完成句子 完形填空 能做多少做多少!!! He can ? English.

作者&投稿:夏德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
补充英语句子Can he___他能接电话吗~

can he answer the phone?

my family

what's number

He is able to speak English.

1.He can teach himself English.他能自学英语
2.In spring,flowers bloom and trees turn green.春天,花开了,树木变绿了
3. What's the weather like in Shanghai in winter?冬天上海的天气怎么样?
4.He likes winter better than summer.比起夏天,他更喜欢冬天
5.Summer lasts from June to August.夏天从六月持续到八月
6.That old man works in the field all the year around.那个老爷爷一年到头都在地里干活。
7.He came to China at a bad time.他在一个坏时节里来到中国
8.There is some beer on the table.桌子上有一点啤酒
9.This child must be hungery.这小孩一定是饿了
(1)If you don't know the person ,he is a stranger to you .
(2)Canada is really beautiful ,especially in fall ,because of the red maples.
(3)Oh my god.Look ! Tony almost caught the bird.
(4)Jim took a deep breath and jumped into the river
(5)You can't send a letter without a stamp on it.

1.He can teach himself English.他能自学英语
2.In spring,flowers blossom and trees turn green.春天,花开了,树木变绿了
3. How is the weather of Shanghai in winter?冬天上海的天气怎么样?
4.He likes winter better than summer.比起夏天,他更喜欢冬天
5.Summer lasts from June to August.夏天从六月持续到八月
6.That old man works in the field all the year around.那个老爷爷一年到头都在地里干活。
7.He came to China at a bad time.他在一个坏时节里来到中国
8.There is some beer on the table.桌子上有一点啤酒
9.This child must be hungry.这小孩一定是饿了
(1)If you don't know the person ,he is a stranger to you .
(2)Canada is really beautiful ,especially in fall ,because of the red maples.
(3)Oh my god.Look ! Tony almost caught the bird.
(4)Jim took a deep breathe and jumped into the river
(5)You can't send a letter without a stamp on it.
I think my answer is correct after all I study in a Engliah based school

1.He can study English on his own.他能自学英语
2.In spring,flowers blossom and trees turn green.春天,花开了,树木变绿了
3.What's the weather like in Shanghai in winter?冬天上海的天气怎么样?
4.He likes summer better than.比起夏天,他更喜欢冬天
5.Summer lasts from June to August.夏天从六月持续到八月
6.That old man works in the field all year round.那个老爷爷一年到头都在地里干活。
7.He came to China during an undesirable period .他在一个坏时节里来到中国
8.There is some peer on the table.桌子上有一点啤酒
9.This child must be hungry.这小孩一定是饿了
(1)If you don't know the person ,he is a stranger to you .
(2)Canada is really beautiful ,especially in fall ,because of the red maples.
(3)Oh my god.Look ! Tony almost caught the bird.
(4)Jim took a deep breath and jumped into the river
(5)You can seed a letter without a stamp on it


1.He can teach himself English.他能自学英语
2.In spring,flowers come out and trees turn green.春天,花开了,树木变绿了
3. How's the weather in Shanghai in winter?冬天上海的天气怎么样?
4.He likes winter better than summer. .比起夏天,他更喜欢冬天
5.Summer lasts from June to August. .夏天从六月持续到八月
6.That old man works in the field all the year round. .那个老爷爷一年到头都在地里干活。
7.He came to China at a bad time of year. .他在一个坏时节里来到中国
8.There is a little beer on the table.桌子上有一点啤酒
9.This child must be hungry. .这小孩一定是饿了
(1)If you don't know the person ,he is a stranger to you .
(2)Canada is really beautiful ,especially in fall ,because of the red maples.
(3)Oh my god.Look ! Tony a caught the bird.
(4)Jim took a deep breath and jumped into the river
(5)You can seed a letter without a signature on it

He can study English himself.
In spring,flowers blossom and trees turn green.
He likes winter rather than summer.
Summer lasts from June to August.
There is some beer on the table.
The child must be hungry.

(1)IIf you don't know the person ,he is a stranger to you.
(2)Canada is really beautiful ,especially in fall ,because of the red maples.
(4)Jim took a deep breath and jumped into the river

金寨县15185385621: 完成句子 完形填空 能做多少做多少!He can English.1.He can English.他能自学英语2.In spring,flowers and trees turn green.春天,花开了,树木变绿了3.... -
浦欧万苏:[答案] 1.He can teach himself English.他能自学英语2.In spring,flowers blossom and trees turn green.春天,花开了,树木变绿了3.How is the weather of Shanghai in winter?冬天上海的天气怎么样?4.He likes winter bett...

金寨县15185385621: 大学英语四级怎么算分的哦,听力、阅读、完形大概做对多少个才能过呢 -
浦欧万苏: 作文:15%,合106.5分; 快速阅读:10%合71分,每个7.1分; 听力客观题(单选):25%合177.5分每个7.1分; 听力主观题(复合式听写):10%合71分, 前八个每个3.55分共28.4分, 后三个每个14.2分,共42.6分; 篇章词汇理解(选词填空);10%合71分,每个7.1分; 仔细阅读理解:15%合106.5分,共10个每个10.65分. 完形填空或改错:10%合71分,共20个每个3.55分. 句子翻译或篇章:5%合35.5分,共5个,每个7.1分.加起来总计:100%合710分

金寨县15185385621: 怎样做好高中英语完形填空? -
浦欧万苏: 完型填空本质来讲是对英语的基础知识的考察,但是也是考察阅读的. 高中完型的考察更是限定了词数,和两个考点之间的间隔. 1.做题的方法.通读全文,了解大意,扣准单句,理解上下. 2.意志的磨练.大部分同学都不喜欢这个题型,做...

金寨县15185385621: 怎么在短期内提高英语完形填空和完成句子的正确率?
浦欧万苏: 首先可以明确的告诉你,任何事情,付出都会有相应的回报,差别就是回报的大小. 完形填空不是一天两天就能大幅度提高成绩的,但是通过对完形填空的解读和研究,能够找到其中的规律,这对解题有很大的帮助.建议你到百度文库中搜一搜有关文档,悉心研究,相信一定会有收获. 如果你的基础比较不错,那就更好了,你可以一边研究一下完形填空的出题规则,一方面做几套试卷来强化提高. 完成句子与完形填空也是一个道理. 多做点练习吧

金寨县15185385621: 能在十四天内提高英语完形填空和完成句子吗? -
浦欧万苏: 每天都坚持做训练,一天做两篇完形填空,几道完成句子,做完后对答案,把错误的弄清楚,多训练能提高语感,和直觉力.十四天后就是高考了,楼主加油啊

金寨县15185385621: 每周要做几个完形填空呢? -
浦欧万苏: 进入高三,我建议先做真题,一共也没几篇,可以这样操作:在假期的时候没两天一篇完形填空真题,第一天做题,保证12到13分钟做完,提高速度,第二天把所有不会和不认识的单词找出来,背诵.这样做完一遍之后再做模拟题.然后在高三开学初重做真题,再次做一遍,这次做完题目后把选项填回去读顺文意,进入高三后,效果会很好.希望我的回答能够帮助你,祝进步.

金寨县15185385621: 英语的完形填空要怎么做才能得高分呀 -
浦欧万苏: 快速做完形填空10法 一、首句概览法 根据历年高考英语的考题情况来看,完形填空的短文一般不给标题,且首句往往不设空,即首句是一个完整的句子.所以同学们在做题时,若能认真读懂这个句子,多少可以根据它判断出文章的大意或主题...

金寨县15185385621: 完形填空做法 -
浦欧万苏: 以下是我平时教学中总结出来的完形填空做题方法,希望对你有所帮助: (一)完形填空题的一般解题思路:1.跳过空格、通读全文、把握大意.先跳过空格,通读试题所给的要完形填空的短文,获得整体印象,做到弄清文脉、抓住主旨,较...

金寨县15185385621: 询问高三英语复习的问题 -
浦欧万苏: 个人认为听力可以在上学或放学的路上听mp3解决,10多分钟至20分钟即可,单选就按高考来,做综合的15道,完形15—20分钟完成一篇,阅读两篇即可,可以定时,两篇阅读允许错两道.完成句子和书...

金寨县15185385621: 怎样作好英语的完成句子和完形填空. -
浦欧万苏: 不知道你是高中还是大学.建议你注意以下几个方面: 1.词汇是基础,当然是多多益善.有足够的词汇量了,你才能对句子和段落有很好的理解.高中阶段的话,把课文该背的单词都烂熟于心,大学的话四六级单词能zd背完应该问题不大了;...

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