Such a person like you, obviously he was wrong, but only about yourself and let others scold, xi

作者&投稿:木禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一首英文歌中开头是"i thought i knew you,but i was wrong" 的歌~

歌曲名:Oh My Love
专辑:People Are Like Seasons

Sophia-Oh My Love
专辑People Are Like Seasons
I thought I knew you
but I guess I was wrong
you only see the things you
convinced yourself you saw
but like you said I guess yeah
maybe I'm blind
well why don't you open your eyes
you might like
what you find
coz I've been waiting
for such a long time
your love is still
fresh in my mind
and oh my love though I wait
can't you see
I can't wait forever for you
to say you love me
I thought I knew you
but I guess I was wrong
you only see the things you
convinced yourself you saw
but like you said I guess yeah
maybe I'm blind
well why don't you open your eyes
you might like
what you find
coz I've been waiting
for such a long time
your love is still
fresh in my mind
and oh my love though I wait
can't you see
I can't wait forever for you
to say you love me
and oh my love though I wait
can't you see
I can't wait forever for you
to say you love me
I've been waiting
for such a long time
your love is still
fresh in my mind
and oh my love though I wait
can't you see
I can't wait forever for you
to say you love me
and oh my love though I wait
can't you see
I can't wait forever for you
to say you love me
and oh my love though I wait
can't you see
I can't wait forever for you
to say you love me

21. President Hu’s scientific views __________ the way we are going with our reform in the future.
A. guide B. direct C. lead D. point
22. The lawyer lost his temper at court, and he felt _________ doing that later.
A. responsible for B. ashamed of C. fed up with D. merciful at
23. The smoke from the chimney ___________that someone was in the house.
A. indicated B. instructed C. introduced D. informed
24. When they are in lack of staff, their office workers will __________as cleaners to keep the environment clean and neat.
A. react B. practice C. transform D. serve
25. Help yourself and at the end of the meal we’ll have cake for __________.
A. food B. dinner C. dessert D. feast
26. Coming from an ordinary family with no _________, he gained his every promotion by his own effort.
A. background B. experience C. technique D. promise
27. People all over the world are expecting the film __________of the last of J.K.Rowling’s “Potter” series.
A. performance B. production C. edition D. symbol
28. Nothing seems to be able to stop people’s ___________about outer space exploration.
A. boundary B. popularity C. affection D. fever
29. On Christmas Eve, the entire family worked together to _________ the house and the Christmas tree.
A. dress up B. put up C. clear up D. make up
30. Now cell phone producers are developing new ____________ so that people may use them in more areas.
A. designs B. trends C. functions D. characters
31. He fell onto the ground, and had his legs broken, _______________________(再也站不起来了)again. (unable)
32. The witness __________________(被指控提供)false information to the court when questioned. (accuse)
33. The driver was fined 200 yuan for speeding ______________(以示惩罚). (as)
34. ____________________(根据)the survey, a detailed report on the lives of the endangered animals was accomplished. (base)
35. It is 7 p.m. now and they ________________(可能吃过了)supper. (have)
36. Everyone is concerned about ____________________(他的健康状况). (state)
37. Only on a large scale _____________________(广告才能达到)its target. (reach)
38. The office lady paid no attention to you. You should reason with her to ask ____________(她为什么无视你). (ignore)
39. A series of pre-recorded tapes ______________________(已经准备了) for language laboratory use. (prepare)
40. The kids are not interested in this subject, ______________________(这就是问题之所在). (lie)
21. There’s no __________of interest in popular music among the young generation of our times.
A. point B. end C. lack D. response
22. “Can we possibly meet each other halfway so as to ____________ the price gap?” suggested our trade representative.
A. break B. bridge C. cure D. link
23. I decided to risk looking for a place to stay when I got here, rather than booking ___________.
A. in advance B. in return C. in fact D. in addition
24. The most successful brands are universal and can ___________ different age groups.
A. stick to B. lead to C. appeal to D. turn to
25. New drivers are far more ____________ to have accidents than experienced drivers.
A. possible B. likely C. probable D. able
26. Our country has _________great changes in the past several decades, which is, of course, the result of reform and opening to the outside world.
A. promoted B. repeated C. replaced D. witnessed
27. Cave exploration, which has come to be known in recent years, is a _________new sport.
A. relatively B. gradually C. publicly D. strictly
28. The ____________piano on which the famous composer created many of his greatest works is now kept in the National Art Museum.
A. common B. actual C. real D. true
29. In order to solve the problem, let’s __________what to do first.
A. drive out B. start out C. work out D. stand out
30. Hunting as well as chatting with friends is his great _____________.
A. involvement B. engagement C. movement D. enjoyment
31. It’s usually the mother ______________(使家人凝聚在一起). (hold)
32. The city of San Francisco _________________(发生地震)several times up to now. (hit)
33. _______________(被尊为最伟大的领袖之一), Premier Zhou will always live in the hearts of us Chinese people. (respect)
34. If you move to the south, please remember to keep me _____________(知道) any change of your address. (inform)
35. Only the northern countries, _______________(组成了)Northern Ireland, are still part of the United Kingdom. (make)
36. Keep it a secret between you and me. On no account _______________(允许我们) give away the secret. (allow)
37. It is still unknown _____________________(她是否能省出点时间)to visit her sick father. (she, set)
38. He warns me again and again _________________(不要忽视保护) of eyesight. (ignore)
39. We’ve created several festivals to honor our ancestors in common with _______________(其它亚洲国家). (other)
40. _____________________(如此沉迷于)computer games you are that your grades have dropped terribly. (addict)
21. With the project of animal protection, foxes are becoming more __________in urban areas.
A. popular B. ordinary C. universal D. widespread
22. Sorry, honey! I didn’t have time to use the dryer, so the clothes are still ___________on the hangers.
A. dirty B. expensive C. damp D. clean
23. They are putting little signs on the tables to say that they would _______________those diners who leave food on their plates.
A. fine B. reward C. beat D. connect
24. The world is moving fast and you need to show employers that you can __________, so as to keep the position.
A. keep away B. keep up C. keep out D. keep back
25. In modern civilization, Mankind is destroying the planet, all __________ progress.
A. as a result of B. in the name of C. in a state of D. by the side of
26. Encourage your kids to try new things, but remember you should try not to _______them too far.
A. push B. persuade C. rely D. pull
27. Some people, especially in the developing countries, are living from hand to __________, never knowing where the next meal was coming from.
A. hand B. head C. foot D. mouth
28. He felt that he didn’t ___________to be given such a great honor.
A. suppose B. deserve C. mean D. intend
29. Oliver, you are not a child now; you must behave in a more _________way.
A. natural B. usual C. mature D. polite
30. I had trouble those days. I tried to concentrate on my work, but my mind was ________.
A. sleeping B. waking C. wandering D. thinking
31. You’d have more chance of catching the train if you got a bus to the station __________(代替步行). (instead)
32. The project which is being carried out ______________(需要)hard work and large sum of money as well. (call)
33. He decided _______________(戒掉)smoking cigars because they were bad for his health. (give)
34. The Royal Society gave him the opportunity ____________________(他一直在等待的). (wait)
35. The building _____________________(被烧毁) and only ashes were left. (burn)
36. Try to describe exactly __________________(发生了什么)just before the accident. (happen)
37. __________________________(记下我的电话号码)in case you might need my help. (take)
38. You’d better go now, or you will ________________(面试迟到). (late)
39. Not until he began to work _____________________(他意识到)how much time he had wasted. (realize)
40. I was really anxious about you. You _______________________(不应该离开家)without a word. (leave)
It was an ordinary school day. I was in the fifth grade. Children like me who didn’t live close enough to go home for 41 brought their meals and gathered under the 42 of a tree.
Such lunches usually 43 a sandwich, hard-boiled egg, cookie and a piece of fruit. If a schoolmate’s sandwich or cookie 44 to be more appetizing than your own, you tried to settle a trade. I always tried to trade something.
Sometimes Mama put two pieces of fruit in my lunch package. Quite often, though, I 45 one piece of fruit as my bargaining chip to trade for a fried apple pie. I always examined the 46 and quality of my fruit to see which piece was best and then offered my classmate the 47 piece. All the time I felt no 48 . It was just good trading 49 .
That autumn day after the lunch-bringers had eaten their food, I lingered under the shade of a maple. I was 50 hungry and Mama had put no fruit in my lunch that day. I saw my classmate Stella Downing coming up a path.. She was 51 her home, which was near the school. She had something in each hand. When she drew closer, I saw she was holding apples.
Stella noticed my interest and asked, “Want 52 ?”
“Yes,” I replied, simply and truly. “But I’ve already eaten,” I added, to 53 I had nothing to trade.
Stella held up the two apples, much as I 54 have done to examine my trading fruit. One was perfectly shaped, red and shiny. The other one was smaller, less attractive. Without 55 , Stella handed me the perfect apple. I held it for a minute, waiting for her to realize her mistake. 56 she started to eat, I began to eat mine, casting puzzled but appreciative glances in her direction.
Stella had no closer bond with me 57 any of our other schoolmates. But it had taken her no 58 at all to decide which apple she would give to me. 59 , it was her nature to give away the best.
When I finished the apple, overcome with admiration for Stella and shame at my own bargaining 60 , I could barely say a thank-you.
41. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. tea
42. A. top B. roots C. branches D. shade
43. A. made up B. looked like C. consisted of D. called for
44. A. appeared B. happened C. used D. turned
45. A. saved B. remained C. kept D. stored
46. A. weight B. shape C. look D. size
47. A. lighter B. bigger C. poorer D. thicker
48. A. obstacle B. disappointment C. blame D. selfishness
49. A. time B. sense C. technique D. occasion
50. A. even B. also C. just D. still
51. A. heading for B. returning from C. dreaming of D. calling at
52. A. one B. them C. some D. another
53. A. pretend B. warn C. indicate D. threaten
54. A. should B. would C. might D. must
55. A. explanation B. doubt C. complaint D. hesitation
56. A. Because B. Before C. When D. Unless
57. A. than B. since C. apart from D. regardless of
58. A. money B. chance C. time D. idea
59. A. Frankly B. Eventually C. Fortunately D. Obviously
60. A. practices B. targets C. failures D. victims
I was parked in front of a mall wiping off my car and waiting for my wife to finish work. Coming my way from across the parking lot was what society would 41 a beggar. From his looks he had no car, no home, no clean clothes and no money. There are 42 when you feel generous, but also times when you just don’t want to be 43 . This was one of the don’t –want-to-be-bothered times!
“Hope he doesn’t ask me for 44 ,” I thought.
He didn’t. But after a few minutes he spoke. “That’s a very 45 car,” he said. He was poorly dressed, but had a(n) 46 of dignity (尊严) around him.
I said, “Thanks,” and 47 wiping off my car.
He sat there 48 as I worked. The expected request for money never came. As the silence between us 49 , something inside said, “Ask him if he needs any help.” I was sure he would say 50 , but I held true to the inner 51 .
“Do you need any help?” I asked.
He answered in three simple, but profound (深刻的) words that I shall never 52 . we often look for wisdom from those of higher 53 and accomplishments. We expected nothing here but a 54 hand.
Then, he spoke three words that 55 me. “Don’t we all?”
I needed help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help. I 56 in my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare 57 enough to get a warm meal and shelter for the day.
Those three little words still 58 true. No matter how much you have, or how much you’ve 59 , you still need help.
No matter how little you have, or how loaded you are with problems, 60 without money or a place to sleep, you can give help. Even if it’s just a compliment (恭维), you can give that!
41. A. regard B. accept C. consider D. admit
42. A. times B. situations C. scenes D. cases
43. A. noticed B. bothered C. appreciated D. recognized
44. A. comfort B. mercy C. advice D. money
45. A. expensive B. dirty C. nice D. old
46. A. air B. sense C. envy D. collection
47. A. stopped B. continued C. finished D. enjoyed
48. A. sadly B. patiently C. silently D. anxiously
49. A. disappeared B. followed C. failed D. widened
50. A. sorry B. yes C. no D. thanks
51. A. voice B. sound C. spirit D. word
52. A. understand B. regret C. forget D. believe
53. A. learning B. degree C. position D. occupation
54. A. disabled B. crossed C. raised D. deserted
55. A. frightened B. worried C. pleased D. shook
56. A. felt B. reached C. turned D. brought
57. A. but B. and C. or D. thus
58. A. seem B. come C. ring D. stay
59. A. lost B. achieved C. received D. experienced
60. A. hardly B. never C. often D. even
I still remember my first Christmas party with Grandma. I was just a kid. On Christmas Eve, Grandma gave me ten dollars to buy something for someone. For a moment I just stood still, 41 , wondering what to buy, and 42 on earth to buy it for.
I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school. I was 43 about to think the person out, when I suddenly thought of Bob. He was a kid with bad 44 and dirty hair, and he 45 right behind me in class.
Bob didn’t have a 46 . I knew that because he never 47 to play with us in winter. His mother always 48 a note, telling the teacher that he had a(n) 49 , but all we knew that Bob didn’t have a cough. I 50 the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I went to the nearest store and found a red jacket. It looks real 51 .
“Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the 52 asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down.
That evening, Grandma helped me 53 the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, “To Bob, from Santa Claus” on it. Then she 54 me to Bob’s house.
Grandma 55 down the street from Bob’s house, and she and I moved 56 and hid in the bushes by his front door. Then Grandma gave me a push. “All right, Santa Claus,” she 57 , “get going.”
I took a deep breath, 58 for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pressed the doorbell and 59 . Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. 60 it did, and there stood Bob.
41. A. frightened B. confused C. excited D. disappointed
42. A. where B. why C. which D. who
43. A. just B. later C. never D. ever
44. A. character B. habit C. breath D. manners
45. A. sat B. lived C. waited D. stood
46. A. book B. bag C. coat D. pencil
47. A. stayed in B. went out C. gave up D. shoed off
48. A. bought B. wrote C. found D. changed
49. A. cough B. error C. flu D. fortune
50. A. armed B. headed C. fingered D. nosed
51. A. funny B. tidy C. attractive D. warm
52. A. wall B. counter C. shop D. window
53. A. enjoy B. sell C. deliver D. wrap
54. A. sent B. drove C. asked D. forced
55. A. pulled B. cut C. parked D. knocked
56. A. carelessly B. noiselessly C. helplessly D. uselessly
57. A. cried B. shouted C. whispered D. screamed
58. A. dashed B. searched C. walked D. looked
59. A. set out B. put away C. pick up D. flew back
60. A. Usually B. Actually C. Finally D. Quickly

21-25 BBADC 226-30 ABDAC
31. unable to stand/rise (up)
32. was accused of giving/offering
33. as (his) punishment
34. Based on
35. may have had
36. The state of his health
37. can an advertisement reach
38. why she ignored you
39. has been prepared
40. which is where the problem lies
21-25 CBACB 26-30 DABCD
31. that/who holds a /the/her family (members) together
32. has been hit by earthquakes
33. Respected as one of the greatest leaders /As he is respected as…
34. informed of/about
35. making up/which make up
36. are we allowed to/ should we be allowed to
37. whether she can set aside some time
38. not to ignore the protection
39. other Asian countries
40. So addicted to
21-25 DCABB 26-30 ADBCC
31.instead of walking
32. calls for
33. to give up
34. he had been waiting for
35. had been burned down
36. what happened
37. Take down my telephone number
38. be late for the interview
39. did he realize
40. shouldn’t have left home
(一)41-45 BDCAA 46-50 CCDBD 51-55 BACBD 56-60 CACDA
(二) 41-45 CABDC 46-50 ABCDB 51-55 ACACD 56-60 BACBD
(三) 41-45 BDACA 46-50 CBBAC 51-55 DBDBC 56-60 BCADC

Such a person like you, obviously he was wrong, but only about yourself and let others scold, xiabulaitai, egoistic, you will be isolated from the world
person人; 人称; 身体; 容貌
like you喜欢你
wrong有毛病的,失常的; 错误的,不正确的; 不好的,不公正的; 反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的; 不对,错误,失当; 不好,不公正; 逆,颠倒,翻转; 有毛病,不舒服; 过失,错误; 不义的行为; 不义行为; 犯罪; 委屈,无理地对待,诽谤
but only但是
yourself你自己; 亲自; 你的正常或健康的情况
others其他的; 别的( other的名词复数 ); 另一个; 其余的
scold责骂; 斥责; 常骂人的人
egoistic自我中心的,自私自利的; 只顾自己
be isolated from the world与世隔绝

石台县15153007836: such a的用法 -
辕媚芪枣: such a +(形容词)+名词(可数) 例.such a (little)boy such +(形容词)+名词(不可数) such big fire

石台县15153007836: 每天就这样一个人英文 -
辕媚芪枣: Such a person every day 每天就这样一个人

石台县15153007836: I don't like such a person - --- - often lies before your face. -
辕媚芪枣: C 试题分析:考查定语从句.本题定语从句的先行词是such a person,因为先行词前面有such修饰,所以使用as指代先行词作为句子的主语.当先行词前面有such, as many, as much等修饰的时候,后面的关系代词可以使用as.故C正确.要区别such…that…如此…以至于…that引导的是一个结果状语从句.点评:本题考查了定语从句中关系动词as的特殊用法,当先行词前面有such, as many, as much等修饰的时候,后面的关系代词可以使用as.

石台县15153007836: such a person的意思
辕媚芪枣: 意思是:如此的一个人

石台县15153007836: “就是这样的一个人”的英文翻译 -
辕媚芪枣: 英语最标准的翻译是 Such is sb. 如:他就是这样一个人,诚实、善良、勤奋.Such is he,honest,kind-hearted and hardworking. 希望对你有所帮助 .学习进步快乐!

石台县15153007836: Such a和Such的区别和用法 -
辕媚芪枣:[答案] 副词=Such a 单数; Such 复数: 1.Tom has such a funny character.单数 2.such beautiful flowers 复数 3.such nice people 复数 4.such a nice person

石台县15153007836: 英语问题1.The pen,_____I paid 2 dollars, was whichB.for whichC.which为什么要选B而不是其它两个?2.I don't like such a person_____often lies ... -
辕媚芪枣:[答案] 1.定语从句中关系代词(which)作介词的宾语时,介词可以提前(即放在which之前),也就是说,本来这个句子应该是这样的:The pen,which I paid 2 dollars for,was lost.这样,你就可以看出来,for 是和paid构成固定搭配...

石台县15153007836: such汉语意思 -
辕媚芪枣: 指明或暗示的某人或某物:达到了极端的程度地;那么滑稽的性格 very.[s(t.] adj: was the mayor and as such presided over the council,好象从不知道疲倦似的." 同样的;同一类的 and such 等等…之类 the ladies took only tea and coffee and such drinks: 非常;特别地: she has been in such poor health lately. 最近她的健康状况非常不好 pron;那么: such beautiful flowers. 不要如此匆忙

石台县15153007836: 等一个人英文怎么读 -
辕媚芪枣: such a person

石台县15153007836: Keeping away from such a person, - ---Jack is doing,will do you good.. -
辕媚芪枣: 选用as正确.句子意思:远离那样一个人,正如杰克所做的那样,将会对你有益处.其中,as引导非限定性定语从句,具有【正如、、、、、、一样】的意思.as引导非限定性定语从句,可以放在句首、句中;而which引导非限定性定语从句,不能放在句首;而且,虽然也可以指代前面或后面句子其余部分的整体意思,但不具有【正如、、、、、、一样】的意思.另外,as还有很多固定搭配.例如;the same; as is known to all;as is mentioned above; as the proverb goes等.祝你开心如意!

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