
作者&投稿:陈奚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

you ‘d better use plant shampoo。
You should wash your head completely with warm water。
don't leave shampoo on the hair。
after washing,you should let the hair dry naturally。

“学习是必要的,因为学习能为我们带来很多好处 learning is necessary ,because the study brings mang advantages for us.

These words must be written on the blackboard.
Press Power key, then the computer will be on.
These small trees need to be watered once every five days.
The letter was given to Sam yesterday.
Daniel is a helpful boy. He will give a hand to you when you need help.
A work order appeared on the screen just now.
You must be careful when you shop on Internet.
Please tell me how to begin the Australia online journey.

1.These words must be written on the black board.
2.After pressing the power button,the computer is opened.
3.These saplings need to be watered each 5 day.
4.This is a letter that sent to Tom yesterday.
5.Daniel is an accommodating boy,he will help you if necessary.
6.A shop order appeared on the screen just now.
7.You should be careful about shopping online.
8.Please help me about how to travel online in Australia.
绝对自创 不借助任何翻译软件!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These words must be written on the blackboard
According to the power button, the computer will be opened
The young trees watered once every five days
This letter is yesterday gave Tom's
Daniel is a helpful boy, he will be necessary to help you
A work order just appear on the screen
Online shopping you be careful
Please show me how to begin to Australia's online travel

1.These words must be written on the blackboard
2.According to the power button, the computer will be opened
3The young trees watered once every five days
4This letter is yesterday gave Tom's
5.Daniel is a helpful boy, he will be necessary to help you
6.A work order just appear on the screen
7.Online shopping you should be careful
8.Please show me how to begin to Australia's online travel

Those words must be written on the blackbord
Press the power key then the computer will be open
Those little trees must be wartered every five day
This letter send to Tom yesterday
Danile is a boy who always help others .
A work list came to the screen just now
You have to be carefull when shopping on the internet
Please show me how to start sightsee Australia online.

1.借:银行存款 800 贷:长期借款 800 2.借:在建工程 48(800*0.06)【此时利息可资本化】贷:应付利息 48 3.入账价值=500+300+48=848 借:固定资产---仓库 848 贷:在建工程 848 4.年限平均法年折旧额=(848-8)\\20=42 借:管理费用 42 贷:累计折旧 42 5...

那我给你一套试题看看吧 语文口语交际与综合性学习近年来,中考增加了语文口语交际与综合性学习的考察,此类试题是同学们容易失分的地方,尤其是各市的一些地方特色(见2008徐州市试题与试题预测),在此精选了徐州2005-2008年、南京2006-2008年、泰州2008年中考试题,希望对大家有所帮助。真题演练徐州市2005 年初中毕业、...

祝梁离歌我怜哀 你袖挥去几时返 快意却别泪失爱 乐颜笑祝你顺帆 里面有我爱你 诗的意思是我哀叹梁祝的生离死别,虽不知你这一去几时回来,但希望快意的送你离开,却也在偷偷流泪你的离去,最终强忍难过,露出笑颜的祝你一帆风顺,一路平安 ...

曹植知道哥哥存心要害死他,又伤心又愤怒。他强忍着心中的悲痛,努力地想着想着……果然,他就在七步之内作了一首诗,当场念出来:萁在釜下然,豆在釜中泣。本是同根生,相煎何太急!成 道 诗人白居易为了要求得更高深的学问,到处向人请教,但仍不能满足他强烈的求知欲。有一天地听说有一位得道...

多说话———像得了强迫症一样逼自己说话!而且一件事要重复说几遍,要诀是重复说同一件事的时候不能用一样的表达方式,比如你中午吃了很多米饭,遇到朋友你可以说:“中午米饭倍香,我吭哧吭哧吃了N多。”对老妈:“撑住了,中午光米饭就吃了一锅。”等等了 例子很粗糙(不好意思滴说~) 在生...

语文好的人进来 我还要加分
每个人都有不同的个性,在遇到特殊的情况时,反应和态度不同。在处理问题和表现自己的意志的时候,采取的方法也不同,有的管理者就会抱怨导购员和自己的步伐不一致 每个人不同,在遇到特殊情况时,态度和反映也许就会不同;在处理问题表现自己意愿的时候,采取的方式方法也不一样.有的管理者就会抱怨导购员...

(七) 礼让为先人人敬 强超抢会是祸根 (八) 平安藏心间 礼让应率先 (九) 家人盼你平安归 亲人等你去团圆 (十) 方向在手中 安全记心中 (十一) 驶上高速路 莫要抢速度 (十二) 抢道不是英雄 让行才是风尚 (十三) 把稳方向盘 不开英雄车 (十四) 途中无事故 等于高速路 (...

关于PS的问题 PS强人进来看看
把狗的用套索工具扣下来(最要用多边形套索)然后反选. 用背景橡皮擦将反选的部分全部擦出.这时候这图就只剩下狗了 背景是透明的..切换到移动工具.将狗的图片拖入人物的图片上 可以用变化调下 狗的大小 觉得合适后 用色相与饱和度 调节下 图片的亮度 和饱和度 然后输出 要是还是不东可以...



昌江区18619932298: 英语强人进来翻译几个句子 -
茶姣亚莫: 1. selecting the botanical shampoo will be appropriate. 2.wash your hair thoroughly, rinse with warm water, do not let the shampoo residue on the hair . 3 dry naturally as possible after washing.

昌江区18619932298: 英语强人进来翻译几个句子
茶姣亚莫: you 'd better use plant shampoo.You should wash your head completely with warm water.don't leave shampoo on the hair.after washing,you should let the hair dry naturally.

昌江区18619932298: 英语强人进来…翻译个句子… -
茶姣亚莫: Learning is necessary as it can bring us a lot of benifits.

昌江区18619932298: 英语强人进来帮我翻译下(人在做,天在看) -
茶姣亚莫: 直译:Whatever people do, god is watching them. *正在看,不用seeing,用 watching.其实这句话,在英文里也有类似的句子.那就是: Crime does not pay.意思是无论你做过什么坏事,终有一天会得到报应的.

昌江区18619932298: 英语强人请进,帮忙翻译一段话.
茶姣亚莫: 如果彼此的爱无法相等,那就让我当那个付出爱的比较多的人吧.

昌江区18619932298: 英文强人进来帮忙翻译一下
茶姣亚莫: RAP is a way of speaking and singing to perform a song

昌江区18619932298: 英语强人进,帮忙翻译一下
茶姣亚莫: 我的心在爱的季节!就是说动心了的意思

昌江区18619932298: 英语高手进来看看,帮我翻译几个句子
茶姣亚莫: I'd hurry up, because I feel very happy and adults can do the things you want to do. Now entering adult stage, I feel very tired, and I feel too much responsibility to undertake, perhaps in the future I will do very well. Please help me translate this passage,...

昌江区18619932298: 跪求英语强人翻译一段话 -
茶姣亚莫: piergiacomi hand tools,are professional stamped tools made by a special carbon steel,they are subjected to thermic treatme in a controlled environment. 皮耶尔贾科米手工具 是使用特殊碳钢经由受控环境的热处理制作的专业冲压工具....

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