
作者&投稿:逮软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 漂亮的录影,不久中国就会拥有足以对抗俄国和美国的军事力量,或者中国已经拥有这种力量了。
2 美国将会因为与osama的战争而被摧毁,欧盟现在什么都不是,将来也成不了什么气候。而印度和巴西,连完善其公厕建设都是个问题。(更别谈其它的了)
3 中国将会成为一个超级大国,绝对不是暂时性的,也绝对不会是唯一的,不知道你从哪里得到的这个结论,别忘了还有欧盟,巴西,印度和美国。
4 UH-60在80年代中期(对华出口)武器禁令前出售过一些给中国,所以中国拥有的数量并不多。

楼主的那个its dragon不知道是放在哪里的?

To Whom I May Concern
This is to certify that Miss - - -,born on June 30th,1992, studied in this senior high school between September 2008 and June 2011, during which time she worked hard,respecte her teachers ,got along well with her classmates and was many times a prize-winner as an excellent cadre of the students union of this school and as a three-good student. The following are the scores of her learned subjects in every one of her four semesters:
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July 10th,2011

(ABC) Senior High School (of - - -- -)

1. an orange
2.her family name
3.telephone number
4.my cousin's electronis game
5.a yellow back pack
6.his black pencil sharpener
7.brothers and sisters/siblings
8.two green watches
9.Kate's student's identity card
10.your parents
11.Bill have a lot of healthy food for breakfast.
12.Does your uncle like cauliflower?
13.There are six tennis racket.
14.How much is the sweater?
15.Let's guard the telephone bar.

1. An orange
2. Her surname
3. Telephone number
4. My cousin's computer game
5. A decadent knapsack
6. His black pencilknife
7. Brothers sister
8. Two greens wristwatches
9. Kate's student identity card
10. Your parents
11. The Bill breakfast eats many healthy foods 12. do Your uncle like eating the cauliflower? 13.there are six tennis rackets above table
14. How much money does this woolen sweater want?
15. Let us look at the telephone

1.an orange
2.her last name(her sur name)
3.phone number
4.my cousin's computer(不知是什么电子游戏?电脑?PS?GBA?在英文中是不同的) game
5.a yellow bag
6.his black pencil-cutter
7.brother/sister(Sometimes just as "blood")
8.two green watches
9.kty's student card
10.your parents
11.Bill eats a lot of healthy food for breakfast
12.Does your uncle eats 花椰菜(no idea what this is)?
13.There are six tennis rackets on the table.
14.How much is this sweater?
Let's watch TV.
Let's pick up the phone.

请高手帮忙把这句中文翻译成英文! Can you introduce your hometown to\/for me?急!请各位高手帮忙翻译成英语。 reflection on Present Situation and counter strategies of shanxi coal export 请高手帮忙把这个中文翻译成英文 Once i lost everything, how can i lose you again.帮忙翻译个句子...

11.我在办公楼里几次遇见她,没多久就成了好朋友。(occasion)I have seen her in the building on several occasions, soon we become good friends.12.他被指控为恐怖分子提供帮助。(aid)He was accused of aiding the terrorists.13.我突然有一种冲动,想告诉老板我对他的看法。(urge)I ...

1, New Year has arrived, and each New Year will come together. Of course, we have to put fireworks to welcome the arrival of New Year. But the flower is a very dangerous place, and the children can enlarge do not own type of fireworks, so as to avoid伤身; small fireworks...

1、在校期间曾兼职过推销英语周报、洗发水等的工作,还在餐厅里做过服务员。During my stay in the school, I have been an English daily sales promoter as well as an agent for shampoo lotions. In addition, I have been an attendant in the canteen\/dinner hall 2、我性格开朗、能与周围...

you for everyone tonight, and thank you once again to our judges and all the people that support tonight's event. And Goodbye everyone!希望能帮到你~翻译里可能会有拼写错误的单词,我没有时间去检验~很抱歉~以上是个人建议~希望大家多多指教!如果有什么地方不对还请指教! 谢谢!

It feels alright to go out to catch an outrageous thrill因此感觉还好出门赶上了令人发指笳 But its more like spinning wheels of fortune但它更像纺轮翻 Which never stand still它从不固步自封 Big city, big city nights大城市、大都市之夜 You keep me burning你不让我燃烧 Big city, big...

我今年12岁,和父母住在无锡的一个小镇上,爱好弹钢琴和听音乐,闲暇时会去打乒乓,一周上五天课,一节课大概40分钟左右 I am of 12 years old this year and I live with parents in one small town of Wuxi city and I also like playing the piano and listening to music .I would like...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll ...

而且,你也会有这样一个信念,那就是,只要一直坚持自己的方向,就一定会成功!在字典里,objective可以译为:目标,目的的!原文没错。不过overcome objective 这里面的objective 的确有问题,克服\/战胜目标?所以“一问啥不知”大哥说得对,应该改为是obstacle,即克服各种困难。参考资料:手译~...

翻译这种叙事文只适宜意译:1、The 14th stop…Brussels in the Kingdom of Belgium. The atmosphere is so romantic. And the time seemingly at this time was stopped. Arnold Bennett said, a quality suggestive of poetry or painting assails your nose. It is hard to find an ordinary ...

明山区13478847857: 请高手帮我翻译英语!~谢谢
包绿单糖: 1. Do you care about me? 2. Would you like to gradually age with me? 3. Even though the result is like this, I am not regretful

明山区13478847857: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下!谢谢 -
包绿单糖: 可以这样译:1.歌伴舞,song and dance(歌舞)dance with song(歌伴舞,注意dance在前,否则就成了舞伴歌),你看自己需要哪种(下同).2.大合唱,chorus(齐声唱)cantata(相互配合的合唱,如独唱+合唱+伴奏)3.诗歌联诵,poems and songs就行.4.让我们来欣赏,please enjoy...let's enjoy...5.有请……,please welcome...或now it's ...(for us).单从汉语来看,有不同意义的英语翻译,请楼主根据实际情况,结合括号的注释灵活应用.

明山区13478847857: 帮我翻译成英语!谢谢各位英语高手!!! -
包绿单糖: Some people are not always forgetten willingly,some people are not always remenbered willingly.

明山区13478847857: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢 -
包绿单糖: Hello, my dear friend: Thank you for watching this program. If you order 10, you need to add 70 dollars post fee per set.

明山区13478847857: 请英语高手帮我翻译一句话,谢谢(汉译英) -
包绿单糖: Besides these countries on the map above,there are still long-termed and hospital guests in Canada and Poland.Meanwhile, we are looking forward for cooperation wit...

明山区13478847857: 高手帮我翻译一下英语!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!感谢啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
包绿单糖: Hi! alana, I want to die you very much!! Sorry! long time no talk with you!! because I like a bird to be kept in school. only the weekend to go home! But fortunately, I am now at the holidays! I will have up to twenty days of the holiday! so I'm so excited!! In this way, I had more time to talk to you!

明山区13478847857: 请各位英语高手翻译一下,谢谢! -
包绿单糖: 杰伊:这是一个车床?汤米:是的,它是.汤米:这是一个卡盘.汤米:这是一个刀具,那是一个工件.杰伊:噢,我明白了.杰伊:这是一个凳子吗?汤米:这将是一个老虎钳.汤米:这是一个文件,这是一个工件.杰伊:噢,我明白了.杰伊:有多少机床是贵厂生产的吗?汤米:十个.杰伊:什么样的机床?汤米:有四个车床,三个铣床、两个牛头刨床和一个钻孔机.杰伊:有多少工人在您的工作室?汤米:有九大个.杰伊:他们都是车工吗?汤米:不,七人是和两个锁匠.杰伊:没有人能操作铣床.汤米:不.六个车工可以操纵它.杰伊:这里的女人呢?汤米:有八个女人.五是工人.其他人是经理.

明山区13478847857: 请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下这个句子谢谢I've turend my back agalnst the darkness...I will never look agaln... My only path now, is theat of the light! -
包绿单糖:[答案] 第一句的意思是 我已经把转过身来,背向黑暗(是后背面对黑暗,也就是要远离黑暗的意思) 第二句是说: 我将永远都不会在回头(never侧重永远的强调语气,应该翻译出来),我现在唯一的路(或者翻译成我现在唯一要做的),就是走向光明. ...

明山区13478847857: 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,谢谢(在线等) -
包绿单糖: 1. we will wait for your news2. we hope we can cooperate sucessfully , and set up a long business relationship3. welcome to come to our factory again.

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