
作者&投稿:俟省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

difficult ['difikəlt]
1. 难的,困难的,艰难的,难做的,难制的,费劲的,费力的,麻烦的,需要花工夫或技术才能完成的,不是轻而易举的
2. 难懂的,难解的,难以理解(或解决)的,深奥的,复杂艰涩的
3. 难对付的,难相处的,不易相处的,难弄的,不随和的
4. 难以取悦的,难以讨好的,难以满足的,难令人满意的
5. 难说服的,难诱导的,执拗的,顽固的,不情愿的
6. 不利的;妨碍的;拖累的;难受的,令人难堪的;令人厌烦的
7. 充满艰难困苦的,(尤指)经济上困难的,拮据的

difficult problem 难题;难问题

difficult point 难点

difficult thing 困难的事;难事

difficult of access (某地)难进入;(某人)难接近 不容易接近,难接近
difficult choice 艰难的选择

difficult ground 问题地区;特殊土地区;非凡土地区



内务部说,大马人对4D工作,即 艰难(Difficult),危险(Danger),肮脏(Dirty)及灰尘(Dust)不屑一顾,是导致我国过度依赖非法外劳的原因.


. Dynamic(动态的)Single(单一的) Diverse(多样化的)Simple(简单的) Difficult( 困难的 )Safe(安全的) Dangerous(危险的)企业人力资源发展历程(三大阶段十大流程)一,理性主义阶段 二,非理性.


.dictionary 辞典 difficult 难的,困 难的 dinner 正餐.


第二十六课:"舌尖齿龈弹气音".difficult 难的;艰难的;难相处的 death 死亡 adult 成年人;成人的;成熟的.

Difficult Points教学难点;学习难点

Difficult Kids优的良曲;南搞小孩

Difficult Airway困难气道

difficult area碍航区

difficult labour难产

difficult personality性格怪异的人

Difficult Movement音形爵士乐

being difficult别扭

too difficult太难了

adj.难的,困难的,艰难的,难做的,难制的,费劲的,费力的,麻烦的,需要花工夫或技术才能完成的,不是轻而易举的 , 难懂的,难解的,难以理解(或解决)的,深奥的,复杂艰涩的 , 难对付的,难相处的,不易相处的,难弄的,不随和的 , 难以取悦的,难以讨好的,难以满足的,难令人满意的 , 难说服的,难诱导的,执拗的,顽固的,不情愿的 , 不利的;妨碍的;拖累的;难受的,令人难堪的;令人厌烦的 , 充满艰难困苦的,(尤指)经济上困难的,拮据的 , 近义词:hard

(be) difficult of 难于,不易 , difficult of access 不容易接近,难接近 , difficult of accomplishment 难以完成 , difficult of approach 不易到达 , difficult to 对…是困难的

adj.not easy;requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure

"a difficult task";" nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access";" difficult times";" a difficult child";" found himself in a difficult situation"


requiring much effort and trouble

"the mountain climb was long , steep , and difficult"

difficult to manage or control

"a difficult child"


RELATE]Itis difficult torelatethese resultstoher mistake.


He is overthe other fencesandnow theyarecoming to the last and most difficult …over!


They say the lack of affected bees to examine makes it difficult to know exactly whatthenew disorderis.


One of the more difficult walks is an eight kilometer hike that is not for anyone afraid of high places.

But it's a difficult claim because even as Milton makes this claim,he manages to undermine its force.


I saw dad buying drugs yesterday.He's been under a lot of pressure,And if you hadn't been so difficult lately.What?


Yemen faces difficult challenges,and assistance Yemen will be a sustained project for the international community.

That makes it difficult to take advantage of investing at the new,higher level of rates.

Disabled and older people have raised concerns about how difficult the form is to complete.

be difficult to do something做某事是困难的
be difficult for sb 对某人而言是困难的
find something difficult 发现……是困难的
2.(指人)不易取悦的, 不易满足的, 不易相处的, 不愿合作的, 执拗的
a difficult child, customer, boss 难哄的小孩,难对付的顾客,难讨好的上司

本词是形容词 因此:
1.做定语:a difficult task一次很难的任务。
2.作表语:this task is difficult.这次任务很难。
3. 句型:it is difficult for sb to do sth: 做某事对某人来说很难。如:it is difficult for me to do the task。
4.名词是difficulty。句型:have difficulty (in) doing sth.如:i have difficulty (in) finishing the task.

本词是形容词 因此:
1.做定语:a difficult task一次很难的任务。
2.作表语:this task is difficult.这次任务很难。
3. 句型:it is difficult for sb to do sth: 做某事对某人来说很难。如:it is difficult for me to do the task。
4.名词是difficulty。句型:have difficulty (in) doing sth.如:i have difficulty (in) finishing the task.

本词是形容词 因此:
1.做定语:a difficult task一次很难的任务。
2.作表语:this task is difficult.这次任务很难。
3. 句型:it is difficult for sb to do sth: 做某事对某人来说很难。如:it is difficult for me to do the task。
4.名词是difficulty。句型:have difficulty (in) doing sth.如:i have difficulty (in) finishing the task.

1、做定语:a difficult task一次很难的任务。2、作表语:this task is difficult.这次任务很难。普通形容词都可以如上用。3、句型:it is difficult for sb to do sth:做某事对某人来说很难.如:it is difficult for me to do the task。4、名词是difficulty句型:have difficulty (in) doing...

1、it is difficult to do sth 2、have difficulty in doing sth 3、have trouble in doing sth 4、have problems in doing sth 词汇解析 1、have的中文意思:有,让,拿 英[həv;hæv];美[həv;hæv]2、difficult的中文意思:困难的,不随和的 英[ˈd=...

1、读音:英 ['dɪfɪkəlt]     美 ['dɪfɪkəlt]2、意思是:adj. 困难的;艰难的;(人)难对付的;不易相处的 3、例句:The quest for gold was difficult.寻找金矿是很困难的。4、词汇用法:difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构。

英语difficult读音为:英 \/ˈdɪfɪkəlt\/ 美 \/ˈdɪfɪkəlt\/ adj. 困难的;不随和的;执拗的。一、短语 1、Difficult thing 你做成的难事困难的事 2、difficult position 困境困难的处境艰难的境况困 3、not difficult 不难不困难不是很难简单...

第二十六课:"舌尖齿龈弹气音".difficult 难的;艰难的;难相处的 death 死亡 adult 成年人;成人的;成熟的.difficult词组短语 Difficult Points教学难点;学习难点 Difficult Kids优的良曲;南搞小孩 Difficult Airway困难气道 difficult area碍航区 difficult labour难产 difficult personality性格怪异的人 Difficult...

英语difficult读音为:英 \/ˈdɪfɪkəlt\/ 美 \/ˈdɪfɪkəlt\/ adj. 困难的;不随和的;执拗的。一、短语 1、Difficult thing 你做成的难事困难的事 2、difficult position 困境困难的处境艰难的境况困 3、not difficult 不难不困难不是很难简单...

difficult的英语读音:英 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt];美 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt]。difficult是一个英语单词,形容词,意思是“困难的;不随和的;执拗的 ”。短语搭配:Difficult thing 你做成的难事 ; 难事 ; 困难的事;difficult position 困境 ; 困难的处境 ;...

difficult的用法 1、读音 英 ['dɪfɪkəlt] ;美 ['dɪfɪkəlt]2、例句 1)用作定语~+ n.English is a difficult language to learn.英语是一门难学的语言。2)用作表语S+be+~I appreciate the task will be long and difficult.我懂得这项任务是...

在短语have difficulty doing中difficulty必须用单数 difficulty指抽象的 概念的困难时不可数用单数 而指具体的困难时可数 如I have some difficulties with pronunciation.我在语音上有一些困难。

difficult的固定搭配如下:1、difficulty后接in doing sth difficulty后面接in doing sth时,含义是“做某事有困难”,里面的介词in含有while的意思,表示“当……的时候”或者“在……的过程中”的意思,整个结构的含义是“当做某事的时候有困难”或者“在做某事的过程中有困难”。例句:Do you have ...

镇原县13142503138: difficult用法 -
崇俭皮肤:[答案] 本词是形容词 因此: 1.做定语:a difficult task一次很难的任务. 2.作表语:this task is difficult.这次任务很难. (注:普通形容词都可以如上用.) 3.句型:it is difficult for sb to do sth:做某事对某人来说很难.如:it is difficult for me to do the task. 4.名词是...

镇原县13142503138: difficult的用法 -
崇俭皮肤: difficult ['difikəlt]adj.1. 难的,困难的,艰难的,难做的,难制的,费劲的,费力的,麻烦的,需要花工夫或技术才能完成的,不是轻而易举的2. 难懂的,难解的,难以理解(或解决)的,深奥的,复杂艰涩的3. 难对付的,难相处的,不易相...

镇原县13142503138: diffcult的全部用法 -
崇俭皮肤: 【difficult】形容词的用法 difficult的基本意思是“难的”,指难以做到的、难以解决的、难以理解的、难以承受的事物,多用于智力或情感方面,侧重需付出大量思考或运用技巧方能解决.引申用于修饰人时表示“难以对付的,不易取悦的”; 用于指境遇时表示“尴尬的”. difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语.作表语时,后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语. difficult的意思是“使人感到困难的”,而不是“人感到困难的”,因此一般不以“人”作主语,而如以动词不定式作主语,则常用于形式主语结构. difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构.

镇原县13142503138: difficult单复数用法 -
崇俭皮肤:[答案] difficult是 adj difficulty 是n 仅指难事 难点 难题时用difficulty 困境 尤其指财政困境时 用difficulties 如in difficulties-经济拮据

镇原县13142503138: difficult用法 -
崇俭皮肤: ◆艰难内务部说,大马人对4D工作,即 艰难(Difficult),危险(Danger),肮脏(Dirty)及灰尘(Dust)不屑一顾,是导致我国过度依赖非法外劳的原因.◆困难的. Dynamic(动态的)Single(单一的) Diverse(多样化的)Simple(简单的)...

镇原县13142503138: difficult单复数用法 -
崇俭皮肤: difficult是 adj difficulty 是n 仅指难事 难点 难题时用difficulty 困境 尤其指财政困境时 用difficulties 如in difficulties-经济拮据

镇原县13142503138: hard、difficult的区别、用法如题两个都是困难啊?怎么用 -
崇俭皮肤:[答案] difficult 多单指技术性的难度.需要智慧采恩能够解决的,比如一个很难解决的问题之类的 hard 多于用任务量的繁重,可能是体力上的,时间紧迫,压力大之类的形容,比difficult常用很多.ardous 则指非常艰巨的大型任务 toug...

镇原县13142503138: difficut 有哪些用法 -
崇俭皮肤: difficult ['difikəlt] adj. 1. 难的,困难的,艰难的,难做的,难制的,费劲的,费力的,麻烦的,需要花工夫或技术才能完成的,不是轻而易举的 2. 难懂的,难解的,难以理解(或解决)的,深奥的,复杂艰涩的 3. 难对付的,难相处的,不易相处...

镇原县13142503138: difficult怎么读? -
崇俭皮肤: difficult :英[ˈdɪfɪkəlt],美[ˈdɪfɪkəlt]. 一、含义 adj.困难的; 费力的; 难做的; 难解的; 问题很多的; 充满艰难困苦的; 麻烦的; 难以讨好的; 难以取悦的; 不愿帮助的; 二、用法 hard较difficult稍非正式,主要用于hard to believe/...

镇原县13142503138: difficult是什么意思中文翻译 -
崇俭皮肤: adj. 困难的;艰难的;(人)难对付的;不易知相处的 句子中的用法1、用作定语~+ n. English is a difficult language to learn. 英语是一门难学的语言.道 2、用作表语S+be+~ I appreciate the task will be long and difficult. 我懂得这项任务专是长...

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