
作者&投稿:登谭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2- 你的答案是对的

The situation being so serious 是强调。不仅强调严重,而且强调愈演愈烈这个过程。
1 情况已经非常糟了,是时候采取行动来解决这个问题了。
2 只要有相关法律的出台和公众的关注,解决这个问题指日可待。
3 nothing is more harmful than A 没有什么比A的危害还大。A的危害最大。
to contradict with our efforts to build up 正面的状态 楼主这个是什么意思? 翻译?

such is ... that 略有 “如此。。。” 之意。
你的翻译也不错,但如果要用 such ... that
The internet presents such a stark contrast to the conventional ways of searching library shelves that nowadays students can simply conveniently access almost everything just by clicking a button, thus saving time and improving efficiency.

后指代的意思是,指代后面提到的某个人或某件事。这时通常采用such as to do sth或such that的结构。例如:
Such is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight.
The pain in her foot wasn't such as to stop her walking. 她脚上的痛,还没有到妨碍走路的地步。


1 请注意比较:
nearly everything
almost anything

hardly anything

2 Such is a stark contrast to the conventional ways of searching library shelves that students nowadays can have convenient access to almost everything needed SIMPLY by clicking a button, which both saves time and improves efficiency.
(which===clicking a button)

such is ... that 略有 “如此。。。” 之意。你的翻译也不错,但如果要用 such ... that 建议你这样说:The internet presents such a stark contrast to the conventional ways of searching library shelves that nowadays students can simply conveniently access almost everything just by cli...


所以,可以肯定,用地址来比较指针,结果是不可靠的。根据C和C++的标准,这个代码的结果可能是YES,也可能是NO. 对gcc, 结果可能是YES, 对一些TurboC, 默认没有打开优化,结果可能是NO.总之,无论是为了写出足够可靠的代码,还是为了可读性,都不要用地址进行比较。因为标准已经说明,这个结果是不确定的...

{ int n[3],i,j,k; \/\/定义变量 for(i=0;i<3;i++) n[i]=0; \/\/把0分别赋值给n[0],n[1]和n[2]k=2; \/\/把2赋值给k for(i=0;i<k;i++)for(j=0;j<k;j++) n[j]=n[i]+1;\/\/这里是一个嵌套的for循环,注意,这里i每循环一次j要循环两次。i第一次循环时i=...

1)in which:是介词in+关系代词which--- 引导一非限定性定语从句,修饰其先行词garden;意思是:在花园里我们种植、耕耘,收获那最宝贵的庄稼,即我们自己本身;2)in which:是介词in+关系代词which--- 引导一非限定性定语从句,修饰动词其先行词garden;意思是:在花园里我们的爱人(配偶) 被给予...

这是个倒装句.本来的主干是 one speicies --- man --- has aquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.由于 only 至于句首,而且状语这么长,即 Only within the monent of time represented by the present century,所以 助动词 has 移到到主语前面,这就有了现在这样的结构...

其次,分析程序如下:第一次:k=1,while(10>5)语句为真,而d=6,继续执行k=2 第二次:k=2,while(10>6)语句为真,而d=7,继续执行k=3 ………第n次:k=5 ,while(10>9)语句为真,而d=10,继续执行k= 一直到:k= 6,while(10>10)语句为假,而d=11,结束循环 输出k。

take care of 是一个短语词组,当谓语。you 宾语。in old age 时间状语。让步状语从句 引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever。下面对这些连词引导的让步状语从句作一说明。(1)though, although...

that is of importance 是定语从句,主句it is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance意思是,正是这种交谈具有重要意义。when we are seeking to develop our reading to meet the new demands being place upon us by studying at a higher level.是状语从句,意思是,当我们...

数百万的欧洲人来到这个工业之地 who made of it what became known as the "melting pot"定语从句修饰Europeans 使之成为闻名于世的“大熔炉”(美国的绰号)后面是一个同位语the fusion of people from many nations into Americans使个名族的人们融合成为美利坚民族 整个的翻译:数百万的欧洲人来到...

永吉县15049052191: 英语高手分析下面这个句子有没有语法错误?我自己写的一个句子,想确认一下 -
隗疮复方: such is ... that 略有 “如此...” 之意.你的翻译也不错,但如果要用 such ... that 建议你这样说:The internet presents such a stark contrast to the conventional ways of searching library shelves that nowadays students can simply conveniently access almost everything just by clicking a button, thus saving time and improving efficiency.

永吉县15049052191: 求英语高手对以下句子分析语法,谢谢! -
隗疮复方: 相当于一个主语代表了整个句,逗号前在语法上相当于“top of 3”

永吉县15049052191: 英语句子分析,下面这个句子整个结构、语法、句法请高手详细指点一下:if it were not for the protection we get from insect - eating animals -
隗疮复方:[答案] 这是一个虚拟语气,were.表示一种假设,如果没有,要是没有,】 这也是个强调句,if it were not for the protection (that)we get from insect-eating animals .非正式,that可以省略. 强调主句的宾语protection, we get PROTECTION from insect-eating ...

永吉县15049052191: 麻烦英语高手帮我分析一下下面句子的语法With the market prices fluctuating so much it's hard for the firm to plan a budget主要是前面with引导的复合结果从句 ... -
隗疮复方:[答案] 我来分析.先说一下,这个不是你所谓的 with引导的复合结果从句 ,这是with引导的复合宾语结构,它是用 with + 宾语 +宾补 构成的.其中宾补经常用非谓语动词中的 ing 形式表达宾语和宾补之间是主动或进行关系,ed 形式来...

永吉县15049052191: 请求英语大师分析下面句子语法:Only as high as I reach can I grow. -
隗疮复方: 1.only放句首要部分倒装,所以i can grow谓语提前,应该倒装为can i grow 例如: Only in this way, can you learn English well. 只有这样,你才能学好英语. 2.as……as……什么和什么一样 前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句. 后街有首歌叫as long as you love me就是这种用法 和你爱我的时间一样长,只要你爱我就好

永吉县15049052191: 请教英语高手分析以下这个句子
隗疮复方: 这是一个定语从句,Hip-hop music often combines parts of other styles to create music是主句,Hip-hop music 是主语,combines是谓语动词,parts of other styles 是宾语,to create music是定语,修饰styles. that will help people hear new things...

永吉县15049052191: 高手帮忙看下这个英语句子有没有语法错误 谢谢 -
隗疮复方: 原来的模板 是正确的 Simple as the image is ,the implications mirrored are apparently far-reaching .但你的句子 主语 the environment problem implications mirrored有问题 应该是 the implications mirrored from the environment problem(s) mirrored from the environment problem(s)是过去分词短语 作定语 修饰the implications

永吉县15049052191: 英语请高手分析下这个句子的语法!!! -
隗疮复方: 看到was可知这句话是过去式with表示附带的情况such是如此的

永吉县15049052191: 高手帮助分析此英文句子的语法? -
隗疮复方: It turned out (that)...其中it是形式主语,that后面部分为主语从句 在后面主语从句中,是there be句型 particularly以及后面的内容作状语表示解释说明(详细说明偷窃行为的主要表现是...

永吉县15049052191: 求助英语高手帮我分析一下下面的句子是否有语法错误. 您好,这是最近网上下载的模板,不过始终觉得有适合组合拼接后 读起很拗口.觉得有语法错误.请高手帮忙指正.
隗疮复方: 23456不能拿来照抄照转;其他的没错,很好的表达,可以抄用.

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