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英译中 急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!~

Area of ??approximately 1,200 square kilometers, of which about 154 square km scenic essence. Here, Shiqianfeng King show, there are 72 peaks, including the Heavenly Capital Peak, Lotus Peak, Bright Summit are at an altitude of 1800 meters or more, pull the pole day, magnificent, majestic scenery.

These countries I all very much am interested

1. Good manners can help us all act with respect toward one another .
2. Confidence is a mind game. Confident people believe in themselves, and because they believe, they achieve.
3. Saving energy is not all that students do to help the environment.
4. If love is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there .
5. Everyone’s project will look different, but it’s the rare person who cannot benefit. Join in--- no need to catch up ,just jump in right now .
6. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it .
7. People who haven’t set foot in a grocery store for months say their family are eating better than ever .
8. No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me
9. Cyberspace strikes me as the perfect place to find some with whom you are compatible, mainly because you can screen out unsuitable candidates at an early age without having to waste an enormous amount of emotional energy on them
10. What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven’t the right .Not all patients would receive such a high level of individual care and attention


I will work only three hours tomorrow. Maybe I can't finish all the work you have arranged. Ironing clothes is time consuming. But I will complete it according to your arrangement.祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)请及时采纳,多谢!



急急急,中翻英,请各位大神帮帮忙啊!!!高分,采纳加分!!!10点半之前,谢 ...
1. The sports meeting was called off because of the rain..2. Success largely depends on what you do instead of what you say. (失败与否不用翻出来,简简单单,成功取决于……,一切尽在其中)3. I think that Chinese college students are more excellent than their American peers....

1. 为了节省开证费用,对这笔试销订货,我们建议用银行汇票支付货款。For this trial order, we suggest that we use bank draft to pay in order to save the cost of opening L\/C.2.按双方约定的支付条件,我们已向你方开出随附发票所示金额的见票30天付款的汇票。According to both sides' ...

段落翻译 汉译英 急急 论文需要 谢谢
而且,在肖申克监狱中,法律已形同虚设。Moreover, in shawshank, law has non-existing.狱警哈德利是刽子手他毫不不留情地将新囚犯“胖子”暴打致死;Co's Hadley is none of his executioners will not spare new prisoners "fatty" suddenly and violently dozen to death;后来,又在监狱长的指使...

帮忙翻译一下 急急急 谢谢大家

帮忙翻译成英文 急急急!! 谢谢了
1、并且我非常希望能为中国社会上的弱势群体来带帮助:And I hope that China can provide the vulnerable groups in society to help with...very much 2、在美国可能是拥有类似Ford foundation 这样的NGO组织最多的国家 但在中国还没有很多人了解并意识到加入这样的机构去帮助社会上这些弱势群体 然而...

교정은아쉽게 남겨진 햇살에 물들고傍晚时分的校园晕染在依依不舍的夕阳中 玩耍的孩子们的笑声飘荡在空中메아리로 멀리 퍼&#...

(3) "state-run tv" =国营电视台 (4) "last Friday" = 上周五; 不是<最后一个星期五>!翻译: <也门国营电视台周四引述军事官方消息来源报道, 曾被形容为最危险的舍卜沃省“基地”组织指挥官之一的阿布阿里哈里地已经在该国军方保安突袭行动中被打死。《纽约时报》于 周四亦报道,美国战机是在上...

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 英文翻中文!谢谢``急急急`` -
冯纯前列: 我爱你,开始遗憾.我在结束时是如何!知道我们是朋友,男女不能成为朋友,我只是不认为你控制不了.我知道你是作为我的好朋友给它,我可以给你该临时幸福,我宁愿不,将暂时由痛苦一生喜悦替换,您知道? ?因此,既然我不会如此依赖于你,您忘记你真难,真的.我真的好累,好累.

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 英译中谢谢. -
冯纯前列: train with 与…有来往;结交当他还是个小男孩的时候,他参加了训练的会话的伦敦俱乐部的一员.

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 请帮忙译成英文,谢谢!急急急! -
冯纯前列: Through repeated thoughts and my friends' advice,I would like to confirm with you a second.How many salaries can you add to me more?If it's possible,I will not being beclouded by the present interests and stay here continue working for the company.[我把做后2句换了下顺序.这样翻译比较好.]

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 英文翻译.中译英,谢谢! -
冯纯前列: Since your company doesn't want right now, then we will postpone the shipment

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 英译中????谢谢 -
冯纯前列: Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the earth.给我一个支点,我将撬起整个地球 Archimedes said: "Givemeaplacetostandon,andicanmovetheearth". I said: such a big earth, and i can't find a place to stand on" 阿基米德说:“给我一个支点,我将撬起整个地球”我说:“这么大一个地球,就不能给我一个支点”.

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 英语翻译求英文翻译!中:谢谢你不管遇到什么还是坚持走下去,谢谢你还能让我看到在舞台上唱歌的你,庆幸还能听到你的歌声.请一直勇敢地走下去,我会... -
冯纯前列:[答案] 3Q 4 still carrying on no matter what happens. 3Q 4 still letting me see U singing on the stage.I'm so grateful that I can still hear your voice. Please always walk on bravely. I'll be with U (4ever).

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 请帮忙将下词语或句子翻译成英文,谢谢!急急急!
冯纯前列: 1. Held 2. Be invited 3. To participate in 4. The American way of life 5. Education of 6. "English Corner" is scheduled for 4 pm this week, the five held in the school garden. 7. After the meeting, we may both countries living, language learning and other topics to talk freely

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 帮我翻译一句话,谢谢,中译英 -
冯纯前列: First I'd like to thank you for your prompt reply.However, it seems that we have different understandings about the issues concerned. Here are the details.

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 英译中,谢谢! -
冯纯前列: 我知道这份工作对你来说的确是有困难,但是我还是希望你能够成功,希望你可以坚持下去(呵呵),我欠你个人情(呵呵).你觉得哪?就碰碰运气,听天由命吧:)

木垒蒙古自治州17525974820: 人工英译中,英语段落,英翻中译,谢谢 -
冯纯前列: 你好,可翻译为:There are people who love with their hearts and not their minds,有以心而非思绪爱人的人And there are people who sacrifice their lives for their loved on...

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