
作者&投稿:僪谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 第31集。功夫熊猫说的话:昨日已成历史,明天是个谜,但今天是一份礼物。


  One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it






  There is a saying,

  Yesterday is history

  Tomorrow is a mystery

  But today is a gift

  That is why it’s called the present (the gift)


  Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it’s called the present (the gift)


“昨天是历史,明天是未知,今天是礼物”这句话出自以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影《功夫熊猫》。电影台词原文:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.译文:昨天已成历史,明天还是神秘之事,只有今天才是上帝给我们的恩赐。...

1. 一切都不是偶然。 There are no accidents.2. 何必躲呢,躲不过的。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3. 着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if ...

1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it 2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to...

功夫熊猫经典台词 There are no accidents.世间无巧合。You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。师父与熊猫的对话,也可以感受到一些,熊猫的现状不就是大多数人的现状吗?心怀梦想,却总以为是奢望,不想做的事情却逼不得已去做,想要改变,却发现,改变...

1、世间无巧合。There are no accidents.2、欲避之,反促之。One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3、你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it ...

功夫熊猫是一部非常好看,有深意的电影,里面的好句子也有很多,我摘抄了一些好句子,如下:1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。2.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。3.俗语说,过去的,已经过去了 未来的,还未可知 现在,却是上苍的礼赠 那就是为什么今天是present(现在\/礼物)Th...

这是一部很有启发意义的电影,故事内容一直围绕着熊猫阿宝寻找自己的使命和潜能,和他领悟到每个人都有自己的独特之处,只需做好自己,无需成为别人。下面我把电影中的一些经典台词摘录如下:1、 心如止水,气很重要。2、 什么时候才能领悟,取之越多失之越多。3、 在交战之前,意念已经开战,因此...

1. There are no accidents. 世间无巧合。2. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 欲避之,反促之。3. Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes ...

【功夫熊猫】里,有没有经典的,搞笑的台词。不少于十句。 急!~ 3Q...
1.一切都不是偶然。There are no accidents.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it 3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow ...

1、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。2、你的思想早岩就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。3、昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。4、从来没有什么意外。5、是啊 ,不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,陆樱御你可能...

醴陵市19549571028: 《功夫熊猫(中文版)》中的经典对白 -
藤蚁甘悦: 1、世间无巧合. There are no accidents. 2、欲避之,反促之. One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 3、你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了. Your mind is like this ...

醴陵市19549571028: 《功夫熊猫》中20句经典台词有哪些?
藤蚁甘悦: you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了. Why didn't you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了. 我留下来是因为每次...

醴陵市19549571028: 谁可以帮我找到《功夫熊猫》的经典对白啊? -
藤蚁甘悦: 1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了. Your mind is like this water, my friend , ...

醴陵市19549571028: 《功夫熊猫》中40句经典台词有哪些? -
藤蚁甘悦: 1.世间无巧合(存在的就是合理的) There are no accidents. 2.欲避之,反促之. One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it3.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了. Your ...

醴陵市19549571028: 求功夫熊猫经典台词
藤蚁甘悦: 功夫熊猫经典台词 Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似这潭湖水,如果波澜起伏,就会模糊不清,但是如果平静下来,解决之道必将自现. 小四之...

醴陵市19549571028: "功夫熊猫"里的5句经典台词 -
藤蚁甘悦: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知. 此外还有一些话,蛮好的啦,乍一看很普通,结合影片,结合实际,结合自己来看的话,感觉会很不同. There are no accidents.世间无巧合. You just need to believe ....

醴陵市19549571028: 求功夫熊猫中的经典台词 -
藤蚁甘悦: Nothing is impossible. (听的我一惊啊当时``) I understand.U eat when u upset. ...so why r u upset? Quit?Don't quit~Noodles?Don't noodles~ Oh~~shifu~well it is just news~there is no good or bad~............That is bad news.. Yes.Look at this tree,...

醴陵市19549571028: 功夫熊猫2经典台词是什么?? -
藤蚁甘悦: That was pretty hardcore 阿宝多次说悍娇虎是hardcore铁娘子.It was the worst day of my life. By far nothing else came close. It was the worst, most painful, mind-destroyed, ho...

醴陵市19549571028: 玩具总动员和功夫熊猫的故事梗概以及经典台词? -
藤蚁甘悦: 山青水秀的和平谷有点类似武当山,因为同样都住着一群武林高手.然而不同的是,和平谷中的武林高手,全都是动物. 熊猫阿宝(杰克·布莱克)大概是谷中少有的不会武功的居民.又肥又迟钝的阿宝在父亲经营的面馆里工作,父亲希望阿宝...

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