial entu vida 好像是意大利文,求高人解释什么意思! -
愈郎茵白: "hay alguien especial en tu vida":这是西班牙语, 意思是【有人在你的生命中有着特殊的地位/有人对你来说是特殊的】.

历下区18483053759: 拜求真正的汉译英高人!急求! -
愈郎茵白: As preparatory work's important link, each competition facility modern design, the structure are unique, proposed for the steel and iron product and the construction technique requests very high.

历下区18483053759: 求高人翻译!急哦~~~~~~~~~~ -
愈郎茵白: Through sol-gel gel - hydrothermal synthetic silicon titanate preparation of a molecular salt. Using the sieve of ion exchange, study of cesium in preparation process and ion...

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