
作者&投稿:圭丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
we don't think she is right, ______ ______?~

is she?
  She says that I did it, doesn’t she?  
但当陈述部分的主语是I,谓语是think, believe, suppose, expect这类动词时,附加疑问部分则往往与从句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移。
  I suppose that he’s serious, isn’t he?  I don’t think she cares, does she?

1、I don't think she is a girl.我认为她不是女孩——Yes,she is(不,她是)
No,she isn't(是的,她不是)

2、He doesn't think she is a girl,他认为她不是女孩——Yes, he does
No, he doesn't.

I don't think she is wrong.

I don't think she is wrong

I don't think she is wrong. think后面没有否定的,所以don't在前面为后面否定。

i don't think she is wrong.

I don't think she is wrong

mistake, error 和wrong有什么区别?
1、发音区别 (1)mistake读音为:英 [mɪˈsteɪk] 美 [mɪˈsteɪk] ;(2)error读音为英 [ˈerə(r)] 美 [ˈerər] ;(3)wrong读音为英 [rɒŋ] 美 [rɔːŋ] ;2、词性和...

帮忙区别这四个词 fault,mistake,wrong,error...这四个词有什么区别呢...
There is something wrong with the car.这车有点毛病。 error的用法 1、error指违犯既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。 2、error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。 He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。 An alert...

Such a person like you, obviously he was wrong, but only about yo...
Such a person like you, obviously he was wrong, but only about yourself and let others scold, xiabulaitai, egoistic, you will be isolated from the world 像你这样的人,显然他是错的,但是只有你自己,让别人骂,下不来台,自私自利,你将与世界隔绝 重点词汇释义 person人; 人称; 身体;...

为什么说“ not only you but(also) he is wrong”?
4.Not only you but(also) he is wrong.不仅你错了,他也错了。在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。例句:1. In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people .在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。2.There is a pen and some books on the desk....

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house. 买那套房子是个错误。2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误。He can't forget the errors of his youth. 他忘不了他...

wrong 与wrongly 都做副词时有什么区别 举一些例子,打得好+分_百度知...
wrong的用法 wrong用作副词时意思是“错误地”,指做某事所采取的方法或得出的结果不正确,wrong通常用在口语中。wrong在句中主要修饰动词,且多放在动词之后。You pronounced that word wrong.你这个词的读音错了。He played the tune all wrong.他演奏的曲调全错了。He did his homework all wrong.他...

wrong 与wrongly 都做副词时有什么区别
wrongly和wrong都可以做副词,wrong做副词的时候放在所修饰动词之后,wrongly做副词放在动词之前。1.You did wrong.2.He spells her name wrong.3.He was wrongly accused.

Simply tell him he is wrong.句中simply作外加状语时,此句怎么翻译...

wrong something与something wrong有什么区别
wrong作形容词时意思是错误的;有毛病的;不适当的;不道德的。作副词时意思是错误地。作名词时意思是不义行为;坏事;犯罪;欺骗;错误;不公正。作动词时意思是冤枉;不公正地对待。相关例句:1、You wronged him by saying that he had lied.你说他说谎是冤枉了他。2、I am afraid you've made...

it was he himself who was wrong. 为什么有个he和himself?
It was...who\/that...是强调句型.He himself was wrong.这是主句.主语是He,himself和主语在一起表示强调是他自己错了,因为himself不能自己做主语,为了强调他自己错了,所以和he同时出现

桥西区15074975981: It is I who am wrong. -
云志日达: 很明显的是强调句.如果是定语从句,则应该是限制性定语从句.试想一下“我”有几个,对我们来说不只都是一个“我”吗,还有另外一个“我”?那是不可能的,既是如此,当然只能是强调从句.意思是“是我错了”.而不是“它是错了的那个我……”

桥西区15074975981: 英语中的第三人称单数有什么规律啊? -
云志日达: 大家都知道,在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即常在动词原形后加-s或-es.但有些同学们对于哪些主语是第三人称单数还不十分清楚,现归纳总结如下: 一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数....

桥西区15074975981: She told me that that that that that she work was wrong 是什么意思 其中5that分别什么意思 -
云志日达: 先把五个that都标上12345的序号 第一个that:无意义,不作任何成分,只起连接作用,一般都省略 比如,I'm afraid that…… 第二个that:起宾语从句中连接词的作用 she told me (that-1) that-2…… 先说第五个that:这个是主语从句中的连词,和...

桥西区15074975981: She didn"t think - --she did wrong that day. 为什么是what而不是 that? -
云志日达: 此处用 what 引导宾语从句that 引导从句时不能作句子成分然而此处 do sth wrong 中的sth在句子中必须由 what 引导

桥西区15074975981: 适当的形式填空,1.what is wrong with 什么? (she) 2. i 什么 not well (be) -
云志日达: 您好,很高兴为您解答:1, her 作with宾语,用宾格 2. am 3 has 三单形式 4 take 情态动词后接动词原形 5 to see be going to do sth将要做某事 6 feels 三单形式------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ -------------------------------

桥西区15074975981: 关于一些英语题
云志日达: 一二句是对的 3does'nt he 4does he 如果think前是一人称主语,则将从句反问 如果think前是二三人称主语,则将主句反问

桥西区15074975981: She no less than you is wrong. no less than是什么意思 -
云志日达: 原句语法有误 应该是 She is no less wrong than you (are).她不比你错的少no less than 不比...少希望对你有帮助 有疑问请追问 望采纳

桥西区15074975981: 问句的开头什么时候用do,does,什么时候用are,I,is? -
云志日达: 第一,二人称或复数用do 第三人称或单数用doesweare,you are ,thay are,I amhe,she,it 用is

桥西区15074975981: i think kitty is wrong改为反义疑问句
云志日达: I think Kitty is wrong, isn't she? 复合句的反义问句,如主句为第一人称,反义问句根据从句.如主句不是第一人称,反义问句根据主句.

桥西区15074975981: I am the one who - - - wrong? -
云志日达: 答案B 这是一个定语从句,先行词是the one, the one 特定指的是自己而不是很多,意思是我是错的那个.所以这里的谓语要用IS,排除答案A和C,D是现在完成时,在这里用不到

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