
作者&投稿:师狮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 九年级下册英语第12单元Sectionffn在教材的第50页。
九年级下册英语Unit12 SectionB课文翻译:2b 部分翻译
  Read the passage quickly.Then match each paragraph with the main idea.
Paragraph 1 The most famous trick played


  Paragraph 2 Examples of funny stories that happened on April Fool's Day


  Paragraph 3 An introduction to April Fool's Day


  Paragraph 4 A sad story that happened on April Fool's Day





1.—What class are you in?—I’m in ___, ___.A. grade seven,class three B. class Three, grade Seven C. Class Three,Grade Seven 答案:C 2.—What color is the coat?—It’s ___.A.heavy B.fifty-four C.blue 答案:C 从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填...

1 he used to get up early.he has got used to get up early.2.he is used to get up ealy.he gets used to get up early.3. he will get used to get up early.he is geting uesed to get up early.4. the bottle is used for keeping water.the bottle keeps water.5. Such...

Unit 1 This is my day 1.晨练 2. 吃早饭 3. 上英语课 4. 进行体育活动 5. 吃晚饭 6. 爬山 7. 购物;买东西 8. 弹钢琴 9. 去远足 10. 看望(外)祖父母 11.什么时候 12.夜晚;晚上 13.起床 14.在……点钟 15.中午 16.通常;一般 17. 经常 18. 有时候 19.周末 20. 看电视 ...

序数词一到三是特殊变化,first、second、third。序数词四到十九,都是由基数词加th构成,其中第五、第八、第九、第十二是特殊变化,如fourth 第四、fifth 第五、sixth 第六、seventh 第七、eighth 第八、ninth 第九,tenth 第十、eleventh 第十一、twelfth 第十二、thirteenth 第十三、fourteenth 第...

七年级下册英语下册新目标第十二单元B部分3a给赵培的回信 Dear Dr Know I'm not happy. I have too many rules in my house ,I have to get up at six o'clock every moring.I can't watch TV on school nights .And I have to be in bed by ten o'clock .On weekends,I have ...

在他们的空闲时间,他们想着去干什么能找到乐子。然而,很少人想着他们可以做些什么去帮助那些没有我们自己幸运的人。做志愿者去帮助他人是打发我们闲暇时间的好方法。例如,我们可以计划去医院看生病的孩子们或者为无家可归的人募捐钱。有些人甚至停止工作一个月或一年去一些像非洲的某一个国家的地方, ...


at school nights. I have to finish my homework, and then I do some reading. On the weekends, I like to buy good books and CDs. My mother always goes shopping with me. I think you need to talk to your parents about your life. I hope you will have fun soon.Nancy ...

Zip:Saturday,at 12 o'clock.Oh,no!(星期六,12点,哦,不! )相关信息 该书是根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》编写,本书以现代教育学、心理学和社会学为指导,以素质教育为目的,突出“以学生发展为本”的现代教育观念,具有鲜明的时代特点和首都特色。本书根据五年级小学生的特点,在...

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倪姚富尔:[答案] 你应该快点写!你会用英语写作吗?你会用电子邮件英语吗?或许不会.电子邮件英语是一种用于节省时间的新的书面英语写作方式. 许多电子邮件英语中用的单词看上去可能是新奇的——许多像是在胡言乱语!这是因为他们来自于...

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倪姚富尔: 亲爱的劳拉: 非常感谢你的来信,在法国在我的交换计划中我度过了一个非常棒的 时间.甚至好到超过了我的想象.在我到达之前我有些紧张,但这是没有理由 紧张的,接待我家的住人非常友好.他们为了我感觉像是在自己家一样而放下了很...

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倪姚富尔: 谢谢你的来信.是的,我在法国的交流学生生活很愉快.甚至比我以前想象的还好.来之前我有点紧张,但都是毫无缘由的.我的房东很好,他们竭力让我不敢到拘束.而且你想象不到我的法语提高得有多快!现在我的法语讲的轻松自如.尽管...

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倪姚富尔: Here are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan .First of all,you should not point at anyone with your chopsticks.Next you aren't supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.And it's rude to stick your ...

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倪姚富尔: 2b: excuse me. 对不起. do you know where I can exchange money? 你知道我在哪里可以兑换钱? sure. 确定. There's a bank on the second floor. 有一个银行在二楼. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right. 乘电梯到二楼,然后右...

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倪姚富尔: 1 he used to get up early.he has got used to get up early. 2.he is used to get up ealy.he gets used to get up early. 3. he will get used to get up early.he is geting uesed to get up early. 4. the bottle is used for keeping water.the bottle keeps water. 5. ...

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