
作者&投稿:溥相 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 使用方法不同,语境不同等。


think about和think of的意思
think of意思是想,思考。think about意思是考虑。表达为思念或对某人、某事的看法,think of和think about可以通用。但是表达考虑的意思,一般用think about。表达为记起、有意(做某事)和想像的意思的时候,则用think of。 扩展资料 英语单词的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特...

think over和think about的区别是什么?
think over和think about的区别:意思不同。1、think about:考虑。2、think over:仔细考虑。用法不同。1、think about: think还有“想象""想起""打算"等意思。作料想,想象"解时,通常用于否定句,不用于被动结构,且常与can 〔could]连用。think在口语中,尤其是美式英语中还可表示"朝...方面想"...

think of 与think about的意思?
think about (经过大脑分析的反应)思考,考虑 eg:It's important to me.I need to think about it.think of sb\/sth(具有突然性的大脑反应)想到(某人或某事)eg:I wasn't thinking of the math book left at home when I arrived at school.想出(什么东西)eg:Can you think of an idea...

think of和think about有什么区别?
从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析think of 和 think about的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "Think of":指思考或回忆某人或某事。- "Think about":指思考、考虑或思索某个特定的事物或主题。例句:- Can you think of a solution to this problem? (你能想到解决这个...

think about和think of的区别
Think about和Think of的区别:本质不同。Think about和Think of是英语中两个常用的短语,它们都表示“思考、考虑”的意思,二者在本质上存在不同。Think about侧重于“思考、思索或考虑”,强调在头脑中对某个问题或事情进行深入的思考。它的后接成分通常是名词或动名词,表示在考虑某个问题或事情。Thi...

think about后可以加完整句子。 think about含有思考、研究的意思,这里指对他人说过的话进行思考。表示经常思考、研究的意思,一般不和think of换用。 例: I often think about my friends back home. 我常常想起老家的朋友。 扩展资料 If you think about it, those children must be...

两个词组在某些情况下可以互换。在某些情况下,“think of”和“think about”可以互换,但两者的侧重点不同。在需要强调思考的结果时,可以使用“think of”;在需要强调思考的过程时,可以使用“think about”。“think of”的意思是“想起、记得”,强调的是思考的结果,即是否能够想到某件事情或某...

think of, think about, think over, think for的区别?
think of,think about,think over,think for,它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。1. 释义区别:"think of" 意思是考虑或想起某人或某事。"think about" 意思是思考或考虑某人或某事。"think over" 意思是仔细考虑或审议某事。"think for" 没有固定的...

think about和think of的区别
think of 考虑;关心;想起 think about 考虑;思考 think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对……有某种看法”时,可以互换。例如:Don't think of(about)me any more.不要再考虑我。They're thinking about(of)buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。What do you think of...

平凉市18080538272: think of和think about的区别,总是分不清 -
聂谈桂附: think of是认为的意思;think about...是考虑某事的意思.

平凉市18080538272: think 与think about 的区别,think 通常是做及物动词还是不及物动词比如说“你想的跟经理计划的不一样”是“what you think is different from what the ... -
聂谈桂附:[答案] think 作想和思考讲时是不及物动词,不能直接接宾语.加上介词后才能接宾语. think about 考虑 think of 想到 think over 是短语动词 可以在中间接代词做宾语.

平凉市18080538272: think ,thinkof ,think about ,think 有什么区别,怎么用.具体点 -
聂谈桂附:[答案] think [θiŋk] 基本翻译 n.[口]想;想法 adj.[俚]思想的 vt.想;认为;想起;想像;打算 vi.想;认为 网络释义 think:思考|想|想,思考 think of:考虑,关心|想起|想出,提出 think up:想出|发明|设计出 think of 基本翻译 记起,想起;考虑;想像;关心 网...

平凉市18080538272: think 和think of,think about有什么区别 -
聂谈桂附:[答案] think 有广泛的意思:想;认为 等等. think of 考虑,关心,想起,记起 等等. think about 考虑,回想.

平凉市18080538272: think,think of,think about的区别和用法.说清楚点呀呀呀…… -
聂谈桂附:[答案] think单独使用时表示“思考”,接that宾语从句时意为“认为、觉得”.如:He is thinking how to work out the problem.他在思考如何解这道题. I think I'll take it.我想我会买. 当think后面的宾语从句含有否定意义...

平凉市18080538272: think,think of,think about,think over的区别和用法 -
聂谈桂附: think,think of,think about,think over的区别和用法 think单独使用时表示“思考”,接that宾语从句时意为“认为、觉得”.如: He is thinking how to work out the problem.他在思考如何解这道题. I think I'll take it.我想我会买. 当think后面的宾语从...

平凉市18080538272: think,think about,think of有什么区别 -
聂谈桂附: 1. think of (1)表示考虑到,想到,后常接名词、代词或动词ing 形式 如:It's good to think of the future.考虑到未来是对的 (2)表示认为时,一般用于疑问句中,与what 连用 如:what do you think of the future 2. hink about 可接名词、动词ing 形式...

平凉市18080538272: think/think of/think about在意思和用法上有什么区别,可以造句说明吗,谢谢 -
聂谈桂附: think vt. 1. 想;思索[+wh-] Think how much you can earn if you open a restaurant in such a good location. 想一想,要是你在这样的黄金地段开一家餐馆,你会赚多少钱啊. 2. 认为,以为[O8][O9][+(that)][O2] We thought it our duty to take care of the...

平凉市18080538272: think of,think about,think over之间的区别?分得越细越好. -
聂谈桂附: think of 考虑;关心;想起 think about 考虑;思考 think over 仔细考虑 think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用: ①想要;打算.例如: Helen,are you thinking of marrying Tom?海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗? ②想出;想到.例如: ...

平凉市18080538272: think ,think over,think about,think of 有什么区别
聂谈桂附: 1.think over为动副结构,侧重于思考,不涉及结果,表达“深思熟虑,仔细思考”之意; 2. think about,表示“考虑”特别是考虑某一计划是否可行,后接一个名词、动名词或带疑问词的不定式. 3. think of主要表示“考虑,关心,想起,对……有某种看法”之意,为动介(动词十介词)结构.表示看法、评价之时,常用一些副词来修饰,如think much/a lot/a great deal/highly/well/ill of…(对……评价高/好/不好);若问评价如何,觉得怎样,常用what…think of…

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