
作者&投稿:素容 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


He became a hero for his unshakable spirit.坚韧的精神是他成为英雄. His desire for life stood strong against oblivion. 他对生活强烈渴望,反对背叛.I would like you to think that he triumphantly regained what was promised him, became the best father who ever did love a child, the dearest companion to a dearest wife.希望你愿意相信在他得到许诺给他的东西后,他可以成为最爱孩子的父亲,最爱妻子的伴侣.

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As the Internet and the rapid development of private enterprise logistics, business purchase the goods have been more and more convenient and popularization, then promote the all walks of life between the rapid development of the logistics industry. Manufacturing and service market competition advantage depends on more and more modern logistics provide speed, cost, quality, and efficiency. How to use and play the logistics management system in the whole of the goods collection, transportation, distribution, receive on time to the press in each link overall turnover efficiency, more and more get the attention of many managers. This paper makes a study of the logistics management for the enterprise logistics system of rules, logistics facilities, supply chain management, logistics information management, warehousing and inventory management and reverse logistics management and so on various aspects, the use of logistics management theory and combining with the latest development of domestic and international logistics management situation, for the "electric appliance Co., LTD material management of all aspects of a detailed analysis. Find the logistics system design and because the system is not perfect, and the material information can not be Shared, warehouse management and distribution of goods not science, make whole logistics system play up less than a better result. For the problems found put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions.
Keywords: logistics, logistics management, survival situation, logistics construction

With the rapid development of Internet and private enterprise's logistics, commercial procurement of goods has become increasingly convenient and universal, thus promoting rapid development of logistics industry in all walks of life between.Manufacturing and service sectors of competitive advantage in the marketplace depends increasingly on modern logistics provides the speed, cost, quality and efficiency.How play a logistics management system and can be used throughout the collection, transportation, distribution, receipt of goods on time taken to all aspects of the overall working efficiency, more and more attention by many managers.Article research logistics management for the enterprise logistics system planning of facilities, logistics, supply chain management, logistics management, warehousing and inventory management and reverse logistics management in all its aspects, theoretical knowledge and application of logistics management logistics management at home and abroad with the latest development, elegance shine electric appliance limited detailed analysis of all aspects of materials management.Find due to the design of logistics system and the system is not perfect, material information cannot be shared in a timely manner, warehousing management, and distribution of goods not scientific so that better results could not play the entire logistics system.Appropriate countermeasures against the problems found by and recommendations.Keywords: logistics, logistics management, living situation, construction of logistics

With the advent of the Internet and the rapid development of private logistics enterprises, commercial procurement of goods has become more and more convenient and popular, thereby promoting the rapid development of all walks of life between the logistics industry. The manufacturing industry and service industry competitive edge in the market more and more depend on the modern logistics to provide speed, cost, quality and efficiency. How to use and develop logistics management system in the whole cargo collection, transportation, distribution, receive on time according to each link in the overall working efficiency, more and more many managers. This paper mainly studies the logistics management for the enterprise logistics system planning, logistics, supply chain management, logistics information management, warehousing and inventory management of reverse logistics management and other aspects, the use of logistics management theory and combining the domestic and international logistics management of the latest developments in the situation, the NGA Yiu electric appliance Limited company material management aspects detailed analysis. Find out because of the logistics system design and the system is not perfect, material information cannot be shared, warehouse management and goods delivery is not scientific, so that the entire logistics system play the better effect. In view of the problems identified by the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion.

Key words: logistics, logistics management, survival situation, logistics construction

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