
作者&投稿:茌妹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  英 [ru:l];美 [rul]


  名词 规则,规定;统治,支配;章程

  及物/不及物动词 控制,支配;判定;裁定,裁决;价格稳定

  及物动词 统治;规定;管理;裁决

  不及物动词 统治;管辖;裁定


  1. rule out : 划去, 排除, 取消;

  2. rule off : 划线隔开;

  3. as a rule : 通常, 一般说来;

  4. be ruled by : 受...影响, 受支配;

  5. rule of thumb : n. 单凭经验的方法;

  6. by rule : 按照规则地, 墨守成规地;

  7. by rule and line : 准确地;


  1. Liu said enterprises from both countries should conduct business according to the rule of law.

  2. The new rule widened fund companies'business scope, which formerly encompassed securities and bonds.

  3. According to the new rule, adjustments will be made to the definition and business scope of such finance firms.

  4. For him, an important rule in his business sector is respecting others'patent rights.

  5. Emergency rule gives the army legal authority to act against the PAD, but it is reluctant to do so.

  6. He pointed out that China is a country that operates under the rule of law and its judicial organs act in accordance with the law.

  7. Hong Kong is a place where the rule of law prevails and the government will not tolerate any act of violence or intimidation.

  8. Martin Lee's traitorous act has proved the validity of the central government's suggestion that patriots rule Hong Kong.

  9. The rule by SARA is made based on the Regulation on Religious Affairs.


  1. 规则;规定;章程;条例

  Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do.

  e.g. ...a thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball...


  e.g. Sikhs were expected to adhere strictly to the religious rules concerning appearance...


  2. 行事准则;指导方针;应做的事

  A rule is a statement telling people what they should do in order to achieve success or a benefit of some kind.

  e.g. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight...


  e.g. By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.


  3. (语言或科学中的)规律,法则

  The rules of something such as a language or a science are statements that describe the way that things usually happen in a particular situation.

  e.g. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify.


  e.g. ...according to the rules of quantum theory.


  4. 普遍情况;常规;惯例

  If something is the rule, it is the normal state of affairs.

  e.g. However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.


rule意味规则,中文谐音“乳哦”。rule 单词音标 英式:[ruːl]美式:[rul]中文翻译 n.规则;条例;习惯;统治;直尺 v.支配;统治;画直线 单词例句 用作名词 (n.)Can you explain the thirty-second rule to me? 可以给我解释一下30秒规则吗?It's against the rule to pick up the ...

1. rule out : 划去, 排除, 取消;2. rule off : 划线隔开;3. as a rule : 通常, 一般说来;4. be ruled by : 受...影响, 受支配;5. rule of thumb : n. 单凭经验的方法;6. by rule : 按照规则地, 墨守成规地;7. by rule and line : 准确地;rule的单语例句 1. Liu sa...

rules的意思是规则。一、其它释义:1、n.规则;规章;条例;建议;习惯;常规;惯常的做法;应做之事。2、v.统治;控制;裁定;决定;判决;支配;操纵。3、rules是rule的第三人称单数形式,其他形式:现在分词ruling,过去式ruled,过去分词ruled。二、相关短语:1、chain rule:链式法则;链条尺;连锁...


rule KK: []DJ: []n.1. 规则,规定,章程,条例[C]It's against the rules of the school to smoke.吸烟是违反校规的。2. 习惯,通例,常规[C]He's made it a rule to rise early.他已养成早起的习惯。3. 支配,统治;统治期间[U]4. 尺;标准[C]vt.1. 统治,管辖;控制,支配 The queen...


rule本来就有名词性啊 n. 1. 规则, 规章, 规定, 条例2. 习惯; 惯常的做法; 常规3. 统治; 管理; 支配; 控制4. 尺, 折尺5. 建议;应做之事 6. 定律;规则 vt. & vi. 1. 统治; 控制; 操纵; 支配2. 判定, 裁定, 判决 vt. 1. 用尺子划; 在…上划平行线; 用直尺等画(线);...

规则guī zé 中文解释 - 英文翻译 规则的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 基本解释 1.[rule;regulation]2.典式,法则,规律 自然的规则,一定要使我老下去,丝毫也不足为奇的。——鲁迅《答杨邨人先生公开信的公开信》3.指在形状、结构或分布上合乎一定的方式;整齐 规则四边行 详细解释 1.仪范...


ruler 英文发音: [ˈruːlə(r)]中文释义:统治者;支配者;直尺 例句:His guitar makes a noise like a wooden ruler being twanged upon a desk 他的吉他发出一声仿佛木尺弹在课桌上的噪音。复数: rulers

栾城县19225601391: 英文单词“rule”的意思是? -
云褚清开:[答案] rule [ru:l] vi.统治;管辖;裁定 n.统治;规则 vt.统治;规定;管理;裁决;支配

栾城县19225601391: 英文单词“rule”的意思是? -
云褚清开: rule [ru:l] vi. 统治;管辖;裁定 n. 统治;规则 vt. 统治;规定;管理;裁决;支配

栾城县19225601391: rule什么意思 -
云褚清开: rule [英][ru:l][美][ruːl] n.规则,规定; 统治,支配; 章程. vt.& vi.控制,支配; 判定; 裁定,裁决; 价格稳定. vt.统治; 规定; 管理; 裁决. vi.统治; 管辖; 裁定. 第三人称单数:rules 复数:rules 现在进行时:ruling 过去式:ruled 过去分词:ruled 例句: 1、Who will rule this great empire for you? 谁将代替你统治这个大帝国? 2、Now what is the rule? 现在告诉我规矩是什么? 3、We have but a single rule! 我们只有一条简单的规则!

栾城县19225601391: 各位有想象力的人过来!帮忙想想rule这个单词!把R U L E 这几个字母开头的单词,来解释这个单词的意思!rule的意思是规则 -
云褚清开:[答案] RULE Royal University of Law and Economics (Canada) *** RULE Run Up2date Linux Everywhere * RULE Remote Unix Lab Environment (computing)

栾城县19225601391: rule是什么意思 -
云褚清开: horizontal rule 水平尺 horizontal[英][ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl][美][ˌhɔ:rəˈzɑ:ntl] adj.水平的,卧式的; 地平线的; [植](枝条)平层的; 同一行业的,同阶层的; n.水平线; 水平面; 水平位置; 水平的物体; 复数:horizontals 例句:1.You scroll through the horizontal array of tiles by swiping with a finger or a mouse or track pad. 若要在一系列水平排列的“瓷片”窗口之间切换,可滑动手指、移动鼠标或在触控板上滑

栾城县19225601391: rule什么意思及同义词 -
云褚清开: rule out的中文意思沪江词库精选rule out是什么意思、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语.rule out英语翻译成中文:动词 拒绝考虑,把…排除在外,使成为不可能同义词:rule in;preclude,close out;eliminate,reject,winnow out.英语句...

栾城县19225601391: rule是什么意思?
云褚清开: 规则 规定

栾城县19225601391: rules是什么意思,告诉我中文. -
云褚清开: RULES是尺子和规则的意思 A (box)盒 A (bag)袋

栾城县19225601391: ruler是什么
云褚清开: 您好,英语单词 ruler 可以翻译成:1)尺子,直尺;刻线板2)统治者;管理者;支配者原形 rule 可以翻译成:1)作名词(规则,条规)2)作动词(管制;统治)所以有 ruler 这个名词(统治者)而 ruler 变成(直尺)的含义在于统治者用一个标准衡量其国民,是拓展延伸的用法.

栾城县19225601391: rule和ruler这两个单词拼写上很相似,那么意思上有什么相同点和不同点? -
云褚清开:[答案] rule[ru:l]n.规则, 惯例, 统治, 章程, 破折号, 准则, 标准, 控制vt.规定, 统治, 支配, 裁决vi.统治, 管辖, 裁定n.规则, 水线rule[ru:l]n.规则;法规;规定;章程the rules of tennis网球规则The school rules must b...

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