
作者&投稿:丁闻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

assistance to find这里不是什么短语,也不是连着的,to后面的语句是表明原因,修饰前面的整句

那为什么不说I am writing to you in the hope of...呢?
比如I am writing to you to express my appreciation

1. 约翰尼宣称在他找到一份满意的工作之前决不结婚。
Johnny announced that he would never get married before finding a satisfaying job.
2. 下一个足球赛季就在眼前了,我们队这次肯定会好些。
The next soccer season is around the corner, our team will surely play better.
3. 她刚收到的儿子的来信大大减轻了她的忧虑。
She was greatly reassured by the letter from his son that had just reached her.
4. 运用这种技术将引起水果生产的一场革命。
The application of this technology will bring up a revolution in fruit production.
5. 我把那些书寄给他已有一个多星期了,现在他应该已经收到了。
I sent these books to him more than one week ago, he should have got them.
6. 尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划。
Despite the difficulties, we are still determined to carry out our plan.
7. 工人们坚持要资方改善他们的工作条件,并且宣称如果他们的要求遭到拒绝,他们就将举行罢工。
The workers insisted that the employer improve their working condition and threatened that if their request was denied, they would go on strike.
8. 大多数学生发现,亚里士多德的哲学思想比他们原先所想的要复杂的多。
Most students found that Aristotle's phylosophy was much more complicated than they expected it.
9. 每天一定要留出至少一个小时来参加体育活动,这将会使你身体健康、精力充沛。
Spending one hour or more on sports every day will make you healthy and energetic.
10. 我想与我的导师谈谈我的计划,看我有没有可能三年内上完大学。
I want to talk with my instructor about my plan to see if I am possible to finish the university in three years.

1. Johnny declared that he would never get married before he found a satisfactory job.
2. The next season for football is coming soon. Our team will surely play better this time.
3. The letter from her son which has just arrived greatly relieved her anxiety.
4. The utilization of this technology will bring about a revolution in the production of fruits.
5. I've sent those books to him more than a week ago. He must have received them by now.
6. Even though there are many difficulties, we are still determined to carry out our plan.
7. The workers insisted that the entrepreneurs should optimize their working conditions and declared that they would go on strike if their requests were turned down.
8. The majority of the students have found that the phylosophical thoughts of Aristotle are far more complex than they once thought.
9. You should at least have one hour of sports every day, which will make you healthy and full of energy.
10. I'd like to take to my tutor about my plan, in order to find out whether there is any chance for me to graduate within 3 years.

1. Johny claimed that he won't get married before he finds a satisfied job.
2. Next football season is in the coner now. I believe our team will be better than last time.
3. As soon as she received his son's letter, she feels released.
4. Application of this technology will bring the fruit production a revolution.
5. I sent the books to him more than one week ago. Now he should have received the books.
6. Although it's difficult, we still made up our mind to go on our plan.
7. Workers inisted that the factory improve their working situation and they claimed that if they were refused, they would hold a strik.
8. Most of the students found that Aristotle philosophy is much more complex that they expected.
9. It will make you healthy and energetic if you leave one hour everyday for doing sports.
10. I wanna discuss my plan with my tutor to see whether I can finish my university within 3 years.

哎呀,1楼的第二题就搞错啦!下个足球赛季是the next football season,说season for football会有点chinglish啦,糗糗的哦~ 咔咔 =)

第一:单词拼写错误,短语不会用,时态,语态没把握好,句型使用错误。为什么把这些个错误类型归为一类,因为它们都是技术性错误。简称硬伤。我们来举个例子,牛津译林英语7B第七单元测试卷中有一个句子翻译,“玩火是危险的”。很多学生这么翻译,“Play fire is dangerous.”这个翻译易错点我们来看一下...


英语翻译教学实践表明:尽管学生具备了一定的英语语言基础和双语背景知识,但在翻译实践过程中仍然存在诸多问题,反映出英语翻译教学效果与实践能力之间的差距。二、翻译实践环节中反映出学生存在的问题 1.翻译专业意识缺乏 大部分学生缺乏专业的翻译意识,忽视翻译文本的交际目的,未能充分考虑翻译功能及目的语读...

一:把中文翻译成英文.1:要来一杯咖啡?不,谢谢!2:我已经学习钢琴课程半年了.3:她对音乐有很不错的品位.4:他说他的一生充满幸福.5:我昨天收到来自女王的邀请,邀请我下个月的宴会.二:把英文翻译成中文.1:She plays the guitar wondefully.2:I bought three.tickts and theseats...

指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补...


1. 你现在还在办公室吗?Are you still in the office? 这句已能译出原意,且语法正确。另外两句都有基本的语法错误,即一个简单问句中有两个动词。Now 是可译可不译的,视乎要不要调现在这个时间点。2. follow-up 可以做名词,但 follow 却不会是名词。若用for在前面,通常说 for...


How long does it take you to get from here to there?(这个问法的回答一定是时间, 如几分钟\/小时)or How far is it from here?(这样问回答可以是时间或路程, 如公里\/米)

回答:1. 我对美国音乐不是很了解,但是她的意思就是这三个人可以用一个词来总结,例如 歌神。。。 2. tough night 是指一个不爽的夜晚,一般指更别人吵架啊,给女友闹翻啊之类之类的。这里是指如果(if)你跟父母吵翻了的意思。father confessor应该是指天父,是基督教文化 (个人臆测,因为我觉得...

富锦市17324564131: 请教一个英语翻译问题,谢谢! -
越垄麻仁: life course是要翻译成“人生历程”或类似的意思的.course这个词有两个常用的意思,一个是课程; 一个是航线、路线.life course这里的course就是航线,生命的航线就是 “人生历程”.

富锦市17324564131: 英语翻译问题请教一句话中有两个OF 要怎样翻译? 从后往前还是从前往后? 例如:He is inefficient,and furthermore he is innocent of any sense of ... -
越垄麻仁:[答案] He is innocent of (sense of responsibility) .就像He is innocent of something,只是something换成了sense of responsibility .

富锦市17324564131: 请教几个英文翻译和语法的问题?谢谢.1/she hates to sit out dance.请帮忙翻译:sit out dance是什么意思?2,when bob broke his leg in the accident,he couldn'... -
越垄麻仁:[答案] dance不被邀请 in the accident是过去 12去看电影,5个去招待会

富锦市17324564131: 翻译英文~高手进~请教一个英语问题~急外国人讲要来中国看他的好朋友,但是有一次他和他的中国朋友在聊天的时候,这个外国人说了句:I think if I come ... -
越垄麻仁:[答案] 这个外国人应该还没说完.这个意思应该是说我想如果我要是去看你的话,怎么怎么怎么样吧.要是当是否的话前面一般是否定,比如,i don't know if I will come to see you.我不知道我是否要去看你

富锦市17324564131: 请教英语问题.英语翻译成汉语:1. You can not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.2. Half a loaf is better than no bread.3. As you make your bed, you must ... -
越垄麻仁:[答案] 基本都能对应翻译成中文常用谚语,如下: 1.狗嘴里吐不出象牙. 2.聊胜于无. 3.自掘坟墓. 4.不要小题大做. 5.无火不生烟(符合英文文法的直译法)/无风不起浪(信达雅的地道译法). 6.不要轻视任何人/矮子当中也可以提拔将军/大隐隐于市 7.(直译...

富锦市17324564131: 请教一个关于英语翻译的问题
越垄麻仁: like在这里是形容词 作表语 it 是形式主语 she didn't have it coming .是主语 前that省略 她如不使这件事情发生就不是她了 反过来译 这件事该发生 才是她 也就是 咎由自取 应是 引起这件事发生(到来)

富锦市17324564131: 请教英语翻译问题
越垄麻仁: tramp stamp 流浪汉邮票 jager bomb 圣鹿炸弹

富锦市17324564131: 请教一个英语翻译的问题! -
越垄麻仁: 不对,从句缺少动词,不可以,应该是Mr Green who is my leader and I will be attend! 或者 将who变为逗号使其改变为同位语 Mr Green , my leader, and I will be attend!

富锦市17324564131: 请教一个翻译的问题,“愿你是时光带不走的美好”怎么翻译如题,“愿你是时光带不走的美好”翻译成英语怎么说. -
越垄麻仁:[答案] “愿你是时光带不走的美好” "Wish you were not going to bring the good time"

富锦市17324564131: 一个英语翻译问题,请教各位指点谢谢i kept hustling around over it pretty lively这句话后面的around over it pretty lively不懂,怎么从语法或用法上去理解? -
越垄麻仁:[答案] around是副词,修饰hustling,意思是到处奔忙 over是介词,宾语是it,意思是在这件事上 pretty是副词很,lively是副词轻快地,pretty lively很轻快地 整个句子意思是,我一直为了这件事到处很轻快地跑来跑去

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