请高手来讲解一英语题:Indeed,this was the fourth time that I have had to witness my...

作者&投稿:泣哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请高手来讲解一英语题:Indeed,this was the fourth time that I have had to witness my...~

首先,witness sb doing sth 。
所以是不可能选A的,而这里,husband和police之间是被动的关系,所以只能用being dragged 这种表被动的。

句子it was 就表明了 已经是过去了,那么他之前去山村看孩子就是过去的过去了!

Indeed,this was the fourth time that I have had to witness my husband ( C ) from our home by the police. A.dragging B.dragged C.being dragged D.having dragged (请

其实,我看着我丈夫被警察拖走, 这已经是第四次了。
the husband 是被警察拖走的 要用被动形式 所以用be dragged
witness是动词 后面要跟动词的动名词形式 所以要用being


Indeed, the fourth was a product that I wish to have greatly witness husband () is the home by police - B.d A.d ragging j ragged eing D.h aving dragged mount dragged

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| 船费 passage bed: 过渡层 passage tax: 使用税 例句:1. The bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles.这座桥不够牢固,车辆不能通行。2. i had 2 find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路,3. Passage 2 The Meaning of Life?生命的意义是什么?

潮安县15788902547: 请高手来讲解一英语题:Indeed,this was the fourth time that I have had to witness my... -
邰宣霸灵: 重点在witness,亲眼目睹,其搭配就是doing

潮安县15788902547: 请教英语高手 - Indeed, what is called body language is so much a part of us that it'
邰宣霸灵: a part of us就是说“我们的一部分”或者说“融入了我们自己” so much,“如此的” 整句话的意思是:“确实如此,肢体语言是如此的融入了我们,成为我们的一部分,以致它常常被忽略了.”

潮安县15788902547: 英语高手进来帮我看一道词汇题,谢谢了 In order to repair barns,build fences,grow crops,and care for animals a farmer must indeed be____ --
邰宣霸灵:[选项] A. restless B. skilled C. strong D. versatile 正确答案是选A,但我搞不懂为什么,请高手麻烦帮我详细分析一下这道题吧,多谢了!

潮安县15788902547: 跪求英语高手讲解分析这段话词汇语法等等,我已经有翻译了. -
邰宣霸灵: 1,seem simple系表结构 2,副词indeed3,solution后面是一个定语从句4,词组win a prize , work on., close in on,

潮安县15788902547: 一道英语题请高手解答 -
邰宣霸灵: used to do用来表示“过去常常,曾经……” 也算是不定式的一个短语.英语中,有的时候为了避免重复,常会省略to后面,上文中出现过的动词原形.但是have和be除外.比如说: The boy wanted to ride his bicycle inthe street,but hismother told him not to.这是个省略.再比如,He finally became what he wanted to be.他终于成为了他想成为的人.

潮安县15788902547: 英语翻译We had been wandering,indeed,in the leafless shrubberyan hour in the morning; but since dinner the coldwinter wind had brought with it clouds so ... -
邰宣霸灵:[答案] 其实,早上我们还在光秃秃的灌木林中溜达了一个小时,但从午饭时起便刮起了冬日凛冽的寒风,随后阴云密布,大雨滂沱,室外的活动也就只能作罢了.第一个逗号后面的indeed是插入语,起补充说明作用.后面的"clouds so sombre"...

潮安县15788902547: 一个英语问题,请高手指导,要讲解@!!! -
邰宣霸灵: D,WEAR是穿衣服用的,PUT ON是试穿.这句话意思大概是,我要去参加Alison's的生日聚会,今晚要穿下你的新甲克,你能让我试穿下那一个么?希望可以帮到你.

潮安县15788902547: 英语的问题 请高手来解答! The energy___by the chain reaction is transformed into heat. -
邰宣霸灵:[选项] A. released B. delivered C. transferred D. conveyed 这道题什么意思 应该选什么 谢谢!

潮安县15788902547: 初中英语题请高手来讲解
邰宣霸灵: 1.where是副词,不和介词连用 2.a place是名词,in a place 3.what引导特殊问句,作主语,语序不变 so+adj+名词,所以用so,such是such+a/an+adj+名词 no Problem固定用法 everyone except me,一般只有any才和else使用

潮安县15788902547: 请高手讲解这道英语题 -
邰宣霸灵: 正解是B 考察 短语 have nothing to do with sth 和 ...无关.你觉得这本书怎么样?我觉得与我们的学习无关.

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