英语翻译:你若要申请那份工作,就得做好面试的准备,到时常常要回答一些棘手的问题。(be ready for)

作者&投稿:董悦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译:你若要申请那份工作,就得做好面试的准备,到时常常要回答一些棘手的问题。(be ready for)~

你若要申请那份工作,就得做好面试的准备,到时常常要回答一些棘手的问题的翻译为If you want to apply for that job, you have to prepare for the interview. You often have to answer some tough questions。


1. As long as you have a clear target and work hard for it, you would succeed.2. Once he thought about tomorrow's meeting, he decided not to stay up late anymore.3. Judging from the look on his face, he must have known the result already.4. The speech he made in the meeting reminded me of the time I spent on the farm.5. Although reading English news everyday will take up some of my time, I feel that it will be beneficial for improving my English.6. If you want to apply for that job, you'll need to be ready for the interview, as you'll need to answer some difficult questions most of the time.

If you want to apply for that job, you have to be ready for an interview, when you often have to answer some tough questions.

1、be ready是已经准备好的一种状态,这种表示状态的短语一般不用于进行时,因为不能是正在一种状态,一般是正在进行一种动作。

It took her a long time to get ready for church. 



Ready is most often used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is fully prepared.


In my house, dinner is ready by 6:00 o'clock.





apply作“敷,涂”解时,是正式用法,及物动词仅用于说明书中。在会话中和大多数文字中,则代之以put 〔rub〕 it on, rub〔spread〕 it in。表示“把?敷〔涂〕在?之上”可说apply sth to...。

apply作“应用,使用”解时,也是及物动词,可接规章、条例、精力、经验、用心、智力等作宾语; to的宾语即可是人,也可是物或事。

1、be ready是已经准备好的一种状态,这种表示状态的短语一般不用于进行时,因为不能是正在一种状态,一般是正在进行一种动作。It took her a long time to get ready for church.她花了很长时间才做好去教堂的准备。2、Ready可以充当形容词、名词或动词。Ready is most often used as an adjectiv...



第二,交际翻译是(英国翻译理论家)纽马克 (Peter Newmark) 提出的两种翻译模式之一(参阅语义翻译),其目的是“努力使译文对目的语读者所产生的效果与原文对源语读者所产生的效果相同” (1981\/1988:22)。即是说,交际翻译的重点是根据目的语的语言、文化和语用方式传递信息,而不是尽量忠实地复制原文...

4.you shouldn't hide the truth from your friend.5.In spite of so many difficulties, he managed to pass the exam.6.we should try our best to keep balance the nature 7:you should apply to the company for that position at once 8. This earthquick did damage to many ...

在汉语里“若”这个字意思是“如果”,是一个连接词,在韩国语里,“如果”这个字是用连接词尾면\/으면表示的,它用在谓词词干和体词的谓词形、时制词尾后,表示条件假设,相当于汉语的”如果……就……”,“若是……的话”。 면用于开音节词干和以韵尾ㄹ...

英语if you prefer怎么翻译?
英语if you prefer翻译成中文是:“如果你愿意”。重点词汇:prefer 一、单词音标 prefer单词发音:英 [prɪˈfɜː] 美 [priˈfɜr]。二、单词释义 vt. 宁可;较喜欢;提出(控告)三、词形变化 动词过去式: preferred 动词过去分词: preferred 动词现在分词: ...

“者也”是语尾助词,不译。 “补”,就是增补。(1)变单音词为双音词;(2)补出省略句中的省略成分;(3)补出省略了的语句。注意:补出省略的成分或语句,要加括号。 “换”,就是替换。用现代词汇替换古代词汇。如把“吾、余、予”等换成“我”,把“尔、汝”等换成“你”。 “调”就是调整。把古...

帮我翻译一下 就一句话
.原话是这个吧:若要添加评论,请使用您的 Windows Live ID 登录(如果您使用过 Hotmail、Messenger 或 Xbox LIVE,您就拥有 Windows Live ID)。登录 还没有 Windows Live ID 吗?请注册 1楼的是用翻译机的,从use your Windows Live ID login 这句可看出,login前面应该有to.大概是google在线...

【英译汉】 签证申请
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解放区17737656147: 英语翻译:你若要申请那份工作,就得做好面试的准备,到时常常要回答一些棘手的问题.(be ready for) -
关彩复方: If you want to apply for that job, you have to be ready for an interview, when you often have to answer some tough questions. 1、be ready是已经准备好的一种状态,这种表示状态的短语一般不用于进行时,因为不能是正在一种状态,一般是正在进...

解放区17737656147: ...(remind)5.虽然每天看英语新闻会占用一些时间,但我觉得它对提高英语有好处.(take up)6.你若要申请那份工作,就得做好面试的准备,到时常常要回... -
关彩复方:[答案] 1.As long as you have clear objectives,and to work,you will succeed.(As long as) 2.I think tomorrow's meeting,he decided to no longer stay up all night the night.(Think) 3.From his point of view of ex...

解放区17737656147: 英语翻译英译中 -
关彩复方: I would rather go for a walk outside the room do not want to be on two hours to do nothing. Generally speaking, by increasing the supply or demand reduction can reduce the price. 【Bring down] The situation is indeed the case, some ...

解放区17737656147: 求下列英语翻译.....
关彩复方: 1. As long as you have clear objectives, and to work, you will succeed. (As long as) 2. I think tomorrow's meeting, he decided to no longer stay up all night the night. (Think) 3. From his point of view of expression, he must already know the outcome of ...

解放区17737656147: 英文翻译,如果你要申请这份工作,你应该先填写表格.这样汉译英对不对 -
关彩复方: If you want to apply for the job, you should fill out the form first.

解放区17737656147: 中译英:如果你需要这份工作,可以向公司申请.(apply to ... for ...) -
关彩复方: if you need it ,you could apply to the company for the job

解放区17737656147: 一旦你已经决定申请一份工作,你做的第一件事就是准备一份好的简历.用英语如果翻译? -
关彩复方: Once you decide to apply for a job,the first thing you should do is to write a resume for yourself

解放区17737656147: 如果你想要一个高薪工作就得放弃你的梦想 用英语怎么翻译 -
关彩复方: If you want a high paying jobs will have to give up your dreams.

解放区17737656147: 英语翻译1.你能给我提一些建议吗?2.我打算申请这份工作.3.这座城市以什么闻名?4.活到老学到老.5.水果有益于健康. -
关彩复方:[答案] 1.你能给我提一些建议吗? Can you give me some advice? 2.我打算申请这份工作. I intend to apply this job. 3.这座城市以什么闻名? What is this city famous for? 4.活到老学到老. It's never too old to learn! 5.水果有益于健康. Fruit is good for health

解放区17737656147: 翻译英语句子!!谢谢!! -
关彩复方: 1. You needn't persuade me to apply for the job because I don't think it suits me.2. I'm sure you will be deeply attracted by the scenery along the banks of the Li River.3. It's time that we took actions to protect the Great Wall.(必须用took, 虚拟语气).

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