
作者&投稿:羽骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Now we study many subjects,such as chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and so on.
My favoritor subject is English.I think English is very important.And most people in the world can speak English.If you go to France,and you can’t speak French,you can speak English.Most people in France can speak English.So it is very important to learn English well.
Maths,it's so difficult.But I know it's important.

Today is Tuesday.We have four classes in the morning.The first one is Chinese.The second one is maths.The third one is English,and the forth one is fine arts.We have lunch at 12:15.After lunch we have about one hour for rest.Then the afternoon classes will begin.We still have four classes this afternoon.They are history,phycal education,biology and maths.The school will be over at about 5:30.After school,we go home happily.

  • 写作思路


  • 双语范文参考

  1. My course

    I'm a student of class 8, grade 3.Let's introduce my learning courses.

    The main courses include Chinese, mathematics, English, Taoism, oral English and other courses, as well as physical health, music, art and other courses.

    Among so many courses, my favorite oral English class. Because oral English class can talk freely, and this class is more free to communicate without embarrassment. The more we say, the better.

    I like all the courses because learning makes me feel relaxed and happy.

  2. 我的课程





  • 写作模板参考

  • My course

    I'm a student of............ Let's introduce my learning courses.

    The main courses include .......... and other courses, as well as....... and other courses.

    Among so many courses, my favorite ...........Because ......................

    I like all the courses.......................

  • 我的课程







英 [bɪˈɡɪn]

美 [bɪˈɡɪn]





  • 第三人称单数: begins

  • 现在分词: beginning

  • 过去式: began

  • 过去分词: begun

Today is Tuesday.We have four classes in the morning.The first one is Chinese.The second one is maths.The third one is English,and the forth one is fine arts.We have lunch at 12:15.After lunch we have about one hour for rest.Then the afternoon classes will begin.We still have four classes this afternoon.They are history,phycal education,biology and maths.The school will be over at about 5:30.After school,we go home happily.

我最喜欢的课程 My Favorite Course_英语作文_英语_初中教育_教育专区 我最喜欢的课程 My Favorite Course It is not easy to choose a favorite class. However,


我心目中的语文课就是像数学课那样轻松、愉快、形式丰富的,但由于知识的不同,而限定语文课不能像数学课那样。现在我为大家收集整理优秀的 作文 ,如果喜欢这篇 文章 可以参考学习。欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新。篇一:我心中的语文课作文 “牧童骑黄牛,歌声振林樾。意欲捕鸣蝉,忽然闭口立。”...

【篇一:我最喜欢的一节语文课】 语文是香气扑鼻的绿茶,让人神清气爽;语文是神态悠闲的白云,让人浮想联翩;语文是浪花飞溅的大河,让人心潮澎湃!语文!我的最爱! 那一堂语文课是我最爱的一堂语文课,它充满了诗意!充满了爱的温馨。 我们全班同学都沉浸在母爱之中。那一堂课教室里鸦雀无声,它好似有一股寒气...

Today is Tuesday. We have four classes in the morning. The first one is Chinese. The second one is maths. The third one is English, and the forth one is fine arts. We have lunch at 12:15. After lunch we have about one hour for rest. Then the afternoon classes will beg...

我最喜欢的语文课作文1 如果有人问我喜欢上什么课,我会毫不犹豫地回答我喜欢——语文课。 我喜欢上语文课,语文书给我带来无穷无尽的快乐和丰富多彩的知识。“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”,让我感受到济南大明湖的美丽风景。一幅名扬中外的《清名上河图》,让我更深地了解了中国的传统文化。语文书,让我理...

作文我最喜欢的一门课范文【篇1】 你问我为什么喜欢数学课?首先,我天生就对数学有十分浓厚的兴趣,再加上我的数学成绩也比较好,所以,我喜欢上数学课。其次,数学老师王老师也不像别的老师,只靠声带“叽哩呱啦”讲几句话了事,干吧吧的。他经常用电脑来给我们上课。电脑可丰富啦!王老师经常从上面找一些十分有趣...

Today is Tuesday.We have four classes in the morning.The first one is Chinese.The second one is maths.The third one is English,and the forth one is fine arts.We have lunch at 12:15.After lunch we have about one hour for rest.Then the afternoon classes will begin.We still...

这堂课让每个同学八仙过海,各显神通;这堂课让每个同学在欢声笑语中度过;这堂课让每个同学久久难忘…… 自己改改 3. 英语小作文我最喜欢的课加翻译 Every man has his hobbyhorse."So,my clas *** ates all have their own favorite subject.My favorite subject is English. Now,let me tell you my ...

正文:I like math class, I also like English class, but I like Chinese class best, because it has rich knowledge, let me into a broad world.我喜欢数学课,我也喜欢英语课,但我最喜欢语文课,因为它有丰富的知识,让我走进了一个广阔的天地。In the composition class, the teacher ...


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经建雷卡: Now we study many subjects,such as chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and so on. My favoritor subject is English.I think English is very important.And most people in the world can speak English.If you go to France,and you can't speak ...

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经建雷卡: I like English most in school. Every week, the English subject occupies ten percent of the time I spent in class.English is a second language to me. At home, I speak Chinese to my parents and nanny. In school, I tried to speak English to my ...

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经建雷卡: Today is Tuesday. We have four classes in the morning. The first one is Chinese. The second one is maths. The third one is English, and the forth one is fine arts. We have lunch at 12:15. After lunch we have about one hour for rest. Then the ...

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经建雷卡:[答案] Today is 周一/周二·····,I have two classes in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30.The first class is English,and the second class is maths.Then We take a rest at midday.In the afternoon,we ...

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经建雷卡:[答案] We can learn many subjects in our school,such as Chinese,English,physics,history and so on.Even though I like all the subjects,my favourite is history.History is so interesting that I will never forget it.It usually takes me a lot of time to read the books on ...

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经建雷卡:[答案] Today is 周一/周二/周三/周四······(日期自己写,我也不知道这是你哪天的课程),I have two classes in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is m...

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经建雷卡: My school is very beautiful .It has a big playground and we often do exercise on it.I have a very happy school life.Teacher there is very good and patient to students.I go to school at 7 o'clock.Our school life is so fine.We have a lot of activities.I get long well with my classmates .I love my school .

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经建雷卡:[答案] I like English best because I can know something about other countries' culture and I can also talk with some foreigners .English is a universal language so you can speak it in any country.

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经建雷卡: Today is 周一/周二/周三/周四······(日期自己写,我也不知道这是你哪天的课程),I have two classes in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is maths.Then We take a rest at midday.In ...

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