
作者&投稿:阳喻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I would rather quit this war between three of us than fight with them,so that to stop it. \

楼上翻译的太 逐字逐句了。

It's hard to imagine a creative thinking how can companies or organizations in this highly competitive and complex environment to survive?

Make use of its product brands to guide consumers to make a decision to enter into the next century, the market competition is the ultimate brand strength. The future of marketing across national boundaries, intangible assets brand competition. Have a brand equity, it means that have a competitive capital.

The establishment of the fundamental brand equity, it needs is time and huge capital investments. The success of Coca-Cola, Mercedes Benz of excellence, not a few years will have become, nor is it due to the efforts of a small number of people. From this point, the establishment of corporate brand equity is not a given in respect of a matter, it is not the end of a runway. Brand asset management is the highest realm of business operations. Business and investors will recognize the brand is the company's most valuable asset. Has a market than have a factory and more important. The only way to have a market advantage for their market brand "brand is to create sustainable, stable and unique tangible and intangible benefits of our competitive advantage is through products, services and consumers created the need for organizations to proactively pursue and to maintain a relationship. brands in the market, good sales performance and with consumers to establish a more stable relationship, they gradually accumulate assets for the brand. brand equity is the one of the most valuable long-term investment. brand assets value as follows:
.Is the basis of the high prices of products.
.The formation of a competitive advantage
.More effect on the new consumers and retain existing consumers.
.Can give reasons for consumers to buy and confidence, reduce the purchase decision-making process, improve the use of satisfaction
.Improving efficiency in the implementation of marketing plans.
.Promote the expansion of trade as a lever.

The implementation of the strategic management of brand equity is not only a process, it requires the top management of the brand asset management commitment, the only way to support and nurture this brand equity is deeply implanted in the ultimate objective of the enterprise culture. In the "Brand Leadership" (Brand Leadership) (Free Press), a book, the author David • actarit and Eric •乔基姆塞勒to all-round research companies (Total Research) the rights and interests of the trend (EquiTrend) information Library-based, pointing out that the brand equity and equity returns in the causal link between. "Rate of return on investment and equity returns between the strong correlation, which is carried out by the financial results of the analysis a great deal of experience consistent," Ake and 乔基姆塞勒 to talk about in their book Road, "Clearly, brand assets and equity returns in the relationship between the almost equally close. "

"From the brand equity of access to the best interests of the company, their rate of return on average equity 30%; the other hand, those who most serious loss of brand equity companies, and their rate of return on average equity -10%; At the same time, brand equity return on investment almost no effect, the two little relevance. By comparison, advertising on the equity returns have no impact, unless it be the impact of brand equity. "
The author points out that brand equity and equity returns in the close relationship between brand equity may be derived from the tendency to support the price premium, and the price premiums help to improve the profitability of enterprises. "This relationship is built on a cause and effect relationship based on: the need to price premiums strong brands, while the price of premium high-quality means," they wrote, "When the business or is likely to provide high levels of perceived quality, not only to raise prices to increase profit margins and help to strengthen the brand perception. "
Clearly, the use of brand asset management as a key advantage is that it can improve the return on investment brands; In addition, it can not only maximize the brand's growth potential, but also to prevent customers "disloyal incentive"; Finally, this management approach organization's senior management staff and other personnel to provide a principle that the priority allocation of resources and all the decision-making are committed to the same goal: to maximize the brand's long-term value. The above shows that the brand asset management, enterprises can bring high return on investment, enhance the future competitiveness.


1.Interpreters shall be capable of, not only providing interpretation in the daily life, but also handling work under special circumstances, like large conferences and business negotiations, etc.
2.The company claims the recent economic development trend causing its deficit.
3. My e-mail box is crammed with spams again. It's really disgusting!

1 interpret a personnel have to since can handle the translation in the daily life, can also handle such as the large meeting, the business talks waits under special circumstance of translation.

2 companies place the blame for deficiency on the top of the trend of recent economy development

3"my electronics mailbox and then heap were full spam!This lets me vexed!

hand KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 手 She went to prepare him a meal with her own hands.她去亲手为他做一顿饭。2. (钟表等的)指针 A watch has three hands -- the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.手表有三根指针--秒针、分针和时针。3. 笔迹,书法[S]She writes a ...


左手:left hand 右手:right hand 希望采纳

英语spectacular hand怎么翻译?
spectacular hand 翻译为:令人惊叹的手 关键词spectacular解析:音标:英 [spek'tækjələ(r)]     美 [spek'tækjələr]意思:adj. 壮观的;令人惊叹的 n. 壮观;豪华节目 近义词:dramatic 戏剧性的 sensational 轰动的 wonderful 精彩的 imposing 令人难忘...

"手指" 在英文中可以翻译为 "fingers"。手指是我们手部的一部分,通常用于感知和处理物体。人类的手部有五个手指,包括拇指、食指、中指、无名指和小指。拇指是手指中最短、粗壮且具有独立旋转能力的手指。它位于手掌的一侧,可以与其他手指相对抓握物体。拇指在我们的日常生活中扮演了非常重要的角色,它使...

上帝之手的英文为The hand of god,缩写是hand of god。重点词汇解释:1、god n. 神;(大写首字母时)上帝 vt. 膜拜,崇拜 双语例句:To his followers he was a god.对他的追随者们来说,他是个神一般的人物。2、hand n. 手,手艺;帮助;指针;插手 vt. 传递,交给;支持;搀扶 双语...

the palm of the hand

old hand绝不是中式英语,经常看英文原版电影的都应该知道.red hand也对,但用的不多.其他的也对,但是口头不这么用.

hand in hand

问题一:拉手英文单词是什么 拉手可以理解为三个意思:手拉着手,翻译过来就是hand in hand 拉拉手,翻译过来是shake hands 门拉手,这个拉手翻译过来就是handle 问题二:五金拉手英语怎么说 metal handle 问题三:外门拉手用英语怎么说 你好!外门拉手 Outside the door handle 问题四:各种门把手...

英山县15899209303: 帮手英语怎么拼 -
重唯胸腺: Helper, help, assistant

英山县15899209303: 帮手用英语怎么说?help行吗?那helper又是啥意思? -
重唯胸腺:[答案] help 可以作帮手解释,helper 也可以解释为帮忙者,助手. 下面的例句来自金山词霸: You've been a great help.A food processor is a help to the serious cook. 你是个很得力的帮手.食物加工机对于任务繁重的厨师来说是个有用的帮手

英山县15899209303: 帮手英语翻译 -
重唯胸腺: I'm going to prepare for the immigration of table

英山县15899209303: 帮手翻译成英语,谢谢
重唯胸腺: Abstract: Since the rooms on either side vehicle has entered China the status to be very awkward, but the rooms on either side vehicle is not lower than three theater box vehicles from the security and the usability, what but it cannot enter the ...

英山县15899209303: 帮手翻译句英语! -
重唯胸腺: MTR food, travel, entertainment information, you can check on the Guangzhou Metro network http://www.gzmtr.com/

英山县15899209303: 帮手用英文翻译白雪公主(简短的). -
重唯胸腺: Snow White has a wicked stepmother, she is actually jealous of Snow White's beautiful, so called hunters to kill her, but hunters released Snow White, then, Snow White and the seven dwarves live together, and later, stepmother know Snow White ...

英山县15899209303: 英语句子帮手翻译成中文
重唯胸腺: 只有一个完美的道路.这是你的前面,总是你的前面

英山县15899209303: 帮手翻译成英文
重唯胸腺: I love you always, But why is it necessary every time I hurt? I feel selfish Hello, you can only use the phrase "I'm sorry" to apologize. Again and again to forgive you, but you hurt me again and again,. Difficult to play other people's feelings very happy!...

英山县15899209303: 我是家里的小帮手翻译成英语 -
重唯胸腺:[答案] I am a home's little helper!

英山县15899209303: 帮手翻译下这句英语
重唯胸腺: 每片药含有氢化泼尼松5毫克

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