
作者&投稿:枝奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

要结合语境的,如果说前面说了很多,最后总结了来了句“一句话”。那你就说in a word,to sum up,all in all,in conclusion

单纯的“一句话”翻译 a sentence


- -~~~~~~只能暂时翻译到这里了,具体理解你再联系上下文

In these Conditions, references to the singular shall, where the context so permits or requires, be deemed to include references to the plural and vice-versa. References to the masculine gender shall, where the context so permits or requires, be deemed to include references to the feminine gender and the neuter gender.


1 as it pulled on the line做状语,it指大鱼
2 it pulled on the line.就是被钩住的意思




小渔船运载英哩对海由强有力的鱼作为它的A 拉扯了在线



The responsibility is source of the strength, the innovation is road of the development, the detail is the key to success.1.以优质可靠、服务终生的产品服务客户。By high quality reliable, service life-long product service customer.2.以诚信务实,拼搏创新的军工精神参与竞争 Is practical b...

不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 24条英汉互译一句话经典语录_别把时间都浪费在后悔上了 一、Don't e thorns, but a life . 记忆是一种相聚的方式,忘却是一种自由的方式。 七、ething today that your future self orroeone who won't give up on me. 我不需要多么完美的爱情,我只需要...

请说慢一点。Please speak more slowly!请你说慢些。Please speak a little more slowly.请您说得慢些好吗?Can you speak slowly?请你讲慢些好吗?Would you speak more slowly?请说得轻一点。Speak softer, please.你能说得慢一点吗?Could you speak slower?请你再说慢一点好吗?"Will y...

A word of goodbye, two of the world.一句再见,两个世界。I just want to be free in my world.我只想在我的世界里,自由自在。Time always save the best for last.时间总是把最好的人留到最后。Alcune delle storie, quale fine non esiste.有些故事,不会存在什么结局。Close your eyes...

1. It's raining. I got to gather the clothes outside.2. What a beautiful day outside today! I'll air my clothes.3. I'm going to the balcony to air\/dry my clothes.补充翻译一句话吧: 【她正在用烘干机烘干衣服。】She's drying her clothes (using the dryer)....

你好朋友;Hello,my friend.你可以先购买一个作为样品.You can buy one as a sample first.我会尽快寄给你的.I will send it to you as soon as possible.如果你收到后觉得质量可以,希望你能够购买更多.If you are satisfied with its quality when you receive it , I hope you will buy ...

1.Whatever the spiderman can do, Wukong can do as good as him. But there are many things Wukong can do that spiderman can not, like changing face and body to other people; his hair can turn to many small monkeys that help him to fight.(蜘蛛侠能做的,悟空可以做的一样好,...

1. 抨击 The speaker went for his opponent.演讲者攻击对手。2. 对...适用 What he said about you goes for me too.他关於你的一席话对我也适用。3. 想得到 He is going for a job.他正在求职。go by 1. 经过;(时间)过去 Time went by slowly.时光慢慢流逝。2. 错过(机会等)3. ...

1、我喜欢切尔西 I love Chelsea 2、我还喜欢打乒乓球。我唯一获得过的跟体育有关的奖项就是小学四年级时的乒乓球比赛,我得了第三名,重在参与嘛。不过我想如果我得了第一的就一定不会这么说了。I also like table tennis. The only prize related to sports of mine is in the table tennis ...

寿宁县15360255487: 英语翻译英文翻译一句话 -
贰朋盐酸:[答案] The most horrific thing in the world is the people who are more talented than you work harder than you too. 请及时采纳,多谢!

寿宁县15360255487: 翻译一句话 -
贰朋盐酸: 今天,我看他出门,智谋深远,态度谦虚.原文〕 晏子为齐相,出,其御之妻从门闲而窥其夫.其夫为相御,拥大盖,策驷马,意气扬扬甚自得也.既而归,其妻请去.夫问其故.妻曰:「晏子长不满六尺,身相齐国,名显诸侯.今者妾观其出...

寿宁县15360255487: 翻译一句话~ -
贰朋盐酸: 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云 is a metaphor(隐喻) about once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.请看 林语堂的翻译: it is difficult to be water for one who has seen the great seas ,and difficult to be clouds for one who ...

寿宁县15360255487: 英语翻译请翻译一下这句话 -
贰朋盐酸:[答案] 杀了他们主要的首领,剩下来的党徒受到牵连有几千人

寿宁县15360255487: 翻译一句话 -
贰朋盐酸: 他是个非常富有的人.no mean1. 很好的;相当好的;不平常的2. 难度大的,艰巨的

寿宁县15360255487: 翻译一句话(英译汉) -
贰朋盐酸: 人类踏上其他星球的日子已经不远了.

寿宁县15360255487: 翻译一句话.. -
贰朋盐酸: thanks for your replying my e-mail in such a business

寿宁县15360255487: 用英语翻译一句话 -
贰朋盐酸: when i was tired i will turn on the radio and listen to the programe as a relex.i hope to gain the lyric.

寿宁县15360255487: 用英语翻译一句话
贰朋盐酸: 第一种翻译情况:We should pass their own festival based. 第二种翻译情况:We should inherit own holiday primarily.

寿宁县15360255487: 英文翻译一句话... -
贰朋盐酸: It's raining cats and dogs outside, I probably won't be able to hear a thing if you called. Let's just talk online. raining cats and dogs是形容倾盆大雨的.比较诙谐的说法. 希望采纳 ^^

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