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2,新加坡植物园,Singapore Botanic Gardens

3,鱼尾狮公园,Merlion Park
4,新加坡动物园,Singapore Zoo
5,新加坡佛牙寺,Buddha Tooth Relic Temple

Singapore is an island country in Southeast Asia, north across the Johore Strait and Malaysia to the south, across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia, adjacent to the south of the Malacca strait.
Singapore is a developed capitalist country in Asia. It is praised as one of the "Four Dragons of Asia". Its economic model is called "state capitalism"".
Singapore is located in the tropics. The annual temperature difference and the daily temperature difference are small, and the average temperature is between 23 and 34 degrees centigrade。
Singapore is a multilingual country, has 4 official languages, namely English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Singapore uses English as the main language and language of instruction.
Singapore is a foreign trade driven economy, with electronic, petrochemical, financial, shipping and service industries, highly dependent on the United States, Japan, Europe and neighboring markets, the total volume of foreign trade is four times of GDP.
Singapore tourist attractions include: Universal Studios Singapore, Sentosa, Clarke Quay, highly developed transportation network provides convenience for tourism.

我刚从那里回来 哈哈~~
The Merlion, locates at the Singapore city, is the symbol of Singapore. The statue is 8 meters in height, 40 tons in weight, and a strain of water can also be pured out from the lion's head, it was constructed by the scuptor Mr.LinNanand his two children and was finished in May,1972.At the back of the Merlion,there are four stones, which indicating the stroy of the Merlion symboling Singapore , in a small square, there is also a litlle, mimic Merlion beside the real one.When you went to the top of the Merlion looking beneth at the habour at night, you can see the dazzling lights and the dim ship shadow, a good sight of the sea country.

help me !!(哈哈,开玩笑的)


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新加坡旅游景点英文介绍 新加坡旅游景点英文介绍带翻译
Its famours landmarks and scenic pots are the Night Safari and Merlion Park which is in Sentosa(圣陶沙,新加坡著名也是主要的旅游景点).OK,l think you are all very excited to visit them,let us go now! 请用英文介绍一下新加坡的旅游景点!!谢谢Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and attract...

英语作文 描写新加坡60词
Singapore is a small country in Asia.Now it has a population of about four million.Among them,seventy-six percent are Chinese.English and Chinese are official languages in singapore.新加坡是亚洲的一个小国。现在它有大约400万人口,其中76%是华人。英语和汉语是新加坡的官方语言。The tempera...

Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, and often referred to as the Lion City, the Garden City, and the Red Dot, is a global city and sovereign state in Southeast Asia and the world's only island city-state. It lies one degree (137 km) north of the equator, at ...

写作思路:主要介绍新加坡。正文:Singapore is adjacent to Malaysia across the Johor Strait in the north, Indonesia across the Singapore Strait in the south, and the south mouth of the Malacca Strait. In addition to Singapore Island (accounting for 88.5% of the national area), Singapo...

简单写一个新加坡的国家介绍希望能帮到你 Singapore The English language name Singapore comes from Malay Singapura, "Lion-city," but it is possible that one element of its name had a more distant original source.Singapore is a popular travel destination, making tourism one of its ...

新加坡是一个多语言的国家,拥有4种官方语言,即英语,马来语,华语和泰米尔语。他们采用英语,作为主要的通行语和教学语。Singapore is a foreign trade driven economy, with electronic, petrochemical, financial, shipping and service industries, highly dependent on the United States, Japan, Europe ...

新加坡介绍 英汉结合
景点介绍鱼尾狮公园( MERLION )新加坡著名的鱼尾狮像就坐落于新加坡河畔,是新加坡的标志和象征。该塑像高 8 米,重 40 吨,狮子口中喷出一股清水,是由雕刻家林南先生和他的两个孩子于 1972 年共同雕塑的。 狮头鱼身坐立在水波上的鱼尾狮,其设计概念是将事实和传说合二为一:狮头代表传说中的“狮城”新加坡。鱼尾...

英文版新加坡介绍 中文翻译

rentals dirty side. Singapore's land area is 699.4 square kilometers.! ! Is smaller than that of Guangzhou.As for the cost of living in Singapore is vary from person to person, a person must be at least 700 new coins a month. Material prices than China, Hong Kong high.

and wooden lighters 新加坡不仅是一个岛,一个主岛63周围的小岛。主要岛屿有总土地面积682平方公里。然而,小体积掩盖了其经济增长。仅在150年,新加坡已经发展成为一个繁荣的商业和工业中心。昔日作为转口已经减少,国家增加了其生产基地。新加坡是世界上最繁忙的港口超过600航运公司发送超级油轮,集装箱船 ...

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 一篇80词左右的描写新加坡旅游胜地英语短文用上beautiful views,lost of museums,good place for shopping等词汇 -
谢映达福:[答案] Singapore a beautiful island which is about four hours flight from Guangzhou,As before our flight landed in Singapore Island the beautiful area view can be seen form the plane,with beautiful high raise buildings green plants,I had visited some of the ...

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 新加坡有哪些著名旅游景点(附英文名称)以及它们的简要简介 -
谢映达福: http://www.visitsingapore.com/publish/stbportal/en/home/sub_landing_pages/What_To_See0.html

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 有没有人可以帮我写一篇关于新加坡著名景点和美食的英文文章啊,谢谢啦! -
谢映达福:[答案] Singapore food sucks...

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 写篇英语作文,是去新加坡旅游的介绍一下新加坡 -
谢映达福:[答案] 花园城市! 环保城市! 科技之城! …………………… 吹吧~虽然我都不太赞同! p.s.新加坡动物园很好玩!别具特色!

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 英语英语介绍新加坡鱼尾狮塔 -
谢映达福: 鱼尾狮塔是圣淘沙的标志,更是新加坡的旅游标志!它是新加坡最高的自由式结构建筑,鱼尾狮身上的320片鱼鳞还是由光导纤维制成的呢,到了夜晚,便会不断变换颜色,醒目而美丽!The Merlion is a sign of Sentosa, Singapore's tourism ...

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 请问有谁知道新加坡这几个旅游景点的英文名字: 1、滨海湾金沙 2、环球影城 3、新加坡摩天轮...... 看补充
谢映达福: 滨海湾金沙Marina Bay Sands 环球影城universal studio 夜间动物园 safari 摩天轮 singapore flyer 乌节路 bujis 克拉码头Clarke Quay 新加坡动物园Singapore Zoo 裕廊飞禽公园Jurong Bird Park 圣淘沙岛Sentosa 我在新加坡数学 这些是最地道的本地人说法.

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 按下表用英语介绍一下新加坡.60词左右.假设你是一名导游,请根据下表提供的信息,用英语介绍一下新加坡.60词左右.位置:在东南亚(Southeast Asia),... -
谢映达福:[答案] Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and within easy each of China.You can relax and enjoy the nice air,the blue sky and the clean water there.At the same time,the Night Safari and the Merlion Park are also should not be missed.

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 英语翻译我去了新加坡玩,这是一个面积很小的国家,三面环海,那里天气比较热,常年高温多雨,新家坡市是新家坡的首都,是世界上最漂亮的城市之一,... -
谢映达福:[答案] During the summer holiday,I have had a vocation in Singapore.It is a country with small area,and surrounded by sea on three sides. ...我本来翻译完了,但是这个只限制发100字.

湘西土家族苗族自治州13430563401: 用英语介绍新加坡HI,新加坡在东南亚,离中国很近.他是个美丽的城市.空气清新,蓝天碧水.有夜间野生动物园,那里有可爱、懒惰的考拉,他白天睡觉,晚... -
谢映达福:[答案] HI,everyone!Singapore in Southeast Asia,from China's close.He is a beautiful city.Clean air,blue sky and clear water.A Night Safari,where a lovely,lazy koalas,he slept during the day and night to eat the leaves.Merlion Park Merlion very beautiful.We like ...

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