大家帮忙做几道改错的英语题目 求了

作者&投稿:虫沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

8 leaves 改成 left
9 come 改成 came
10 catch 改成 catching


第一题:把C改为of。固定短语be afraid of 表示“害怕。。”
第四题:把B改为millions of 。因为像百、千,这样的词,表示具体数字时不可以加of,加上of 后要加s,如millions of 表示“数以百万的”
第六题:把D改为by bike 。因为表示去哪里的方式时,要用by加交通工具,这里要用单数。
(1)swim across the swimming pool
(2) behind the house
(3)in front of the library

翻译1:swim across the swimming pool 2.behind the house 3.in front of the library

2.A trys
3.不懂了 C along?? 如果对了,出题的人太傻X,肯定是中国家庭妇女啊。老美从来不这么说。散步应该是take a walk 或者 take walks. e.g. take walks with family
5.D. yes 或者 no. 感觉这题很傻X

1,C of
2.A tries
4. millions
5. Shall we....
6.D.by bike

swim through the swimmimg pool; behind the house; in front of the library

millions of
shall we
by bike
swim across the pool
behind the house
in front of the library

大家帮忙做几道改错的英语题目 求了
第一题:把C改为of。固定短语be afraid of 表示“害怕。。”第二题:把A改为tries。因为由后面的catches可知该句为一般现在时,主语为he,要用动词的单三形式。第三题:把C改为along。因为across是横穿的意思,表示沿着街道走,介词应当用along。第四题:把B改为millions of 。因为像百、...

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因为无法辨认A、B、C、D对应的单词,所以只能这样修改.,2,我想问改错题还有ABCD???,2,求大神帮忙做几道英语改错题 31.The old artist is in the habit of going for a walk in the park every morning except it rains.A B C D 32.He went to the library and spent the whole aftern...

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改为 looking 33. The book was so 【bored】 that I returned it to the library without finishing it.改为boring 34. Jack was in the conference room discussing plans with the other committee members when the chairman 【had called】 to say he’d be late.改为 called 35. Maradona,...

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美兰区13448864251: 请帮我做几道英语改错题..谢谢! -
罗贝帅孚: 1.haven't 改为don't2.listening 改为listened3.to 改为with4.will 改为would5.watched 改为watching 不懂欢迎追问,祝你开心.

美兰区13448864251: 求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下 It was time for ... -
罗贝帅孚:[答案] It was time for supper. The Bakers was sitting 1:( 第二个was改为were ) at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny 2:... ( the 改为a ) pushing the crowd ,and ran way .What could she do ? She 7:( pushing改为pushed ) had to ask a police on duty for ...

美兰区13448864251: 几道英语的改错题不会.大家帮下!
罗贝帅孚: 1. twins---twin 2. look---look at 3. a删去

美兰区13448864251: 几道英语改错题!HELP!!
罗贝帅孚: 1.On November the second day,this's my mother's birthday.<三处错误> The second day of November is my mother's birthday. 2.My father and I want to (plan to删去) celebrate for her.<一处> 3.My father wants to make a present for my mother by (...

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罗贝帅孚: 1 C on on the way home 在回家的路上 2 C depend on depend是不及物动词,要加on才能接宾语 3 A whose 表示the room's 4 C install 结构:have sb do sth 5 D extend 结...

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罗贝帅孚:[答案] Dear Mom, Mother's Day is coming.I'm sorry that I am abroad and can't send you flowers,so I'm writing to you. Mom,I kown I ... but also teaching me how to be a good person.Thank you for all that you had done for me.Mom,though I may often say it,I do love...

美兰区13448864251: 请教大家几道英语练习题,答对的我会追加!一、改错:1.He can't wait opening the box.__________________2.Tomorrow will be October 23th.__________... -
罗贝帅孚:[答案] wait for opening 23rd 去掉in likes an take--bring want to help have--be at the same you'll be tired bank price the 1990s none--no ...

美兰区13448864251: 几道英语的改错题,帮忙解答一下.谢谢! -
罗贝帅孚: 1.but 改为 and/so 2.a half改为 half a 3.put on it 改为 put it on 4.are 改为 is 5.play 改为 playing 6.likes 改为 like 7.are 改为 is 8.watch 改为 watching 9.by 改为 on 10.on 改为 in

美兰区13448864251: 五道英语改错题 -
罗贝帅孚: 1. pollution前面加上the2. bigger改成larger3. billion改成million4. flight打错,应该是fightcrime变成复数形式crimes5. problems变成problem

美兰区13448864251: 几个改错的英语题目!求解!!!
罗贝帅孚: 1.Mrs. williams was a baker three years ago,but now he is a hairdreesser.(两个时态反了) 2.There were hundreds of people on the square to celebrate the National Day.(1.人要用复数 2.hundreds of是词组,译为成百上千 3.people大概你打错了,...

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