汉译英..急急急!!!如果语法连贯 我会加分的 请不要把段落弄乱了 哎 又要恶补啦 真痛苦......

作者&投稿:钮冠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This essay mainly discuss the reason for the love tragedy of the two protagonists in two contemporary famous literature masterpieces. One of the main reasons is that, comparing with other themes to be selected, my personal interest tends to be literature. I think literature works can well reflect the reality of life meanwhile it can endow various objects with vivid image and corresponding literature value and society value. At the same time, it can enlighten the readers. Besides, for the two novels I selected, it is a coincidence. I happened to borrow these two books from two different friends respectively. After reading these, I like them very much and I am deeply attracted by the personality of the two protagonists. I found that facing the tough fate, the two people share similar things – they both obey and rebel, they are passionate and kind-hearted, clearing know what to love and what to hate however, they have to be ended as tragedy due to the social reality. Therefore, I choose this topic before I have long-time consideration.

This essay makes analysis on the reasons for the love tragedy from two aspects: same reason and different reason. These two reasons are divided into three detailed reasons, i.e. the same point of social background, family environment and personality, the different point of economic condition, personality and love experience.

I hope readers can understand the social reality of that time through reading this essay, to the unfair living condition of the female and their real social status at that time.

I take some research documents into reference but not many because people have different feeling to literature. I pay more attention to express my own opinions in this essay. The documents I listed in reference part are just for the purpose of reach the requirement. In fact, I did not read them all clearly. I am sorry about this. I will amend all the inappropriate places.

As for answering part, I did not well prepared due to the limit time and too many matters to handle such as exam and find jobs. Therefore the final effect might not be very good. Please forgive me. Thank you.

希望你找份好工作!论文?just let it go..... it means nothing.....通过就okle !

多年以来,中美文化都一直存在很大的差异,很多人在美国生活的时候,多少都会对这种文化差异感到不适应,英文中有个词叫culture shock (文化休克),描述的正是这种“不适应”.
For many years, sino-american culture always there big differences, a lot of people living in the United States, many of these cultural differences will feel not adapt, called a word in English culture shock (culture shock), describing it's the kind of "no adaptation.
American culture can be compared to a peach, thin skin, juice, nuclear hard.
"Thin skin" on behalf of the American culture interpersonal relations in easily cuts and establish, like tear a thin layer of peach skin.
"Juice much" describe uniqueness and richness of American culture, and everyone can express oneself unique personality, no one will because of your uniqueness and feel strange.
"Nuclear hard" is symbol of American culture emphasize independence, equality, privacy, frank such core values.
Independence, are the united nation's special character, they believe, to oneself destiny convinced, rely on their own philosophy creed.
American young kids sleep alone in a room, in the growth process, parents emphasize cultivate children live independently ability. Older americans with children live together, children regularly to visit them, but won't like Chinese people which all three generations. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people will think it is not filial piety, but actually is not so, americans have their own independent living space, and not willing to let others disrupting my life, so don't tell americans don't dwell with the old man is not filial, otherwise he'll think you're very absurd.
Equal, American society is more prominent characteristics. Work no difference in degree of nobility, restaurant waiters, and university classroom teachers are equal, they are all take money to serve others.
Facing engaged in reinvigoration of people, such as attendant etc., don't show contempt for words and actions, for you in equal status. But in China, parents of children, children in the above position for parents is always agrees, common saying says "sticks in bottom out," in China's education child abuse and corporal punishment is the method. However, the parents and children's position is equal, parents in enter child room before knocking, education child can only be to persuade, hit a child, it is illegal to abuse child crime prosecutions. Therefore new immigrants in the U.S. ten million cannot take education child abuse way, careful pay legal price.
例如,我们中国人说话委婉而间接,给出的回答经常模棱两可,大部分信息都是由环境语言、身体语言、表情语言、或其他非言语信号方式传递,较少用直接而明确的语言来表达。这样一来,在与美国人的交往中容易造成困难或误解,因此 和美国人交往时尽量要避免费解、模棱两可和啰嗦的说法。
Frank, is another American character characteristic. Americans talk straight, don't like to beat around the bush, answer general clear directly.
For example, we speak Chinese euphemism are indirectly, the answer often ambiguous, most information are made by environmental language, body language and facial expression language, or other nonverbal cues style to deliver, in a less direct and clear language to express. Thus, the americans intercourse easily cause difficulties or misunderstanding, and thus americans contacts to avoid as far as possible when hieroglyphics, ambiguous and windbag statements.
中国人见面时询问对方要去哪儿是很正常的事情,但是在美国这已经侵犯到了别人的隐私。去美国人家里拜访必须先打电话预约,如果贸然前往也会侵犯到别人的隐私。此外,收入、体重、年龄、健康状况、成绩、 婚姻、爱情、政治观点等等这些都是美国人的隐私。
Privacy, in American life is very important, sometimes for Chinese people even some extreme.
Chinese when meet ask where to go is very normal thing, but in the United States this has infringed arrived people's privacy. To an American family visit must call first appointment, if rushed to also can invading into other people's privacy. In addition, income, weight and age, health, results, marriage, love, political views and so on these are American's privacy.
So, I think the privacy already are a kind of American culture.

When apparition becomes the skirt you’re wearing,
When death becomes the tune you’re humming,
And with your bewildering dance steps,
You follow the last thread of moonlight’s pacing.

Listen, where’s this whining coming from?
Is it the perpetual dead sleep or eternal death?
The wild ghosts that wander in solitary,
The decay of their bodies,
The extraction of their souls,
Hovering over the cemetery is the scent of death,
And the dark nights are their shadows.

Listen carefully, their songs are the sniveling of the wind.
A solitary child who loses his trust in the world,
Loneliness and solitude becomes the sole color of his remaining life.
Grayness is the world in his eyes,
Darkness is the substance in his music;
He fails to integrate into this world,
That’s why he evades, even excludes it,
And in his dark and bizarre music, he releases it .

Ha has been living a life of darkness,
Secluded himself in an enclosed room all day long,
Only accompanied by his shadow;
He treats this as a profound dialogue with the soul.
His unique interpretation sometimes brought him pains,
With a slight tone that’s always slower by half a beat,
And you can tell he is crying.

That stifled and confined voice is the untouchable corner deep in one’s soul,
We shed tears and suffer pains because we have darkness in our hearts;
Outside the window is the icy moonlight,
Someone’s smiling, someone’s embracing, someone’s crying and someone’s dying,
But the world is still bustling as ever.
We settle down and listen, you’ll understand what’s really immortal,
And what’s rotting away slowly.
When light breeze is passing over the dry and shriveled cemetery,
You have buried the world.


When strange into your body,

When death becomes you mouth humming the melody.

You use your blur,

Following the last moonlight.

Listen, what cry.

Eternal sleep or eternal death.

Wandering lonely wild ghost,

The rotting flesh,

The soul of the abstraction,

Death breath cemetery.

The night is their shadow.

Listen carefully, the wind cry crying is their singing.

A lonely child, don't believe the world,

Lonely as his later life only color.

His world is gray.

His music content is black.

He does not know how to get into the world,

So he escape, even rejection.

This in his black weird music to be released.

He has been suffering oppression of life,

All locked in the closed room.

With his own shadow as partners.

He regards it as the most profound dialogue with the soul.

Sometimes he unique interpretations made pain,

He is a slow tempo slow tone,

You can hear him cry.

The repressed forbidden sound is each person soul do not touch the corner.

We will shed tears, pain, because I have a dark.

But the moonlight cold, some people smile, someone to hold, someone cry, someone is dying.

The world is still busy as in the past.

We listen to. You know, what is real and what is immortal, has been gradually decay, when gently wind withered the cemetery, the world has been buried you

When strange dress becomes you,
When death becomes you mouth, humming a melody.
You use your mystery dance,
Follow the footsteps of the last moon.
You listen to, what is the cry.
Sopor Aeternus or eternal death.
Lonely wandering ghosts,
Carnal decay,
Pumping off of the soul,
Graveyard spiral of death breath.
Shadows of the night was their.
Listen carefully, weeping in the wind crying out is their singing.
A lonely child, do not believe that the world,
Loneliness and solitude became his only color in life.
He was in the eyes of the world is grey.
The content of his music is black.
He did not know how to integrate into the world,
So he flee from him, and even exclusion.
This released in his black strange music.
He has always lived a life of confinement,
They barricaded themselves in a closed room.
And my shadow company.
He is the soul and this as the most profound dialogue.
Sometimes his unique interpretation of causing pain,
He is always in a slow-shoot snub tone,
You can hear him cry.
Repressed under detention is the voice of each individual soul must not touch the corners.
We will shed tears, pain, because the heart was dark.
But Moon cold out of the window, smiling, embracing, some crying, some people are dying.
The world yet is, as always, hilarious.
We settled down to listen. You will understand, what is really great, and what is beginning to decay, when the wind blows gently ancient cemetery, the world was you buried

烟染苍颜白丶 翻译的就很好。我想如果把主语适当去掉一点会感觉更好。




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